Rules on Outing

dearhunter's Avatar
No, the ban will be reversed. AA's protection has been revoked.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Sounds like you brushed her up when you joined that mandle 3 days ago...

not sure why you want to keep pushing that envelope Originally Posted by WTF
Huh? What envelope? You make no sense...again. oh thats right you think I am someone else and have more than one handle because YOU do? Afterall, that IS what cheaters always do....blame someone else for doing something when THEY themselves are doing it.

Just because you break the rules constantly doesnt mean I do. Get over it already, get over yourself and go back to mommy's basement.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-30-2017, 12:05 PM
Awww a rubber glue retort. original. Natalia does that too.

TryWeakly's Avatar
But you get that alot from other people too.

Obsess much? Lol

So, is AA the original poster or ?
^^^ Wow this one is really sloooooow!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
that TW mandle need to get her ass back in the kitchen and cook a negro some bacon and eggs over easy...

TryWeakly's Avatar
Why you always gotta bring race into it?
pyramider's Avatar
Its all he has ...
annie@christophers's Avatar
another pregna mexican??? wtf? lol annie.
pyramider's Avatar
Going to recruit her?