NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

fragtasticator's Avatar
Some of them guys are not in good shape. Foster been doing this shit since he got paid. Originally Posted by jstone420
Well, yes some of them are not in the best of shape.

Foster may well have reported in less than stellar condition for example, and the might have something to do with, oh, I don't know, BACK SURGERY?

Hey, if the muscles in your back aren't right, you're going to be favoring them, which will put more strain somewhere else (hamstrings, maybe?).

Early on in camp they were limiting AF's carries and giving Blue as many reps as they could, precisely because AF's still recovering.

Maybe they just pushed him back too soon?

On the other hand, there is no denying that Foster is a jackass with the media; this is, after all, the guy who responded with supposed pterodactyl noises to media questions one year.

How much of Foster's trouble comes from biting the hand that feeds him? Would this even be that much of a story if he hadn't peed on the media's boots earlier in the week?
BigLouie's Avatar
Lot of critical people hurt and not practicing. Putting Nix on PUP list is not good. Tom Savage is showing the effect of not playing 2 of last 4 years. Strong arm but way behind
BigLouie's Avatar
How bad was the 2013 draft. Of 9 drafted 4 are no longer on the team and DJ Swearinger seems to be back sliding rather than getting better. When everyone gets healthy he will no longer be a starter.
boardman's Avatar
In the loop guys were discussing Keenum and Savage this morning.

Lopez said Keenum completed like 10 of fucking practice. Savage had two throws down pat, dumping off and "watch how far I can throw it." LOL

Someone gave Fitz a C+ and said Keenum and Savage were both Ds if you graded Savage on a rookie scale. These guys are one snap away from being a starter. WTF?

One of the guys suggested that we might want to pick up McGloin if the Raiders cut him in favor of Trent Edwards because he should at least know the offense. McGloin? That would be the guy that Matt Shaub and Derek Carr beat out for starter and back up...Oh the irony!
I heard the 610 afternoon crew talking about how they thought Keenum might get cut and how preseason is very important to him. I agree there might be better other options available as the cuts begin. These guys implied that Savage was right there with Keenum but they both suck.

As to the PhilosOFoster, he is a pussy. He apparently considered retirement this off season. That tells you all you need to know right fucking there!!! He has already fucking retired, just collecting the cash now is his only concern. I think he thinks he is a Hollywood guy cause he got a little taste of it. The dumbfuck doesn't realize that his fame came from playing football. Bold prediction, if he pussies out this year like he is doing now, the coach with a big sack like B'OB might just cut his ass!!! NFL stands for Not For Long, especially for smartass pussies!!
He wants to be like Andre and get nursed along through preseason, Andre has earned that right, Foster I guess has also, but my patience is thin with this mfer!! You are either "ALL IN" or you can suck it Hollywood!!
boardman's Avatar
Foster's BS is definitely wearing thin and if it's happening in the clubhouse BoB will put a stop to it because that is not his style. He has been team first since day one. I think that press conference last week was a direct shot at BoB. It will be interesting to see how he reacts when game time comes and some of these hungry backs show him up.
BigLouie's Avatar
On the radio people are saying that Case could be cut after this weekend. He is that bad so far. And Tom Savage can't seem to beat him out.We should have taken Jimmy G in the second round, either with the first pick or traded up. I hear he is putting on a show at the Pats camp.
boardman's Avatar
On the radio people are saying that Case could be cut after this weekend. He is that bad so far. And Tom Savage can't seem to beat him out.We should have taken Jimmy G in the second round, either with the first pick or traded up. I hear he is putting on a show at the Pats camp. Originally Posted by BigLouie
If that's the case then Mallet might be back in play.
jstone420's Avatar
Your info is totally wrong Jimmy g is struggling just like savage forget about mallet the Patriots would be dumb to trade him he's the only backup that knows the system
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Mallet? You want that guy? Yeah he looks good.

Mallett completed a mere 5 of 12 pases for 55 yards
BigLouie's Avatar
Go read the reports on last nights game. Mallet was god awful. All reports are that Jimmy was much better. Way better. People are saying he was the star of the game for the Pats
boardman's Avatar
Fuck, I don't want Mallet either. We have enough 3rd sting QBs on this team already. I guess I should have said that my fear is that Mallet is in play. Sounds like there are differing opinions about JG's performance. If he is doing good then the Pats would likely look to move Mallet while he still has some value. He is FA after this season.

Fact is though we don't have a backup QB at this point. We should get a good look tomorrow night.

BoB said his expectation was to see not so much how the players play but how the team operates. Do they get plays in on time, make the right situational substitutions, can the kicking team get on the field, etc. Sounds like this first game will be as much or more about evaluating his coaching staff as it will be evaluating individual players.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Dopey's debut with the Raiders.

Schaub finished 3 for 7 for 21 yards.
Schaub played three series, all three-and-outs.
''We were pretty sloppy,'' Schaub said
Oralist's Avatar
IMHO, we do not have a first string or backup QB that is NFL quality.
Well, halfway into second quarter of the first preseason game. Didn't think it possible but they look worse than last year.