Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.

The only ones who had ignorant followers would be Odumbo and hildebeest. Reality is reality. Odumbo and hildebeest's moronic minions live a a delusional world.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Excellent meme IB.
adav8s28's Avatar
How the fuck can anyone fucking say "minor" when there was never a thorough inspection conducted to see what the fuck Iran had and was capable of? There was never a baseline established to determine what the fuck "minor" or "major" might be for Odumbo's POS treaty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The scientists at the IAEA went on site and saw everything that they needed to see. They could see that Iran had 20,000 centrifuges in operation. They could see that Iran had enriched Uranium to almost a weapons grade level. The could see that Iran had two nuke plants that could be used to enrich Uranium. The scientists set very tough constraints to insure that Iran can't enrich Uranium to a weapons grade level. The scientists put in constraits such as:

1. Iran cannot enrich Uranium past 3.47% U-235 concentration.

2. Iran must turn off 13,000 low speed centrifuges and all 1,000 high speed centrifuges.

3. The underground nuke plant is not allowed to enrich Uranium

4. The 1,000 high speed centrifuges were moved to Nantanz nuke plant and turned off. The Nantanz nuke plant is under contstant monitoring 24/7 in real time by satellite and video cameras.

The reason Iran does not have a nuclear weapon right now is because all of these contraints are being followed by Iran. If they tried to cheat they would get caught.

The engineer said they bought replacement parts for a reactor that can't enrich Uranium. That is an example of a minor violation that Trump did not even report.

Last but not least you have your resolutions confused. The JCPOA (Iran Nuke Deal) does not deal with nuclear missile development or testing. UN Security Council 2231 deals with that.

The bottom line is Obama did not lie and Kerry did not lie. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who is your boss said the agreement is working and has delayed Iran from getting a bomb.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The scientists at the IAEA went on site and saw everything that they needed to see. They could see that Iran had 20,000 centrifuges in operation. They could see that Iran had enriched Uranium to almost a weapons grade level. The could see that Iran had two nuke plants that could be used to enrich Uranium. The scientists set very tough constraints to insure that Iran can't enrich Uranium to a weapons grade level. The scientists put in constraits such as:

1. Iran cannot enrich Uranium past 3.47% U-235 concentration.

2. Iran must turn off 13,000 low speed centrifuges and all 1,000 high speed centrifuges.

3. The underground nuke plant is not allowed to enrich Uranium

4. The 1,000 high speed centrifuges were moved to Nantanz nuke plant and turned off. The Nantanz nuke plant is under contstant monitoring 24/7 in real time by satellite and video cameras.

The reason Iran does not have a nuclear weapon right now is because all of these contraints are being followed by Iran. If they tried to cheat they would get caught.

The engineer said they bought replacement parts for a reactor that can't enrich Uranium. That is an example of a minor violation that Trump did not even report.

Last but not least you have your resolutions confused. The JCPOA (Iran Nuke Deal) does not deal with nuclear missile development or testing. UN Security Council 2231 deals with that.

The bottom line is Obama did not lie and Kerry did not lie. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who is your boss said the agreement is working and has delayed Iran from getting a bomb.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
The Iranian engineer says Odumbo didn't see what Iran didn't want Odumbo to see. Odumbo's treaty is a POS that Iran cheated on from day one.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The scientists at the IAEA went on site and saw everything that they needed to see. They could see that Iran had 20,000 centrifuges in operation. They could see that Iran had enriched Uranium to almost a weapons grade level. The could see that Iran had two nuke plants that could be used to enrich Uranium. The scientists set very tough constraints to insure that Iran can't enrich Uranium to a weapons grade level. The scientists put in constraits such as:

1. Iran cannot enrich Uranium past 3.47% U-235 concentration.

2. Iran must turn off 13,000 low speed centrifuges and all 1,000 high speed centrifuges.

3. The underground nuke plant is not allowed to enrich Uranium

4. The 1,000 high speed centrifuges were moved to Nantanz nuke plant and turned off. The Nantanz nuke plant is under contstant monitoring 24/7 in real time by satellite and video cameras.

