NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Wakeup's Avatar
I'd play center and hike the ball to Caroline Davenport over any of our quarterbacks...
Solemate62's Avatar
Give him crab legs on the house and he should be a good civilian, I'd bet on that over our sorry QB's we have right now. Originally Posted by TheDon
Lol, and if the Ravens are on the schedule, Rice and Winston can form a tag team versus their dates, the night before the game.
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Yes!! We could run the power I with him at QB
Worked in the 20's !!!!!
Im serious!!! Tebow , Tebow, Tebow
Case 0-8 Kenumm
Tom someday im going to be like Ben Rothensburger savage?
BigLouie's Avatar
If you seriously think that Tebow is a viable candidate for QB you really don't know football and should stop posting in the thread.
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Nope , Big Louie ... Too bad !!!
Ain't scared
I bet i know alot more football than you!!
So there.... Lol
Go play in the fast lane on I -10
We have 3 losers at QB now so what the hell...
Rick Smith is a moron ....
This is a QB league ... We got shit

BL i totally disagree ok welcome to America!!
Tebow's better than the 3 we have right now

You have zero reviews ??? Really ?? So you don't know crap
Solemate62's Avatar
If you seriously think that Tebow is a viable candidate for QB you really don't know football and should stop posting in the thread. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Perhaps, but who ever thought Romeo was a viable candidate for defensive coordinator after his abysmal season as Chiefs head coach?
Wakeup's Avatar
Second time he's said that...what do reviews have to do with anything? You think your reviews give you juice, newb?
BigLouie's Avatar
So writing reviews on hooker boards makes us experts on QBs
Wakeup's Avatar
So writing reviews on hooker boards makes us experts on QBs Originally Posted by BigLouie
No...but nothing else you do makes you one either...

Just sayin'...
BigLouie's Avatar
OK here is someone else's opinion on Tebow. Gil Brandt one of the most respected personnel people in the NFL. Let me point out that NO NFL team considered him this year and a number of teams including the Texans needed a QB.

The difference between college football and the NFL is pretty great; it separates the really good from the elite. Tebow, for all his greatness in college, could never transfer those skills to the NFL. One thing I noticed when I watched him play with the Broncos and Jets was how he always looked confused. It wasn't because he lacked intelligence; he's actually pretty smart. But he looked confused as to when and where to throw the ball.

Secondly, he didn't have great accuracy in the NFL, a bit surprising since he never completed less than 64 percent of his passes in his four seasons at Florida. But again, the NFL is a completely different game. If you have trouble reading defenses, which he did, you're going to have accuracy issues. It's going to be very difficult for an NFL team to add him to its roster.

If he would be open to it, I'd bring him in as a tight end or H-back. He could make a nice career if he committed to those positions. He just doesn't have the skills necessary to play quarterback in the NFL.
jstone420's Avatar
Don't worry about it Tebow not coming here that coach isn't that dumb
Wakeup's Avatar
The difference between college football and the NFL is pretty great; it separates the really good from the elite. Originally Posted by BigLouie
And our coach...
If you seriously think that Tebow is a viable candidate for QB you really don't know football and should stop posting in the thread. Originally Posted by BigLouie
I clearly stated that I am not a fan of Tebow but at this point we don't have much to lose. Fitzgerald is not going to bring us very many wins and he is probably the most NFL ready QB that we have on our roster. Which isn't saying much!

As for Tebow, he brings a completely different skill set and at this point in time, we really don't have that much to lose. Tebow does not have an NFL caliber arm but at this stage in his career, I'm not sure that Fitzgerald does either.

If Savage were further along in his development, I would say give him the ball and let's see what he can do with it. But he does not appear to be close to being NFL ready yet. Perhaps Savage can be far enough along toward the end of the year to get a few NFL regular season starts on his resume.

I strongly believe that it doesn't matter who our starting QB will be because it is going to be a very long year offensively for BoB and the Texans.
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Gil Brandt is a old Geezer who needs to completely retire
What is he 105 ? Dude is older than dirt
Tebow has gotten better , he's a work out freak , im really not sure
Why he has not been invited to throw.
He is also a winner -- I say why not.?
But doubt it will happen . I know it was a pre season game but we really
Sucked all over the place and Atlanta will roll us too.
Fitzmagic is a 10 year vet who hasn't done crap
And Andre Johnson knows it and is back because of cash
JD is a player we picked the rt guy, but wtf we had more picks and our
Wood headed GM didnt trade up to get a QB
This group is a train wreck ---you'll see ....
Coach OB wont last as long as Kubiak.......
He's a blowhard!!! 2 yrs and he's gone....bottom line ::
11 yrs and we've had 1 good season--im a season ticket holder - this is another group of mostly trash players , we have a few stars but in this league if you don't have a QB you ain't got shit
Look around the league no QB -- no Super Bowl---
Our GM should have got canned with Coach K and out new Coach thinks everything will be ok with Fitzmagic???? " we coulda been a contender""
They screwed the pooch ,Tom Savage really.....
This guy is a QB expert??? He had Tom Brady for gods sake.....
Guys a 3 time SB champ how hard is it to coach him??
The OB Train Wreck express .... And we are on it and cant jump off
Solemate62's Avatar
Without taking up lots of space with quotes from the prior two gents, totally agree with BigTex and Skyblaster!