YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

Taint is beautiful all by itself...sigh...
Buzz texting my harem...lol...Yummy LOVES THE LADIES!!!
Okay...so I'm thinking silly right now...should I get t-shirts for my ladies that say "Team YM!"?
Sorry SL...you started it! And no, they are not MY LADIES...I'm just really fond of them <3

I HEART all my lickalicious ladies....
Help me out guys and gals...IF I created a t-shirt, what would it say on front and back?
Lickalicious...YM certified...

Male tested...Yummy Approved
Cat got your tongue?...consider yourself lucky...YM stole my swag...and I LOVED IT!
F'tard tested...YM approved (I know it's redundant, but you'll get over it)
I purchased T-shirts that said I SURVIVED DALLAS and kept one autographed by Dallas. I gave her the other two and autographed it for her. Some where I have pictures of Dee and I in our matching shirts. The T-shirt place had no idea of the meaning of the printing. Damn she has a great ass.....
Wishing she was beckoning me...

I purchased T-shirts that said I SURVIVED DALLAS and kept one autographed by Dallas. I gave her the other two and autographed it for her. Some where I have pictures of Dee and I in our matching shirts. The T-shirt place had no idea of the meaning of the printing. Damn she has a great ass..... Originally Posted by tucson
Now I'm on a mission...must create a custom t-shirt!!! But find a way for the words to flatter my beautiful ladies and not be so YM-centered...

Maybe something like "YM GOT LUCKY...I joined her harem "
If radio personality Rod Ryan can have a HOTTIE POSSE...YM can do the same
Yummy approved
Certified by Yummy
The Yummy crew
Tested by Yummy
Some where I may have a picture of your ass I will have to search for it.
I vote for:

"YM woke me from my beauty sleep and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"

Hahaha...someone forgot to read the fine print when agreeing to be a member of my harem
pyramider's Avatar
Help me out guys and gals...IF I created a t-shirt, what would it say on front and back? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
There should be a taint reference right in the middle.