The reason Iran does not have a nuclear weapon right now is because all of these contraints are being followed by Iran. If they tried to cheat they would get caught.

The engineer said they bought replacement parts for a reactor that can't enrich Uranium. That is an example of a minor violation that Trump did not even report.

Last but not least you have your resolutions confused. The JCPOA (Iran Nuke Deal) does not deal with nuclear missile development or testing. UN Security Council 2231 deals with that.

The bottom line is Obama did not lie and Kerry did not lie. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who is your boss said the agreement is working and has delayed Iran from getting a bomb. Originally Posted by adav8s28
first, your link doesn't work. so i assume your talking points are from the article. so post it all or provide a new link.

second, you keep claiming this ..

"The Nantanz nuke plant is under contstant monitoring 24/7 in real time by satellite and video cameras."

are you claiming the US has CCTV video inside these plants being monitored? what agency is that? Dept of Energy? the Military? NSA?

prove this claim. otherwise you are buying a lie.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
404 link
adav8s28's Avatar
first, your link doesn't work. so i assume your talking points are from the article. so post it all or provide a new link.

second, you keep claiming this ..

"The Nantanz nuke plant is under contstant monitoring 24/7 in real time by satellite and video cameras."

are you claiming the US has CCTV video inside these plants being monitored? what agency is that? Dept of Energy? the Military? NSA?

prove this claim. otherwise you are buying a lie. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The link was so long it got truncated. Try this link.

The major constraints that Iran must follow can be found in this link. See the "Summary Of Provisions" section.
themystic's Avatar
The Iranian engineer says Odumbo didn't see what Iran didn't want Odumbo to see. Odumbo's treaty is a POS that Iran cheated on from day one. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Do you think your bunkmate in the military Nathan Phillips and you could come out of retirement and inspect the Iranians facility's since you have such a vast knowledge of its operations? Thank you for your Service IB. I think that's so cool you and Nathan were both Vietnam ERA vets. Did you two work in nuclear facility's?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Do you think your bunkmate in the military Nathan Phillips and you could come out of retirement and inspect the Iranians facility's since you have such a vast knowledge of its operations? Thank you for your Service IB. I think that's so cool you and Nathan were both Vietnam ERA vets. Did you two work in nuclear facility's? Originally Posted by themystic
Nathan Philips is your dim-retard bunk mate, Jussie. Right now Nathan Philips is in your head beating his little drum keeping time with Bubba's rhythm for your entertainment as Bubba drops that hot, nuclear rod in you coolant, Jussie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How is this thread still open?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The link was so long it got truncated. Try this link.

The major constraints that Iran must follow can be found in this link. See the "Summary Of Provisions" section. Originally Posted by adav8s28

You may regret posting this.

from the notes ...

