NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 08-09-2014, 07:40 PM
May be true, may not be. First preseason game is waayy too early to judge them. Check again after the first half of the third preseason game. The guys you see now will be at UPS or FedEx in a few weeks (not that there's anything wrong witdat). Lol
jstone420's Avatar
Same old shit
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-09-2014, 09:29 PM

So many negatives, it's hard to know where to start. Everything I was concerned about came to fruition. OL sucks. Clowney? Playing outside LB with the pros is a a total different world from college. You see him get burnt on a TD pass?

Secondary needs a lot of help. They always say "it's never bad or good as it seems"... But in this case I think it was....

The college coach looked lost...
I'm trying my best to look on the bright side. The Texans could have looked worse.

I'm just not sure how!
Oh no, we suck again!!

Quick recap

#99 awesome as usual
#90 might be a stud
#44 shows a little spark can't wait to yell you're my boy blue!!!
Entire offensive Line without Duane Brown could be the worst in history!!!
Entire secondary is extremely shitty. Probably couldn't cover any of our shitty offensive linemen, they are that Mfing slooooooowwwww,!!!
#23 Vagina soft
#80 used to be a leader.
Head Coach prime candidate for a kube attack, poor bastard. Smoke a lot of weed and drink heavily!!
Rick Smith you're fired, join the unemployed trevardo Williams, Brennan Williams and Sam Montgomery among other very shitty draft picks.
Romeo, you are fucked but probably could outrun the DB's.
#82 cut his ass and sign joe Adams
#14 shave that snatch off your face so maybe you can see over the Oline. I do have to admit I almost jizzed myself when he ran for 30 yards on a scramble.

Trade for Drew Stanton or Logan Thomas.

That is all. See you at the stadium next week.
BigLouie's Avatar
Did BoB just say "it's on me"
Long nose's Avatar
Did BoB just say "it's on me" Originally Posted by BigLouie
Not again
Solemate62's Avatar
Just saw the score on NFL network this morning and Wow! Somewhere, you know that both Kubes and Schaub are laughing their asses off!
Skyblaster99's Avatar! We are going to stink with this guy as our QB

Our defense was horrible !!# 26 Harris is toast....

32-0 that's horrible we will suck all year also I don't like O,Brien
He's a piece of cardboard QB expert? Hell he had Tom Brady.........
Fitz stinks
I am sticking with my original prediction of 5 wins but I might have to revise that after next preseason game. Coach ought to let Savage play with number one team and see what he got because Keenum and Grizzly Saddams are god-awful.
Wakeup's Avatar
Maybe we can lose so much we get the first pick again...and draft what we've always needed...a quarterback...

Pfft...what am I thinking...
BigLouie's Avatar
1. Could Whitney Mercilus look any worse
2. Could D.J. Swearinger look any worse
3. Pundits had said that the defensive players that were signed were worse than the players they replaced. I see what they mean.
4. I was listening to guys on the radio last night who said that Mercilus should be cut to send a message to the rest of the team.
5. Since Tom Bardy was drafted no one drafted as QB after the third round has been successful. All of ours were taken in the 4th round or later and none look as if they will be successful.
6. Lance had said that this offense was based on attacking the opponents weakness. Well it looks as if the Cards had no weakness as the Texans did not attack shit.
7. Clowney needs to learn how to cover and fast or that's what other teams will attack.
8. It looks as if I might have been generous when I said they would win 6 games this year.
9. BoB said that poor play starts with coaching and that starts with him. Not exactly "it's on me" but close enough.
10. Manziel looked money last night.
The Cardinals did beat Seattle last year in Seattle They will contend for the division title in probably the toughest division in the league. Glad the cardinal coach is no longer with the colts.

That does not excuse the fact we fucking sucked. Why the fuck is our 2nd round pick playing behind Duane Brown?????? WTMltherfuckingfuck??
I would shave Sweringer's head. That mfer ain't fast enough to have the long hair outside
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Bill "O'Brien" sounds exactly like Kubiak, my fault, its on me ,
Give it up so called QB expert... We suck...
Preseason or regular season , our defense was Swiss cheese,
Clowney cant cover on passes .. Period...
Our Linebackers are horrible...
We better find another QB somehow
Because these 3 are all bad... 2-14 repeat
We stunk period ... 0 points in a preseason game
Im sorry i haven't liked O'Brien since day one
He's another Schiano
Romeo C is a defense expert!!!! LMFAO
With these clowns??? Hype hype hype
Typical texans 11 yrs of it