NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

oilfieldscum's Avatar
The 7 Worst Quarterbacks Set to Start in 2014

7. Matt Schaub, Oakland Raiders

1. Ryan Fitzpatrick, Houston Texans
Yes it was good to get a linebacker with inside experience for Yates. What did we get for Dopey? A bag of used jockstraps?
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Yes it was good to get a linebacker with inside experience for Yates. What did we get for Dopey? A bag of used jockstraps? Originally Posted by Daddio
Actually we got the 5th pick in the 6th round of the draft from the Raiders for Schaub for which they took running back Alfred Blue from LSU.
Alfred Blue for Dopey is a fucking steal!!!! (So is a bag of jockstraps)!!!
fragtasticator's Avatar
What do you guys make of this AJ hold out? Is he angling for more money, or is he really trying to get moved?

What do you think O'Brien should do?

In a perfect worls, knowing full well that we are most likely going to suck again this year, I'd like to see Bill put him on the IR for clinical depression or some ish - let AJ know who the hell is in charge 'round here.

At this rate, AJ isn't going to know the playbook anyways, so it's not like he'd be that much of a loss, and it would send a powerful message to every player for the Texans that you just don't fuss with Billy boy.

I think AJ is angling for more guaranteed money. I think we can cut his ass and not pay him a shit pot full of money after this year if we choose too. I actually think we can win our weak ass division with AJ on board. Might have a shot without him. Pisses me off he is not here but NFL contracts are structured to fuck a player at anytime. He is angling to not get fucked but he is already lubed up for Rick smith and McNuttless to cornhole him. Andre sees himself face down ass up with the fluffers already working on Rick and McNuttless to get them ready.
boardman's Avatar
AJ can be cut next year with a reasonable hit to the cap. I think his angle is simply to prevent that from happening.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Just thinck you guys can own Dopey's hose for just 4 1/4 million.
g-plumber's Avatar
Matt Schaub will pound the Texans thia season. 24-7 Raiders
fragtasticator's Avatar
Matt Schaub will get pounded by the Texans this season. Originally Posted by g-plumber
Fixed that for you.
Matt Schaub will pound BT's asshole this year!!!!

Nice crib, didn't see too many jizz stains on the carpet or comforter, I guess BT swallowed!!

I did notice his little pussified weights on the floor!! I also like the hyperbolic chamber in the workout room. I have never tried one of those but bet it would be good.
BigLouie's Avatar
AJ wants to get traded but the reality is that there is no way with his contract that he can be traded. I feel his pain though. Up until now this has been a dumbshit organization making bad decisions. We did o.k. in this draft but we should have jumped up and taken Jimmy G. who is a lots better than Savage will ever be. If Case is beating out Tom for backup we are in serious trouble. Fitz is just stop gap meaning that if Savage can't turn it on this year we'll be drafting another QB next year.

AJ's problem is that he has no security past this year. Odds are that the Texans cut him no matter what. He, as all of us would, wants some job and pay security. Don't blame him for the way he feels about the organization.

As far as how the team will be next year, the Colts and Jags are way better. We'll be in a fight to get out of last place and I see it being that way for a number of years unless we get a stud QB and soon.
jstone420's Avatar
The only time savage will touch the field is in a preseason game I doubt he beat out case keenum for the backup job
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
I have not posted in this thread in the past couple of weeks and it's obvious that I have a little catching up to do. So here goes!

It's not surprising that Dopey Dude Daddio has his handy measuring tape out and is ready, willing and able to measure any and all rigid cock's on this year's free agent market.

We all know how disappointed 'Sugar' Daddio was when JFF's cock failed to measure up "at the combine."

But I have confidence that 'Sug' will soon find a free agent that will rise to his rigid specifications.

If not, there's always next years "combine."

Don't lose faith 'Sug'! Keep your eyes (and your measuring tape) on your favorite rigid popsicle.

A big ol' rigid one is bound to cum your way soon! If not this year, perhaps next!

JFF's (yet to be determined) Suckcessor -----> <-----Dopey Dude Daddio doing what he does best
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