the *OFFICIAL* welcome back TARA thread!

There she is the queen bee of harrssment. Grow up sweetheart please. Go run your specials and go eat your hamburgers.
Funny i got my body runinng pillsbury.You should run too then you will have a flat stomach too. Not just jelly. Sure the dr did my boobs and proud of them! Your boob are nothing but fat sweetheart. Go put on some more weight guess what they will get bigger. Just quit hating.. Ive got way more reviews than you will ever Your name Jules will never be anything, ever. Ive seen tons of guys that you have seen and trust me doll your shit aint that good. So go do some squats and eat some salads. Let ur hair grow out like normal girls and quit getting weaves. I have more girlfriends on here than you have clients. Ive been around since aspd. The top notch girls aren't on here because they dont want to put up with the crap that girl's like you create. Now take a breather. Say i wont think of Tara for the rest of the nite. I will get back to my life and not think of her.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
There she is the queen bee of harrssment. Grow up sweetheart please. Go run your specials and go eat your hamburgers.
Funny i got my body runinng pillsbury.You should run too then you will have a flat stomach too. Not juat jelly. Sure the dr did my boobs and proud of them! Your boob are nothing but fat sweetheart. Go put on some more weight guess what they will get bigger. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Classy response as usual 👍

But we are the haters lol
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
There she is the queen bee of harrssment. Grow up sweetheart please. Go run your specials and go eat your hamburgers.
Funny i got my body runinng pillsbury.You should run too then you will have a flat stomach too. Not juat jelly. Sure the dr did my boobs and proud of them! Your boob are nothing but fat sweetheart. Go put on some more weight guess what they will get bigger. Just quit hating.. Ive got way more reviews than you will ever Your name Jules will never be anything, ever. Ive seen tons of guys that you hace seen and truste doll your shit aint that good. So go do some squats and eat some salads. Let ur hair grow out like normal girls and quit getting weaves. I have my girlfriends on here than you have clients. Ive been around since aspd. The top notch girls aremnt on here because they dont want to put up with the crap that you create. Now take a breather. Say i wont think of Tara for the rest of the nite. I will get back to my life and not think of her. Originally Posted by Tara Evans

There she is the editing queen...

Where they at tho? Lol
Hey what can i say hooked on phonics didnt work for me. But screen shot it crazy girl like you always do. Hurry
Hurry. Do you actually have Tara pictures hanging in your room??? I mean really get off me.
Classy response as usual ��

But we are the haters lol Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I wouldnt say your a hater more like a crazy wanta b fan.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Hey what can i say hooked on phonics didnt work for me. But screen shot it crazy girl like you always do. Hurry
Hurry. Do you actually have Tara pictures hanging in your room??? I mean really get off me. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Halloween is coming good idea
Yeah im thinking about going as a fat woman with cottage cheese legs. Have and ideas? Or pillsbury? Not sure. What are you going to be? I think party city has plus sizes
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Yeah im thinking about going as a fat woman with cottage cheese legs. No any ideas? Or pillsbury? Not sure. What are you going to be? I think party city has plus sizes Originally Posted by Tara Evans
130 isnt fat honey... this is texas some men like a lil meat on their bones there is a market for everything in this lovely hobby. I dont need to knock anyone to make money thats some shit haters do.
Your the shit hater. Loud and clear. Honey what's your bmi? Im sure not good. I have 6 % body fat
Rest muscle. Aint no flab on this woman. Trust me there's plenty to grab onto when they grab my ass.
blowmypop23's Avatar
There she is the queen bee of harrssment. Grow up sweetheart please. Go run your specials and go eat your hamburgers.
Funny i got my body runinng pillsbury.You should run too then you will have a flat stomach too. Not just jelly. Sure the dr did my boobs and proud of them! Your boob are nothing but fat sweetheart. Go put on some more weight guess what they will get bigger. Just quit hating.. Ive got way more reviews than you will ever Your name Jules will never be anything, ever. Ive seen tons of guys that you have seen and trust me doll your shit aint that good. So go do some squats and eat some salads. Let ur hair grow out like normal girls and quit getting weaves. I have more girlfriends on here than you have clients. Ive been around since aspd. The top notch girls aren't on here because they dont want to put up with the crap that girl's like you create. Now take a breather. Say i wont think of Tara for the rest of the nite. I will get back to my life and not think of her. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Hey what can i say hooked on phonics didnt work for me. But screen shot it crazy girl like you always do. Hurry
Hurry. Do you actually have Tara pictures hanging in your room??? I mean really get off me. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I wouldnt say your a hater more like a crazy wanta b fan. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Yeah im thinking about going as a fat woman with cottage cheese legs. Have and ideas? Or pillsbury? Not sure. What are you going to be? I think party city has plus sizes Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Your the shit hater. Loud and clear. Honey what's your bmi? Im sure not good. I have 6 % body fat
Rest muscle. Aint no flab on this woman. Trust me there's plenty to grab onto when they grab my ass. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Surely one of your lap dogs could come up with something more clever or at least different. Of course I could be over estimating your client base.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Surely one of your lap dogs could come up with something more clever or at least different. Of course I could be over estimating your client base. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
Ima Go with the latter of the two
Two mods told me to leave you alone that its not worth it. Think im just gonna say goodnite to ya. And lets see what happens.
Ima Go with the latter of the two Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Come on lets get this to 50,000 views.
blowmypop23's Avatar
I've never seen so much effort go into hating on one person. It's borderline mind boggling. Here we have a bunch of 'adults', literally PILING ON, instigating, playing grade school games, doing the ol 'Let's all not like her...together!' tactics.

Seriously. If anything, you'd think 'adults' would try to separate themselves from the PILE ON. It literally looks like 'World War Z' the way you all go after her. Even if she has her imperfect ways (who doesn't), what does it make EACH OF YOU look like to be part of the World War Z Pile on?? Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Two mods told me to leave you alone that its not worth it. Think im just gonna say goodnite to ya. And lets see what happens. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Getting close to a ban again? Goodnight