ECCIE Favourite Frazes Repository

jokacz's Avatar
but but but but.... is the enigma that you couldn't figure out her titties are.... enhanced???

Or is that the part that was wrapped in a conundrum? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

And you saw her tits when?

Never is my guess.
jokacz's Avatar
rooster's Avatar
Don’t let the nice pix fool you. When I’m looking at STG or some of the other websites, I tend to think a hooker is only as good as her worst pic.

Nice pix + bad pix = bad pix Originally Posted by Maximum4
One Mississippi,
Two Mississippi
Three Mississippi
Four Mississippi
Five Mississippi
Six Mississippi
Seven Mississippi
Eight Mississippi
Nine Mississippi
Ten Mississippi
annie@christophers's Avatar
annie@christophers's Avatar
It does that sometimes....

oh sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet jimmie jesus shinin ins a subway ...station

...please lets yer dearest ...plastic man ables ta use ...this ins ...his signature ...line

...huuuuuuge thanks ...fer sharin! Originally Posted by Plastic Man
fuckins Plastic Man.....
annie@christophers's Avatar
Yall are boring.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
It's hard for me to imagine any sugar daddies desperate enough to deal with this crazy cunt.
far betters ta thrown unders a bus than ...ta be thrown unders fat paulie Originally Posted by Plastic Man

Plastic Man's Avatar
instant ...classic

Hell I got a call on my cell from MY OWN cell number..didn't answer of course. Originally Posted by ben dover
good thing cause it ...was probably yer ...conscience phonin ...home from the abyss Originally Posted by Plastic Man
lilylivered's Avatar
instant ...classic Originally Posted by Plastic Man
I think it is against the rules to pick your own line
Plastic Man's Avatar
I think it is against the rules to pick your own line Originally Posted by lilylivered
uh ...plastic man ...done makes ...the rules
oh commie mummy donts ...worry we alls loves ya an all dones be ...glads ya ...done survived whens the titanic ...sank Originally Posted by Plastic Man
uh ...plastic man ...done makes ...the rules Originally Posted by Plastic Man
plenty a ...shrinks outs theres waitin ...fer new patients Originally Posted by Plastic Man
let er fucking pay fer er own bad ...decisions Originally Posted by Plastic Man
so spendin ...eternity with satan

...thanks fer ...sharin! Originally Posted by Plastic Man
instant ...classic Originally Posted by Plastic Man

So cool when PM gets on a roll.... big difference between GPM and BPM....