On 19 August 2015, the Associated Press reported that an anonymous official had given the AP an unsigned, preliminary draft of one of the confidential bilateral IAEA-Iran agreements. This draft indicated that Iran would be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate the Parchin site.[77] (The AP reported that two anonymous officials had told it that the draft does not differ from the final, confidential agreement between the IAEA and Iran).[78] The AP said that the draft "diverges from normal procedures".[77] Several hours after posting the article, the AP removed several details of the story (without issuing a formal retraction), and published another article that noted, "IAEA staff will monitor Iranian personnel as they inspect the Parchin nuclear site."[79] The AP restored the contentious details the next morning and said it was standing by its entire story. It further published the full document it had transcribed.[80] The following day, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano issued a statement stating: "I am disturbed by statements suggesting that the IAEA has given responsibility for nuclear inspections to Iran. Such statements misrepresent the way in which we will undertake this important verification work ... the arrangements are technically sound and consistent with our long-established practices. They do not compromise our safeguards standards in any way. The Road-map between Iran and the IAEA is a very robust agreement, with strict timelines, which will help us to clarify past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran's nuclear programme."[81] The IAEA did not elaborate on the provisions of the confidential agreement, but the Arms Control Association has noted, "under managed access procedures that may be employed the IAEA, the inspected party may take environmental swipe samples at a particular site in the presence of the IAEA inspectors using swabs and containment bags provided by the IAEA to prevent cross contamination. According to former IAEA officials, this is an established procedure. Such swipe samples collected at suspect sites under managed access would likely be divided into six packages: three are taken by the IAEA for analysis at its Seibersdorf Analytical Lab and two to be sent to the IAEA's Network of Analytical Labs (NWAL), which comprises some 16 labs in different countries, and another package to be kept under joint IAEA and Iran seal at the IAEA office in Iran a backup and control sample if re-analysis might be required at a later stage. The process ensures the integrity of the inspection operation and the samples for all parties."[82] Mark Hibbs of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Thomas Shea, a former IAEA safeguards official and head of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Programs at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory described a similar protocol in an article titled "No, Iran is not allowed to inspect itself."[83] Hibbs and Shea wrote that the claims that Iran would be in charge of inspections at Parchin were "wholly specious" and "unfounded".[83] Arms control expert Jeffrey Lewis of the Monterey Institute of International Studies stated that the procedures referred to in the AP report were consistent with expert practice: "There are precedents for just providing photos and videos. When the South Africans disabled their nuclear test shaft, they video-recorded it and sent the IAEA their video. I don't care who takes a swipe sample or who takes a photograph, so long as I know where and when it was taken, with very high confidence, and I know that it hasn't been tampered with."[79] Lewis expressed the opinion that "the point of the leak was to make the IAEA agreement on Parchin sound as bad as possible, and to generate political attention in Washington."[79] On 21 September 2015, both the Associated Press and Reuters noted that under the arrangement between Iran and the IAEA, Iranian technicians, instead of the IAEA's experts, would take environmental samples. Reuters also reported that a spokesman for Iran's atomic energy agency said Iranian nuclear experts have "taken environmental samples from Parchin without U.N. inspectors present".[84][85]

your contention has always been that the monitoring of Iran's facilities is "rock solid" yet there seems to be some discrepancy about whom exactly provides these samples. it appears the AP "busted" the IAEA's "free pass" to Iran to cheat, then "revised" their story to match the Obama official narrative.

unless you want to point it out, nowhere does it state we have 24/7 live CCTV feeds as you have claimed.

Seems like your rock is crumbling, Mr. Gibraltar.
adav8s28's Avatar
You may regret posting this.

from the notes ...

