Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

TheEccie214's Avatar
Cuban is a nationality and not a race or are those that believe it is a race that ignorant.
Mexican is not a race.
Hispanic is not a race.
Latin is not a race.
White is not a race it is a color the same as black is a color and not a race.
Caucasian, and that includes Cubans that are not of negroid descent are many different nationalities and ethnic groups.

I once worked for a man that was truly a great American. He served in our armed forces, was gentleman and one of the sbest people you could ever know. He ws not only my boss but a friend. One day a man came up to him and asked him what his nationality wasbecause he could have passed for being from a variety of areas and was an enigma to those that did not know him.
He replied that his nationality was American but that he believed that he was really asking what was his race. He told the man that he was of the Negro race and once again stated his nationality was American.
Damn, I miss that man. He was one of the most hard working generous people I have ever known in my life and I still hold myself to some of the same standards of dignity and respect he helped to instill within me in those years.

Educate yourselves and stop being so close minded. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Great story. Don't get people like that in our lives often but amazing the long-term impression they leave. I have had 2 such people in my life and will always treasure their wisdom.

A thread with us all sharing wisdom we've received would be very interesting.
Why issue a directive that is not enforceable except by your opinion? Originally Posted by Boltfan
A "directive?" Are you a middle school principal? LOL....
And no, how her business is currently operating is NOT THE TOPIC, nor is her ban. The topic is the last points given to her by NYr and their validity based on his last warning in relation to points given or not given to others who disregarded staff instructions. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Dearhunter made it crystal clear: no one deserved to be penalized between NYr's two warnings in that thread. However Dorthy ought to be smart enough to realize she doesn't even have the slightest margin for error....
Yes, but whose error?

I think.... both, but I'd hold people in positions of "authority" to a higher standard.
Missing the point, again. And seemingly willing to address the questions that you can slip sway an easy answer. Why answer at all, if you evade the tough questions?

Why issue a directive that is not enforceable except by your opinion? Trolling a provider is in the eye of the beholder. Why is the race she chooses to advertise under not fair game on a whole board exactly? The moment eccie made it a searchable option, it became relevant for discussion.

Where is that "All too easy" meme when I need it? Originally Posted by Boltfan
Let's discuss that.

Because the guidelines are just that, guidelines, they are not hard fast rules. And those guidelines are interpreted by each individual mod (and/or another person has an influence in that decision). So therefore, the mod has every right to dull out points to one member who hijacks a thread and taking a shot at another poster on that thread while the same mod does nothing about someone else do the exact same thing. Is it right? No it is not, but that is the nature of this site, an issue I learned the hard way. The issue is more the poster, not the post per say, when it comes to mod action/inaction and you of all people in all aspects, are a shining example of that being absolutely 100% true.

Trolling is also interpretive by each individual as you say, so what is your definition of troll? Mine is someone who seemingly is posting after a particular member or subject every chance they get, only to take a personal shot at a member. Also, that troll is constantly negative and condescending in the majority of his/her posts, hijacks threads with his/her remarks on the thread they post in, adding nothing but trying to fuel their twisted agenda and other than stirring the eccie drama pot, contributing very little if anything else to the board.
..........if fairness entered into his thought process, all that were warned would have been pointed, not just dorthy...again NYRs ego ruled his duties.........the ONLY points he issued were to DORTHY.....knowing he would ban her, and bragging he did.......weak...... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
We only knew that NYr gave his initial public warning to three people: Dorthy, SteveO, and Lindsay. Lindsay knew exactly what's looming and made the smart move by stepping away. Steve either had the luxury for points or felt his posting style wouldn't get him into much trouble there, that left Dorthy at a great disadvantage. I trully believe she should have walked away at that point because she couldn't fight it effectively the way she's used to.
Is this ever gonna end?
1. NYR did not issue all of DM's points, just the one's that put her over the top. This was after she received a warning for trolling.

2. The points that DM had accrued up to before she got banned were not legit?

3. I believe Jules Jaguar had it right in her post, why push boundaries to the point where you get yourself banned if your revenue from being in the hobby is so dependent on ECCIE advertising. She can try EROS or Cityvibe until she returns.

4. I don't believe NYR was out "to get" DM. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I like spunky girls, don't you?
Yes, but whose error?

I think.... both, but I'd hold people in positions of "authority" to a higher standard. Originally Posted by FoxyNC
Just wondering how many POTUS ought to be impeached....
Zuerst war ich wie....
[1st I was like....]

Jetzt denke ich, ich bin....
[now I think I'm....]

Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Sie haben noch auf meine Frage beantwortet, also ich frage Sie noch mal:
"Ist das, wie Sie sie behandeln, Fraulein Kommandant?"
Boltfan's Avatar
A "directive?" Are you a middle school principal? LOL.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
Sorry if you don't understand a mod directive in the context of this thread. Guess you aren5 as smart as you thought.

Let's discuss that.

Because the guidelines are just that, guidelines, they are not hard fast rules. And those guidelines are interpreted by each individual mod (and/or another person has an influence in that decision). So therefore, the mod has every right to dull out points to one member who hijacks a thread and taking a shot at another poster on that thread while the same mod does nothing about someone else do the exact same thing. Is it right? No it is not, but that is the nature of this site, an issue I learned the hard way. The issue is more the poster, not the post per say, when it comes to mod action/inaction and you of all people in all aspects, are a shining example of that being absolutely 100% true.

Trolling is also interpretive by each individual as you say, so what is your definition of troll? Mine is someone who seemingly is posting after a particular member or subject every chance they get, only to take a personal shot at a member. Also, that troll is constantly negative and condescending in the majority of his/her posts, hijacks threads with his/her remarks on the thread they post in, adding nothing but trying to fuel their twisted agenda and other than stirring the eccie drama pot, contributing very little if anything else to the board. Originally Posted by davidfree986

The point you are missing, and that you have directly been a part of, is that he posted a directive (albeit an unenforceable one) then chose to not to enforce equally. He shouldn't have issued it in the first place because he then painted himself into a corner.

You have complained about unequal enforcement often enough. My guess is you are choosing to pick an opposite side of my opinion to argue, which is your right. But based on all your past history I would think you would fall on the side of my argument.


The point you are missing, and that you have directly been a part of, is that he posted a directive (albeit an unenforceable one) then chose to not to enforce equally. He shouldn't have issued it in the first place because he then painted himself into a corner.

You have complained about unequal enforcement often enough. My guess is you are choosing to pick an opposite side of my opinion to argue, which is your right. But based on all your past history I would think you would fall on the side of my argument.
Originally Posted by Boltfan
I understand your argument and agree with you, but as I said, there is nothing anyone can do about a mod who, be it because he is on a power trip to certain members while others who can post the same thing, he is silent on, (we even had one that was an SOB to everyone a few years back) or because that mod is in someone's pocket and that someone encourages him to do his bidding. Either way, you can bitch and moan about a mod's decisions, and I have with no success, but it does not change anything and he might even make things worse for you.

You never did give me your definition of a troll, you may even give all of us something to ponder with your infinite wisdom on this and all matters, I would think you would have a lot to say, or did my definition of a troll hit too close to home?

I understand your argument and agree with you, but as I said, there is nothing anyone can do about a mod who, be it because he is just a wanna be dictator to certain members while others who can post the same thing, he is silent on, (we even had one that was an SOB to everyone a few years back) or because he is in someone's pocket and that someone encourages him to do so. Either way, you can bitch and moan about a mod's decisions, and I have, but it does not change anything and he might even make things worse for you. You never did give me your definition of a troll, with your infinite wisdom on this and all matters, I would think you would have a lot to say, or did my definition of a troll hit too close to home?
Originally Posted by davidfree986
we can keep this tread open and remind him ...we are watching and arbitrary punishment that cant be justified will be brought to the admins attention.....this didn't happen in your case because you piss off so many members here.....lets not kid ourselves......but dorthy was a funny loud mouth whore and her threads, if you research them had thousands of clicks....which is how internet forums make money
but obviously she rubbed NY'R the wrong he warned a group and pointed dorthy, which is why Deerhunter and 2dogs, both in the office here, posted what they think if it wasn't a screw up, these guys would have left their cushy ECCIE cubicles to post on this thread??? they have ESPN in their cubicles, inside ECCIEs corporate complex..............
Boltfan's Avatar
I understand your argument and agree with you, but as I said, there is nothing anyone can do about a mod who, be it because he is on a power trip to certain members while others who can post the same thing, he is silent on, (we even had one that was an SOB to everyone a few years back) or because that mod is in someone's pocket and that someone encourages him to do his bidding. Either way, you can bitch and moan about a mod's decisions, and I have with no success, but it does not change anything and he might even make things worse for you.

You never did give me your definition of a troll, you may even give all of us something to ponder with your infinite wisdom on this and all matters, I would think you would have a lot to say, or did my definition of a troll hit too close to home?

Originally Posted by davidfree986
You can shine a light on issues like this, talk about them dispassionately , make logical arguments, something that has been done by many here.

Oh, and I ignored the rest of your pointless drivel. You know where I will discuss that with you.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Oh, and I ignored the rest of your pointless drivel. You know where I will discuss that with you. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Sunday church?