What Are You Watching on TV Nowadays?

Astroglide's Avatar
La Piloto season 2 just came out. Some serious talent on this show.

Better Call Saul, one of the best series out there.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Making A Murderer Netflix this is crazy part 1 of 2

Mayans FX where the Sons left off

Ozarks The Woman This Season where crazy good

Ray Donovon Showtime when it starts back up

Good Cop kind of corny Netflix
Good DR.
cabletex7's Avatar
This dumb, 6 episode British shitshow of a show - The Bodyguard (Netflix).

Moonlight Graham's Avatar
The Deuce is HBO's latest dramatic series from David Simon, creator of The Wire.

The Deuce is all about the start of the porn industry in New York City (Times Sqaure) in the late '70s or so - the streetwalkers who became porn stars, the pimps who became obsolete (or porn stars), the bar owners who started peepshows, the mob who funded the films and the peeps and cracked kneecaps, the cops who looked the wrong way, and the do-gooders who did no good.

Comedy, tragedy, sex, drinking and all sorts of stuff going on.

Then watch The Wire - one of the best TV shows ever.
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Ferdinand, empire, waiting for power..
Eccie Addict's Avatar
The Deuce is HBO's latest dramatic series from David Simon, creator of The Wire.

The Deuce is all about the start of the porn industry in New York City (Times Sqaure) in the late '70s or so - the streetwalkers who became porn stars, the pimps who became obsolete (or porn stars), the bar owners who started peepshows, the mob who funded the films and the peeps and cracked kneecaps, the cops who looked the wrong way, and the do-gooders who did no good.

Comedy, tragedy, sex, drinking and all sorts of stuff going on.

Then watch The Wire - one of the best TV shows ever. Originally Posted by Moonlight Graham
Just watched the first couple of episodes of this. Thanks for the rec on this one. I’ve watched the wire and agree it’s one of the best series out there!
If you haven't seen "Money Heist" on Netflix, do it. It's excellent.
I could never get into the deuce. Like I couldn't get into ballers but I watched 2 seasons on a bored day. It was alright.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Man I liked ballers. I had no idea Denzel washingtons son was in there!
Eccie addict I used to be an immaculate dresser when I used to go to church. I love suits and Allen Edmond shoes or church's.like when I see a broad who is really worth my time I love dressing up in some of my suits like the Rock wore with a pair of black wingtip Allen Edmonds perfectly shined up and walk in Vic and Anthony's, the palm or 3 forks. l love the way the Rock dresses in Ballers
Super Head 713's Avatar
I’m watching season 5 of the show ‘“Empire “
Super Head 713's Avatar
Ferdinand, empire, waiting for power.. Originally Posted by shinepro
I’m patiently waiting on power too, ughhhhhh I’m so curious to know if Angela is going to live
I haven't turned on a tv in years. I'm sure I'm behind in everything
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Power is great. I have been watching in on Hulu and Amazon. Get this I bought each episode of the last season on amazon. Get to the last episode to buy it and it says I have to subscribe to starz to watch the last one. Let me tell ya I was fit to be tied over that shit!! As my mom used to say.... awe fiddle faddle!! Lol
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-12-2018, 05:37 AM
Castlevainia, Big mouth, finishing making a murderer.