NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Not sure who you are talking too Skyblaster, but yes unfortunately I am a Texans fan. Been a season ticket holder since football returned to Houston. I am also a huge college football fan and huge nfl fan in general. You are right our D was pretty shitty last year. No Cushing and a SHITTY secondary particularly at safety. I am saying our division is very winnable because it is very weak. We have a roster sprinkled with fuckung studs, JJ, Cush, #80, Duane Brown and the baby maker Foster. If we can get Hopkins, Mercilus, Reed, and Clowney to step up as well as a few O linemen we have a chance and I think a very good chance to win the division. New coach who shows signs that he might be very good also makes me upbeat about the season. Fuck all the haters!! With mother fucking JJ Watt leading the charge I will back these motherfuckers until we do indeed suck ass.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 07-26-2014, 11:03 PM
I have to agree with all of that Daddio.....practice today was encouraging. I think AJ lifted everyone's spirits. I'm more concerned about our OL than anything.

People keep asking....why did AJ come back? Are you kidding me? I can tell you the 2 biggest reasons:

1. The dude makes $588,000 PER GAME!!! Would you give that up?
2. He was gonna get fined $30,000 PER GAME? Would you pay that?

I'm glad he's back but I won't be drafting him on my FF team!!!
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
I may have over read this and most of the spotlight has been on Dre, but does anyone know the scoop on Kush? He had a broken fibula and a torn LCL damn near a year ago. Seems like he'd be ready for camp. Is this PUP shit precautionary, did he need another op or what? I hate to think this dude's career is FUBAR.
jstone420's Avatar
Cushing not playing any preseason games to scared to take the risk
BigLouie's Avatar
My concern is that the DBs and Safeties we sign in the of season are worse than the ones we had last year we are really short at nose. On going health issues with Nix is a great concern because having some one like him in the defense is very important.
BigLouie's Avatar
We have a roster sprinkled with fuckung studs, JJ, Cush, #80, Duane Brown and the baby maker Foster. If we can get Hopkins, Mercilus, Reed, and Clowney to step up as well as a few O linemen we have a chance and I think a very good chance to win the division. Originally Posted by Daddio
You sure have those rose colored glasses on today. Cushing has been just another injury prone LB that has slowed due to injuries. He is NOT what he use to be. Foster is about the same as he seem to be hurt each year. If you base the team's success on getting people to step up, especially people for whom there are questions, you had better get use to disappointment. I feel I am being more realistic about our current state.
Skyblaster99's Avatar
I have season tickets too .....glad your for the team too
I'm just tired of all the hype, I am not buying Fitzmagic as a QB nor Case "I lose every game I start but its not my fault homer Kenuum" so then we have Ben Rothensburg wanna be left .........if I recall last year
We were a "Superbowl favorite" but our QB lost it and lost most of the early
Games so this year is better??? Not buying it ........sorry
I am beyond ready for football! However I feel a bit out of place here in Houston, being a Cowboys fan and all. However I do know of an amazing group in Houston that gets together at different locations to watch Cowboys games every week. It's a blast!

My goal is to make it to an actual Cowboys game this year though.
Fucking A, AJ is back only so he won't get clipped for 30k per day. Glad to see the texans didn't pussy out.

BL do your turd colored glasses see anybody else in our division with as many studs on the team as the Texans? Name them?

Another reason we will improve is Jay Prosch the Fullback from Auburn. He is a very good lead blocker so the baby maker should be able to see some holes other than the gold digger holes he has been seeing. Auburn led the nation in rushing partly because of this guy.
Lincolnpark's Avatar
I have to agree with all of that Daddio.....practice today was encouraging. I think AJ lifted everyone's spirits. I'm more concerned about our OL than anything.

People keep asking....why did AJ come back? Are you kidding me? I can tell you the 2 biggest reasons:

1. The dude makes $588,000 PER GAME!!! Would you give that up?
2. He was gonna get fined $30,000 PER GAME? Would you pay that?

I'm glad he's back but I won't be drafting him on my FF team!!! Originally Posted by Satin
Damn it's good to finally have some real football conversations. See y'all get to avoid the Windy City this upcoming season.

OL seems to be a concern everywhere. I just wanna keep J upright and see where he takes us. Go Bears............
Mixshowdj's Avatar
Willy,as you already know,i am a cowboys fan(hello cheyenne),but i analyze all the teams,and CUSH is making great progress on his rehab. You can expect him to start week one,unlike cowboys linebacker SEAN LEE,who is out for the season. Texans are being cautious with him,as the COWBOYS are with romo ,in training camp,who had back surgery last year.You guys defense is in WAY better shape than ours,but we will score points. Except for the colts,Texans have a great shot at wild-card if fitzpatrick plays like he did in buffalo,when he got that big contract,and keeps turnovers to a minimum.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 07-27-2014, 10:56 PM
LP, welcome to the thread man! I think your Bears are in good shape this year. You guys have the best WR tandem in the league.....

Come on BL, why are you so pessimistic man? Just because we have a shitty OL, a QB ranked dead last in the league, a RB that is already hurt and getting skank hoes pregnant, a nose guard & best LB still hurt, a #1 pick suffering from a sports hernia, and a rookie head coach; that doesn't mean we should be so negative! Right ?
BigLouie's Avatar
LP, welcome to the thread man! I think your Bears are in good shape this year. You guys have the best WR tandem in the league.....

Come on BL, why are you so pessimistic man? Just because we have a shitty OL, a QB ranked dead last in the league, a RB that is already hurt and getting skank hoes pregnant, a nose guard & best LB still hurt, a #1 pick suffering from a sports hernia, and a rookie head coach; that doesn't mean we should be so negative! Right ? Originally Posted by Satin
Hey 'bro just being honest in my assessment. Look at it this way. I expect them to go 6-10 at best. If they do better and go 8-8 then I'll be happy. Everyone who expects them to go 10-6 and win the division, if they 8-8 would be severely disappointed. So what would you rather be, happy at the season or disappointed?
Lincolnpark's Avatar
Hey 'bro just being honest in my assessment. Look at it this way. I expect them to go 6-10 at best. If they do better and go 8-8 then I'll be happy. Everyone who expects them to go 10-6 and win the division, if they 8-8 would be severely disappointed. So what would you rather be, happy at the season or disappointed? Originally Posted by BigLouie
BL, I expect the Bears to go 16-0 every yr. I'm normally disappointed by week 3 of the season.
69Mustang's Avatar
Anybody who thinks this Texans team is gonna go 10-6 is delusional. 8-8 is even out of the question. Until I see any evidence that this new head coach has any clue as to how to run a NFL team, I am going to expect a 5-11 season. Why? Cushing is done. JJ won't get any help on the line. The Texans have no interior LBs without Cush. There is a void at QB. RB has turned into a pussy on the field. WRs and TEs need a QB to throw to them. And we still have an Aggie PK. Basically, we have one good OL, one good DL, one good WR. And an unproven head coach. Yeah, CHAMPIONSHIP!