On 19 August 2015, the Associated Press reported that an anonymous official had given the AP an unsigned, preliminary draft of one of the confidential bilateral IAEA-Iran agreements. This draft indicated that Iran would be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate the Parchin site.[77] (The AP reported that two anonymous officials had told it that the draft does not differ from the final, confidential agreement between the IAEA and Iran).[78] The AP said that the draft "diverges from normal procedures".[77] Several hours after posting the article, the AP removed several details of the story (without issuing a formal retraction), and published another article that noted, "IAEA staff will monitor Iranian personnel as they inspect the Parchin nuclear site."[79] The AP restored the contentious details the next morning and said it was standing by its entire story. It further published the full document it had transcribed.[80] The following day, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano issued a statement stating: "I am disturbed by statements suggesting that the IAEA has given responsibility for nuclear inspections to Iran. Such statements misrepresent the way in which we will undertake this important verification work ... the arrangements are technically sound and consistent with our long-established practices. They do not compromise our safeguards standards in any way. The Road-map between Iran and the IAEA is a very robust agreement, with strict timelines, which will help us to clarify past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran's nuclear programme."[81] The IAEA did not elaborate on the provisions of the confidential agreement, but the Arms Control Association has noted, "under managed access procedures that may be employed the IAEA, the inspected party may take environmental swipe samples at a particular site in the presence of the IAEA inspectors using swabs and containment bags provided by the IAEA to prevent cross contamination. According to former IAEA officials, this is an established procedure. Such swipe samples collected at suspect sites under managed access would likely be divided into six packages: three are taken by the IAEA for analysis at its Seibersdorf Analytical Lab and two to be sent to the IAEA's Network of Analytical Labs (NWAL), which comprises some 16 labs in different countries, and another package to be kept under joint IAEA and Iran seal at the IAEA office in Iran a backup and control sample if re-analysis might be required at a later stage. The process ensures the integrity of the inspection operation and the samples for all parties."[82] Mark Hibbs of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Thomas Shea, a former IAEA safeguards official and head of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Programs at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory described a similar protocol in an article titled "No, Iran is not allowed to inspect itself."[83] Hibbs and Shea wrote that the claims that Iran would be in charge of inspections at Parchin were "wholly specious" and "unfounded".[83] Arms control expert Jeffrey Lewis of the Monterey Institute of International Studies stated that the procedures referred to in the AP report were consistent with expert practice: "There are precedents for just providing photos and videos. When the South Africans disabled their nuclear test shaft, they video-recorded it and sent the IAEA their video. I don't care who takes a swipe sample or who takes a photograph, so long as I know where and when it was taken, with very high confidence, and I know that it hasn't been tampered with."[79] Lewis expressed the opinion that "the point of the leak was to make the IAEA agreement on Parchin sound as bad as possible, and to generate political attention in Washington."[79] On 21 September 2015, both the Associated Press and Reuters noted that under the arrangement between Iran and the IAEA, Iranian technicians, instead of the IAEA's experts, would take environmental samples. Reuters also reported that a spokesman for Iran's atomic energy agency said Iranian nuclear experts have "taken environmental samples from Parchin without U.N. inspectors present".[84][85]

your contention has always been that the monitoring of Iran's facilities is "rock solid" yet there seems to be some discrepancy about whom exactly provides these samples. it appears the AP "busted" the IAEA's "free pass" to Iran to cheat, then "revised" their story to match the Obama official narrative.

unless you want to point it out, nowhere does it state we have 24/7 live CCTV feeds as you have claimed.

Seems like your rock is crumbling, Mr. Gibraltar.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I have no regrets at all in posting the link. The rock is not crumbling. I will tell you why.

First, I will address the issue with Parchin nuke plant. The Parchin plant is a military research and development site. Uranium cannot be enriched there to begin with. The notes show that the inspections for the Parchin plant will occur in the presence of IAEA representatives. Iran will not be doing self inspections at the Parchin plant.

Second, the major constraints of the JCPOA are listed in bullets 1-6 under the SummaryOf Provisions section. To summarize briefly, The Natanz nuke plant is the only plant where Iran can enrich Uranium. They can only enrich up to 3.76% concentration of U-235. The 1,000 high speed centrifuges model (IR-2M) will be moved there and turned off. They are allowed to use 6,000 slow speed centrifuges model (IR-1). The other 13,000 (IR-1) centrifuges will be turned off. The Natanz nuke plant is under constant monitoring 24/7 in real time. The surveillance of the Natanz nuke plant is talked about in bullet #7. There is satellite and video cameras. The feeds go back to the IAEA. Here is a story where the IAEA can see Iran lab techs moving centrifuges around when they malfunctioned because a virus got into the computer system.

Bullet 7 - That covers surveillance.

