NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
I heard you can donate your season tickets and get a tax write off...
jstone420's Avatar
The only ticket im buying is when the ravens come to town
boardman's Avatar
I seriously doubt that you'll see Clowney dropping back much. They'll rotate coverages to give him the ability to play on the line. That can be done but with our secondary I'm not sure how well it will work. Maybe Clowney can play SS instead. He's gotta be faster than Swearinger.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-14-2014, 09:09 AM
So the 3 Amigos were back at practice yesterday. (Cushing, BabyMaker, Dre)

Things are starting to look up. Even Fitz got some good news. I just read from a site that ranks the QB's and he's now moved up to #30. Just ahead of Geno Smith and Jake Locker. Congrats!

So in the last few days we've had fights, suspensions, more injuries and the first openly gay "active" player in college football (Arizona State OL Chip Sarafin)

And to think it's only preseason.....
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Texans give Case Keenum snaps with the starters

oilfieldscum's Avatar
7. Ryan Fitzpatrick had another up-and-down day but had one horrible sequence in situational work. He threw three straight passes that didn’t touch a receiver and his fourth was too high for Keshawn Martin.
8. Case Keenum got some work in with the first team for the first time this summer. He moved the offense down the field in a two minute drill and won the “game” by throwing a touchdown to Garrett Graham. It was probably the best he’s looked all camp but head coach Bill O'Brien said Keenum won't get first-team reps in the game on Saturday.
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Cushing must still be banged up
As they are treating him like a piece of broken glass
Dre.... Fitz walks by him and says "Hi Dre"....Dre says , "Gerrrrrrrr"
Aarian --- is just wandering around talking about vegtables and
The planets....
I like "The General" asked Philosofoster if he was still contemplating retirement like espn reported. Vagina soft #23 didn't like that question as it hit too close to home. I predict he pussies out very quickly this season. He will slip even more than usual
TheDon's Avatar
He and Dre will "pull" hammys by week 3. Both will be gone after the season, tank mode going to come quicker than usual this season.

I'd rather be 2-14 again than 7-9 to be honest.
Skyblaster99's Avatar
With Fitzmagic, homeboy "i cant win a game " Kenuum
And " someday ill be Ben Rothensburger II " Savage
We will be # 32 on the NFL Depth Chart....

Nice welcome for Ben II -- hut, hit , slam--Saftey....
TheDon's Avatar
It's a shame, we got 4 players ranked in the 90's in madden this year, that's more than any other team in our division. Dre, Brown, Cush, and Watt. I mainly feel bad for Just Watt though, going to be another wasted year for him. And I think it will take Cush a while to get back to a 100%, hopefully he can just use this year to get back to his old self.

Our depth sucks though as a roster, we have a few great guys, but just garbage for the most part. Can't believe I bought into the hype that we would be good again.
BigLouie's Avatar
Another good outing by Bortles. Our problem this year is going to be that every QB we passed on is going to look great.

Depth sucks because Rick Smith can't draft past first round and even those picks are spotty. Our starting QB has a life time of 100 TDs and 96 interceptions. That is not going to win you a lot of games.

Plus our offensive plays don't look creative.

We are in for another long year of losing.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-15-2014, 09:31 AM
Damn, you guys are so pessimistic, wow! Didn't you boys just read my post that Fitzi is now ranked #30 in the NFL?! Isn't that reason to cheer?!

Don, you're correct, going 7-9 or 5-11 will suck. We need to somehow shock the world and stay healthy and make the playoffs - OR just totally tank again. This is a QB-driven league. (You hear that Rick?) We are not winning anything without a star QB. I like Case, but he's not the answer.

We're going to be haunted every time we see highlights of Bortles, Bridgewater and Manziel.
Bortles and Jags do look pretty good. I think it was BL who was giving praise to the Jags quite a while back in this awesome thread and he nailed it. Coach looks good, drafts look good except for the Blackmon pick. They definitely have their shit together unlike the Rick Smith led Texans.

Jury is still out on B'OB, I like his team first stuff but it obviously hasn't gotten thru to BabyMaker. I agree he will have a hammy issue very quickly this season and vagina out!! Andre has been a warrior in the past but it only takes one bad apple(Philosofoster aka BabyMaker aka Vagina Soft #23) to spoil the bunch, and Dre is being exposed to the bad apple way too much. Hopefully he will rise above and we can hang in there in this very weak division.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-15-2014, 10:41 AM
Come on Daddio, other than fucking skank hoes without a condom and getting them pregnant.....he's....

"Just trying to be the best teammate he can be".....