Providers who have been run off the board by trolls...

dearhunter's Avatar
@Stinky , NM is more than a liar for sure, DO NOT waste your time in trying to protect her ass...she is whore and acts like it..she is danger to hobbyists & other providers , whoever has seen her have lost their discretion for sure...yes she has a gang and they all exchange RW info and use it whenever needed...its all open secret..don't be a dumb ass..use your real head bud.. Originally Posted by ECCIE2NDAVE
Appreciate the commentary, but you misconstrue what I am doing ... I am not trying to protect anyone.

"it's an open secret" ... what exactly does that mean ... that it's common knowledge, but without proof. If you got something ... by all means.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2015, 11:40 AM
ROFLMAO! Heh ... Like I give a fuck.

ReRead DH's posts ... there's like 20,000 of them. Just like you ... what is it now 22,000 ... 23,000 posts?

Got a life much? Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Not in this thread there are not 20k posts by dh.

You really do not have a clue.

dearhunter's Avatar
Stincky, I know you thinck you know what you have done. But, in reality you do not have a clue.

You have provided the vehicle by which WTF has been able to swerve away from the cliff he was headed for at top speed. You have simply provided him the cover he desperately needed. You have been played like an out of tune guitar.

I am sure the stincky pussy whore and her "gang" appreciate you helping WTF avert his demise.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2015, 12:13 PM
Stincky, I know you thinck you know what you have done. But, in reality you do not have a clue.

You have provided the vehicle by which WTF has been able to swerve away from the cliff he was headed for at top speed. You have simply provided him the cover he desperately needed. You have been played like an out of tune guitar.

. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I have been trying to tell Johnny Fucking Cochran that in fact he was defending me!

Those females wanted my scalp for being a good Speculator!:
Stincky, I know you thinck you know what you have done. But, in reality you do not have a clue.

You have provided the vehicle by which WTF has been able to swerve away from the cliff he was headed for at top speed. You have simply provided him the cover he desperately needed. You have been played like an out of tune guitar.

I am sure the stincky pussy whore and her "gang" appreciate you helping WTF avert his demise. Originally Posted by dearhunter
He's proved that he is a liar, that he has no evidence, has not presented any proof ... If he wants to jump off the cliff, that's his choice.
citizen44's Avatar
You have provided the vehicle by which WTF has been able to swerve away from the cliff he was headed for at top speed. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Stinky Fingers
[Staff edit, Spice- Image of children removed. Not appropriate for the site regardless of context]
Those females wanted my scalp for being a good Speculator!
: Originally Posted by WTF
you kung fu very very good...
you scare little girlies hide behind pink curtain.
dearhunter's Avatar
No one cares what is "proven". You removed the noose from around his neck. Everyone was waiting for him to leap off the cliff in slow motion. You stole that from Natalia and her gaggle.

It is ironic that in your effort to discredit WTF you saved him. WTF revealed that the modtards were on his trail. In your zeal to discredit him you gave him his escape.
...but you misconstrue what I am doing ... I am not trying to protect anyone. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
I get it, or maybe part of it.
Like many others, this is entertainment to you. Myself, I'm watching the game reading threads. You always seem to take the opposing view of the issues, antagonistic profile.
No real harm in that, I enjoy a good debate at times also.
What I find annoying in your posts is your single minded focus on SEEING facts. You know that if the facts were available they could not be posted. So this does not make your attempt to discredit what's been presented valid. It only shows you are blind to the situation in front of you.

Back to the OJ analogy... just because the glove didn't fit, does not mean he did not murder those two. The glove in the courtroom was dried with blood and you could clearly see he made no attempt to pull the glove onto his hand. A brand new Isotoner glove would have been more flexible and would probably easily fit.
It was a drama bullshit move. Is that your play?

I'm good if that's your move, but don't try to establish credibility by throwing the word fact around so much. The fact is, we aren't allowed to post facts.
The lack of facts posted does not mean that the facts aren't there. Just that we don't have access to them or can't post what is obviously behind the curtain.
No one cares what is "proven". You removed the noose from around his neck. Everyone was waiting for him to leap off the cliff in slow motion. You stole that from Natalia and her gaggle.

