NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BL read today's article in the chronicle about Fitz's red zone efficiency rating and you will revise your statements. Fitz's is an upgrade over Dopey's shitty ass. Not much of one but never the less he is an upgrade over that slow thinking Fucktard. At least this guy has a brain, I am not sure about Dopey!! Kubes wasn't sure about Dopes either and limited his freedom to check out of plays, they made quite the pair of dumbasses. Fitz will also benefit with the freedom to audible and get us into a better play under BOB.

Why do you think Fitz is so bad? Have you watched him play? Did you see the Rams game in Reliant several years ago??
dearhunter's Avatar
I am ready for some football........when do we put the league together........I am ready to give some shithead my money.
boardman's Avatar
I'm in
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 07-22-2014, 08:58 AM
The article Daddio is referring to was a good one. It opened my eyes to a lot of things and made me realize we have more to be concerned about than I thought. It went through every position, offense and defense.

Our offensive line is in trouble. It might get Foster and RF killed I'm afraid. If the D can stay healthy, we might be ok.

I saw AJ again last night at the crawfish place on Richmond and Weslayan. (LA Crawfish) He definitely looked to be in shape. I read he's working out at Foster's brother's new gym. It'll be interesting to see if he reports to camp this week.
jstone420's Avatar
I see andre came in early to learn the offense to much money he would lose
BigLouie's Avatar
Typical Chronicle BS. Here are the numbers

RF QB rating
2013- 82
2012- 83.3
2011- 79.1
2010- 81.8
2009- 69.7

106 TDs and 93 interceptions

2013 - 79
2012 - 90.7
2011 - 96.8
2010 - 92.0
2009 - 98.6

TD = 130
Ints = 84

Before last year Matt's WORST year was 90.7 and Ryan's BEST year was 83.3

Yea, we got us a real stud.
I never said Fitzy was a stud. I did say he is better than what we had. He played for shitty buffalo and shitty Tennessee. He did ok with shitty talent around him. Now our OL is shitty but we have playmakers like Andre, Hopkins and Foster All he has to do is deliver the ball. He has a better brain and a better arm than wet noodle arm Dopey. He won't set the world on fire but our QB play will be improved from last year.

Again also our coaching will be better. We will have options at the line of scrimmage unlike the Denny's menu brand of football we played under Kuntiak.
BigLouie's Avatar
Ryan has the reputation for being an interception machine. He tries to force the ball into spaces and he does not have the arm to make the throw. Except for last year Matt was 10 points better than him every year. Face it we have trouble right here
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
Yall talking QB and WR position. What's the deal on the kicker position though? Fat Randy still?
boardman's Avatar
Yall talking QB and WR position. What's the deal on the kicker position though? Fat Randy still? Originally Posted by Blackbuddy05
He's not a lock. He's got competition. Undrafted Rice kicker Chris Boswell is thought to have a chance.
Randy has the leg and he got some really bad kicks out of his system early last year. Let's hope it was rookie jitters. He made some decent kicks at the end of the year.

BoB has pretty much everyone on a short leash and coming into camp thinking they will have to earn their positions. The only two starters he has announced are RF and Newton.
Not sure why he's named Newton unless he thought he needed the confidence boost.
Name 1 receiver that was consistently on the field with Fitzy in Buffalo or Tennessee? Fuck yeah he had to try to fit into a small window!!!! When you have shitty receivers you have no choice but to try to fit it into a tight window.

All this except for last year talk is bullshit!!! Dopey fucking sucked every down he played for us. He just wasn't a winner. Fitzy probably isn't a winner either but Coach O'Brien shows promise to be one with his team first attitude. Will our QB play be better this year than last? Fuck yes, it couldn't get any fucking worse than last year. McNuttless's love for Kuntiak was epic!!! But the QB play last year was so horrendously terrible he was forced to part ways with his life long butt buddy and fire his ass. At times during the 12 - 4 season, Dopey was serviceable, but guess what when the chips were down and the shit hit the fan(ie Playoffs), Dopey caved like the twat he is!! And Kuntiak stood there with his thumb up his ass and stared at his fucking menu dreaming of flapjacks!!
BigLouie's Avatar
I still think we will go 6-10 and our QB play will suck and the Texans will take a QB in the first round next year.
You could be right, but we have 6 quality chances at a victory within our weak ass division.
BigLouie's Avatar
I see only 2 chances for victory, I see only the Titans as being as bad as the Texans. The Jags are a lot better than you think. They swept us last year and I see them capable of doing it again this year. Note the Texans have never beaten the Colts at their place even when we were good and they were terrible. Not going to change this year.