This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

KittyLamour's Avatar
So we dont lose focus of the topic of this thread.... retired or not....^ Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Dude, get a fucking life for real.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Why is this thread kept open? Originally Posted by sean rider
I don't know and it is disturbing, to say the least ... (etc., for a total of 743 words or 3817 characters) Originally Posted by KittyLamour
The better question is, "Why does this thread keep getting bumped to the top of the page?"

The answer is, "Because Kitty keeps swallowing the bait."

It had sat dormant for more than six months when Icky214 trollishly bumped it. Kitty could have let it slide back down the page but - Nope! - she replied the next day.
Boltfan's Avatar
Plaxico at her best.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I just want to know why do I bother you guys so much that you have to attack me every opportunity you can find, when at the end of the day, none of you even exist to me.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Dude, get a fucking life for real. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Um.. I am not the one with a WEB CAM aimed at my bed.
THAT kinda shit can go very wrong .... but, carry on wit yo bad self.

Just a reminder to get a signed "model release" from your tricks before it does....... js.... peeps wouldn't want you to self-destruct like Vi did......
TryWeakly's Avatar
I just want to know why do I bother you guys so much that you have to attack me every opportunity you can find, when at the end of the day, none of you even exist to me. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
If we didnt exist to you then why why why do you keep ranting ..... yes... ranting...
KittyLamour's Avatar
WTF are you talking about web cam aimed at my bed? For real, you've never been in my bedroom so how do you get off spreading some bullshit like that? I meant to never respond on this thread again, but wtf are you talking about saying some dumb shit like that?

FYI There is NO webcam aimed at my bed. I have a computer in my room, yes, a lot of people do. That does not mean anything is being recorded. It's not even facing my bed it is on the same wall the bed is on and facing out of the room. You're taking paranoia to a whole new level and maybe you should take your ass to bed.

Look, not everybody can when it comes to fucking with me. You obviously are one of those who can't.

I am a very busy woman and I have things to do and I just don't have time to continue to make you look any worse than you already do.

I will continue to "rant" for as long as you continue to spread misinformed, ill construed gossip as you are currently doing. I've worked too damn hard to get to where I'm at and I refuse to sit back and be torn apart professionally by asshats such as yourself who do not have a clue wtf they are talking about.

Like I said, get a life. Mine is taken.

I told you people time and time again that the world needs more of Kitty Lamour.

The fact that you people keep replying to this thread proves you cant get enough Kitty.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Webcam aimed at bed :

I took these this morning on my webcam... thought I'd share since I've been on vacation for so long. Ladies, if any of you have some new pics you would like to share also... please do!

Originally Posted by KittyLamour
TryWeakly's Avatar
Looks like a BED to me. ... yes?

So then the next question is... how many times have YOU secretly recorded your clients on your non-existent webcam (see previous post)
TryWeakly's Avatar
WTF are you talking about web cam aimed at my bed?

FYI There is NO webcam aimed at my bed. I have a computer in my room, yes, a lot of people do. That does not mean anything is being recorded. It's not even facing my bed it is on the same wall the bed is on and facing out of the room.

Ciao. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
chicagoboy's Avatar
I could see this thread lasting as long as Pistolero's welcome thread.
TryWeakly's Avatar
I told you people time and time again that the world needs more of lying Kitty Lamour.

The fact that you people keep replying to this thread proves you cant get enough lying Kitty. Originally Posted by SteveOTX
TryWeakly's Avatar
I could see this thread lasting as long as Pistolero's welcome thread. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Quite possibly! The material seems to be endless.....

Carry on...
KittyLamour's Avatar
Looks like a BED to me. ... yes?

So then the next question is... how many times have YOU secretly recorded your clients on your non-existent webcam (see previous post) Originally Posted by TryWeakly
OMG...that's all you got? Sit down young man. I moved the camera there just to take pictures on my bed.

I am quite certain that none of my clients have had any cameras pointed at them unknowingly and I have zero desire to film anybody against their wishes, although I do get requests from clients to film our session together quite regularly. (For their own personal enjoyment)

I am going to take pictures on my couch next... and???

Like I said,


ps Thank you for the free advertising!

Quite possibly! The material seems to be endless.....

Carry on... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
No, hunni, the only thing endless around here is how you run your mouth. Take your tired ass to bed. You aren't mentally challenging enough for this to be any fun.