The IAEA will have multilayered[86] oversight "over Iran's entire nuclear supply chain, from uranium mills to its procurement of nuclear-related technologies".[87] For declared nuclear sites such as Fordow and Natanz, the IAEA will have "round-the-clock access" to nuclear facilities and will be entitled to maintain continuous monitoring (including via surveillance equipment) at such sites.[87][88] The agreement authorizes the IAEA to make use of sophisticated monitoring technology, such as fiber-optic seals on equipment that can electronically send information to the IAEA; infrared satellite imagery to detect covert sites, "environmental sensors that can detect minute signs of nuclear particles"; tamper-resistant, radiation-resistant cameras.[56][89] Other tools include computerized accounting programs to gather information and detect anomalies, and big data sets on Iranian imports, to monitor dual-use items.[86]

If Iran tried to enrich uranium to a weapons grade level it would get detected. We are in year 5 of the agreement and Iran does not have a nuclear weapon.
adav8s28's Avatar
The Iranian engineer says Odumbo didn't see what Iran didn't want Odumbo to see. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
General Joseph "Fighting Joe" Dunford Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has stated the the Obama agreement has delayed Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. The cheating your engineer talks about did not lead to anything. General Dunford went to the Army War college, just your guy Colin Powell.
I B Hankering's Avatar
General Joseph "Fighting Joe" Dunford Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has stated the the Obama agreement has delayed Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. The cheating your engineer talks about did not lead to anything. General Dunford went to the Army War college, just your guy Colin Powell.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
Take your BS, lib-retarded, Odumbo-kiss-ass sources down the road. The Iranian engineer says Odumbo didn't see what Iran didn't want Odumbo to see.
  • Tiny
  • 04-26-2019, 02:13 PM
There's a documentary on Neflix called Inside the Mossad, about the Israeli intelligence service. As you probably know, these guys are bad asses. They describe some of their successful exploits in African countries. And some of their entanglements in the Middle East, in places like Lebanon and Iran, that didn't work out as well.

At the end of the documentary they're interviewing several retired members about Iran. Apparently the director of Mossad resigned because Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, wanted to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. The ex-director was tight lipped about this. But one of his subordinates had an explanation for Mossad's thinking. He said wars, like in Iraq and Afghanistan, are nasty affairs. Intelligence services like the CIA, MI6 and Mossad can potentially accomplish a government's goals with much less damage and expense. If Israel had bombed Iran, it would have only set back the Iranians two or three years in developing nuclear weapons. And there potentially would have been hell to pay, when the Iranians retaliated against Israel. You could have even ended up with World War III. The actual outcome, the nuclear treaty the Obama administration and others negotiated, was much better. It may mean ten or more years before the Iranians will start working again on developing a nuclear weapon.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There's a documentary on Neflix called Inside the Mossad, about the Israeli intelligence service. As you probably know, these guys are bad asses. They describe some of their successful exploits in African countries. And some of their entanglements in the Middle East, in places like Lebanon and Iran, that didn't work out as well.

At the end of the documentary they're interviewing several retired members about Iran. Apparently the director of Mossad resigned because Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, wanted to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. The ex-director was tight lipped about this. But one of his subordinates had an explanation for Mossad's thinking. He said wars, like in Iraq and Afghanistan, are nasty affairs. Intelligence services like the CIA, MI6 and Mossad can potentially accomplish a government's goals with much less damage and expense. If Israel had bombed Iran, it would have only set back the Iranians two or three years in developing nuclear weapons. And there potentially would have been hell to pay, when the Iranians retaliated against Israel. You could have even ended up with World War III. The actual outcome, the nuclear treaty the Obama administration and others negotiated, was much better. It may mean ten or more years before the Iranians will start working again on developing a nuclear weapon.
Originally Posted by Tiny
Hogwash. Iran never stopped working on its nuclear WMD program. The illusion that anything was gained from Odumbo's BS treaty is just that: an illusion.

The fact is, Odumbo made so many concessions to the Russians to get Putin to buy into the treaty that Russia made enormous gains internationally in places like Crimea, Ukraine and Syria. Russia ended up with 14% of U.S. strategic uranium reserves. And Odumbo did nothing to stop Russian hacking and disinformation campaign during the 2016 election because Odumbo was too fucking worried about his BS legacy treaty with Iran.

And then there's Iran with the billions more dollars Odumbo gave them to sponsor even more Islamic terrorism.