NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
Notice that no matter how bad the QB situation was on any NFL team, NO ONE tried to sign Tebow. This alone tells you that his days as a NFL QB are over.
BigLouie's Avatar
Tebow has gotten better , he's a work out freak , im really not sure
Why he has not been invited to throw.

Wood headed GM didnt trade up to get a QB Originally Posted by Skyblaster99
He hasn't gotten better. If he had some team, any team would have given him a look. NONE did.

Our greatest mistake was not trading up into the middle of the second to grab JimmyG. Watch him replace Brady in a couple of years.
ramblinman69's Avatar
Maybe this has been posted before, but I don't feel like looking back. This is why your team sucks, the 2014 edition from Deadspin, mildly amusing:
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-12-2014, 08:05 AM
Ramblinman, wow, thanks for posting that, hilarious stuff that's sad but true.

There's some pretty bad stuff in there about our team and the city of Houston. I don't agree with the stuff about Houston itself, but the Texans stuff was sadly dead on. A couple of gems....

"Draft the best college defensive lineman in years? Fuck it, he's a linebacker now"

"The Texans have had the #1 pick 3 times since their inaugural 2002 season and still don't have a franchise quarterback"

PS:Since the Texans have a policy of not signing "controversial" players, I think it's pointless to even discuss the remote possibility of Tebow ever coming here.
ramblinman69's Avatar
Ramblinman, wow, thanks for posting that, hilarious stuff that's sad but true.

There's some pretty bad stuff in there about our team and the city of Houston. I don't agree with the stuff about Houston itself, but the Texans stuff was sadly dead on. A couple of gems....

"Draft the best college defensive lineman in years? Fuck it, he's a linebacker now"

"The Texans have had the #1 pick 3 times since their inaugural 2002 season and still don't have a franchise quarterback"

PS:Since the Texans have a policy of not signing "controversial" players, I think it's pointless to even discuss the remote possibility of Tebow ever coming here. Originally Posted by Satin

He'll have these little write ups for most every team in the league, and he'll dog the city as well so don't feel bad. I grew up a god damn Cowboys fan, and I consider myself a relatively smart and educated person. It's a tortuous and miserable existence. At least Houston has recently made the playoffs and you know, won fucking playoff games. What a concept. Anyway, excuse the language but Jesus.

Good luck this season!
Wakeup's Avatar
Not really sure I'd count two wins against the wildcard Bengals as "playoff wins"...just sayin'...
BigLouie's Avatar
I hope that at the end of this year Rick Smith is let go and someone with a better draft record is hired. The lack of depth is a direct result of years of terrible middle round picks
ramblinman69's Avatar
Not really sure I'd count two wins against the wildcard Bengals as "playoff wins"...just sayin'... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Valid point. That's how bad it is in Jerry's world, we would've masturbated over those wins for months all the while thinking we'd have a chance to win it all soon. It sucks.
jstone420's Avatar
If the texans were smart they would put clowney at his right position he's not a linebacker
It will be interesting to see how our slow Mfing secondary matches up with the falcons his week. Get the butter, sugar and cinnamon ready there will be plenty of toast!!!!

Also interested to see TJ, he will probably look like an all pro against our DB's.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-12-2014, 03:08 PM
I agree with that (Clowney) and I'm still puzzled as to why they're trying to make him a LB. Standing up vs "hand-in-the-dirt" are 2 very different positions. Seeing him getting toasted in the end zone for a TD on his first possession confirmed that that position is gonna take some time for him to learn...if ever.

Ramblinman, I'll continue to check that publication out man, I like it. I subscribe to the YardBarker and it's pretty funny and informative as well. I used to hate Cowgirl fans, but since all my close friends are, I've learned to tolerate you boys. Going as many years as you have being 8-8 with no playoff appearances have really seemed to humble the fans of "America's Team".

We have to be thankful for the Bengals because without them, we would be worse than we already are...

Oh yeah, the article kept saying Houston stinks...bad....where in the fuck were they....Pasadena!!???
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Ramblin --- the Cowboys have won 5 Super Bowls -FIVE dude
We ain't got S h i t!!!!!!
Im a Texans fan but this group is a bunch of idiots
Romeo Crennel is not a defensive genius our Defense will regress this year
Trying to make JD a linebacker is beyond stupid its insane its not going to work
Did you see him get toasted on a simple square out?
JD needs to be on the ground every down rushing the QB put him next to JJ
Rt next to him and charge away - would take 4 guys to block these 2
And Marcellus sucks ok cut him bring in a guy from Towson state
Plus we have way too many Ivy League chumps
Ivy League is good at Rowing not football!!! Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Dartmouth???? We need Bama, LSU, Michigan, Oregon, ... Real players
Not mambe -- guys who break the law just for fun
Not perfect Church Boys ..this is football!!!Damn it!!! This new Coach OB is going to crash and burn.. This aint college chump!! Bill Cowher, John Gruden, and we got this chump.... Train wreck hell Bill would have killed 2 players , John would have cut like 5 by now rah rah rah
Going to a Game isn't Cheap ... Im paying alot for it i have 4 season tickets and have been folio wing this garbage for 11 years

Most people who go go to party they party
All day-- and when your drunk and messed up
Who cares -- its really unbelievable what a huge drinken
Party it is.... Amazes me , and they boo our own players they don't like
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-12-2014, 09:37 PM
Well done Skyblaster, that's a rant I thought only Daddio could pull off. But I gotta say I agree with 99% of it.

I've had to reevaluate my whole relationship and what I'm spending on the Texans since I disagree with pretty much everything they're doing right now. It's McNair's team so he can do what he wants, but it doesn't mean I have to contribute to it.
Fuckin A Satin, me too, me fucking too. These fucking jack offs. Are you going Saturday night?
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-13-2014, 12:14 AM