It is ironic that in your effort to discredit WTF you saved him. WTF revealed that the modtards were on his trail. In your zeal to discredit him you gave him his escape. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Either he was peeking behind the Pink Curtain ... that tells you something about him ...

Or, he was lying and admitted he was lying ... that also tells you something about him ...

Either way, it's a lose-lose proposition for him ... What you do now know is that he cannot be trusted.
What I find annoying in your posts is your single minded focus on SEEING facts. You know that if the facts were available they could not be posted. So this does not make your attempt to discredit what's been presented valid. It only shows you are blind to the situation in front of you.

The fact is, we aren't allowed to post facts. The lack of facts posted does not mean that the facts aren't there. Just that we don't have access to them or can't post what is obviously behind the curtain. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
With no facts, nothing is obvious. Since she can't prove a negative and he can't present facts ... you're left with believing whoever you believe. Either scenario is equally plausible.
Your lie was claiming that you had evidence to support your claims and you previously admitted that was a lie and you do not. Further, you're admitting that you are speculating on speculation.

So, let's see what we have here:

A proven liar, who clearly spends his life on this Board ... what is it ... 23,000 posts and who does not want to give out his references:


[I]"Plenty of Money, Plenty of Refrences, Plenty of Time...Looking for a lady with Plenty of Sense.

But I am not giving any of them up. They are none of your business. I'm looking for a lady that has the good sense not to be mind fucked by this three references bullshit.

One that will see me and keep her mouth shut about doing so. I pay top dollar for that type of lady. I do not want a person that does not have the good sense to see that I am not LE . She then decides to see me to explore if there is any chemistry between the two of us....if not, I pay the full rate and we have only wasted a bit of time, if that as I do not consider meeting a new friend a waste of time. If we click, even better...

I will not ask for a review special as I do not do reviews. If I do choose to review it will be by word of mouth to top notch clients , that like I , require discretion.

Does that type of lady even exist on eccie any longer?

Best Regards to you all..."[

So, let's play you're little speculation game: You're a loser without a life, except for on this Board, who is trying to convince ladies to see him without references. I'll speculate because there is a problem with your references ... either because of your physical appearance and/or personality and/or hygiene (or lack thereof). And you approached NM and were rebuffed and since you have nothing better to do, you're now spending you time spreading speculative lies for revenge. Blame God ... he's the one done this to you. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Note that WTF did not deny any of the above. So, using his own logic, since he did not deny it, we can speculate that it is true.
With no facts, nothing is obvious. Since she can't prove a negative and he can't present facts ... you're left with believing whoever you believe. Either scenario is equally plausible. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
So, you are not totally blind to the fact that nothing can be proven 100%. That leaves us with certain observational tools and laws of probability. There are patterns of behavior that lay groundwork both by nm and those who've walked the same path before her. And there are her reactions and over reactions to posts made by WTF and others. FBI profilers use these tidbits of information to narrow down the possibilities of whose playing and whose really in the game. This is not a court of law where there's a burden of proof. This is just a discussion board where we share information of what is going on in our community. Who may be a danger to others, and who may be making some power play by gathering information on hobbyists.

take it for what it's worth, but don't say you weren't warned when the shit hits the fan.
So, you are not totally blind to the fact that nothing can be proven 100%. That leaves us with certain observational tools and laws of probability. There are patterns of behavior that lay groundwork both by nm and those who've walked the same path before her. And there are her reactions and over reactions to posts made by WTF and others. FBI profilers use these tidbits of information to narrow down the possibilities of whose playing and whose really in the game. This is not a court of law where there's a burden of proof. This is just a discussion board where we share information of what is going on in our community. Who may be a danger to others, and who may be making some power play by gathering information on hobbyists.

take it for what it's worth, but don't say you weren't warned when the shit hits the fan. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
You made an allegation that she posted something about you. I asked you whether you had actually seen a post she made with her handle regarding that allegation or had someone merely told you that this was posted. You failed to answer the question.

Now's you chance: Did you actually see the post, or did someone just tell you that she posted something?

Is someone was trying to damage your reputation and that could have a negative impact on your business ... you might defend yourself vigorously and that could be characterized as "overreacting" particularly when you're being held to prove a negative, which you can't.