Assholes's Speech

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well it was an interesting experiment. I do have to adjust the times I watched because I took a nap by accident. 8:45am watched CNN news- they talked about - Kremlin says U.S. is obsessed with Russia and that Russia could care less. (IMO if anyone believes that they are braindead),showed parts of the interview trump,trump talks about how it was his choice to fire Comey while at the same exact moment the vice president was saying the firing was done at the recommendations of Jeff Sessions. They also talked about the threatening tweets trump sent out to Comey.

FOX channel-9:08am they talked about a Russia jet 20 ft from a U.S. ship. Nothing more,than just saying it was bad warning policies. Next they talked about an ICE sweep. I checked out some numbers on this subject and found some truly interesting facts on this. My biggest question is why was ICE truly involved in this. 933 of the arrest are of U.S. citizens. 8 were of DACA. 283 had no gang ties. It took 450 police officers to arrest 16 people in Compton, CA. I have walked in Compton as a white girl with no issues so why did it take 450 officers to arrest 16 U.S. citizens? Btw, those facts were not talked about in FOX.

21-murder,7-rape,445-people from other countries. So ICE arrested more U.S. citizens?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
GaryColemanf&b's Avatar
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Um,"gary" what is the point of that video? I'm really asking this because if you only get your news from 1 network or a couple of 5 min skim over read on the internet well then DUH! It is fair to say that some of what you have read or saw is false. When you have multiple news channels from all over the world and have read multiple articles from all over the world it's not fake. It's called the TRUTH. My finale question to you is-what are you so afraid of?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Someone once explained to me that people love the lie. It doesn't matter how much in your your face evidence there is, you tell that person "no that wasn't me", they will choose to believe that person or that lie rather than their eyes. It blew my mind away and to this day that conversation still blows my mind away. Time and time again I see that very truth play out over and over again. People love the lie.
nuglet's Avatar
Who you gonna believe, ME or your lying eyes?!
The media is the enemy. They are out to make the most profit they can for their sponsors. And the sponsors only care about how much of the television audience they can persuade to buy their product. Therefore - in order for the media to create that profit for their sponsors - they create
all kinds of things in order for the viewer to switch to their channel. Keep this mind when you are trying to find the "truth".
The media is the enemy. They are out to make the most profit they can for their sponsors. And the sponsors only care about how much of the television audience they can persuade to buy their product. Therefore - in order for the media to create that profit for their sponsors - they create
all kinds of things in order for the viewer to switch to their channel. Keep this mind when you are trying to find the "truth". Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Wait does that include Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge Report as well? Or are you only talking about CNN and those media outlets?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Donald Trump's malignant narcissism is toxic: Psychologist

Mental health professionals have a 'duty to warn' about a leader who may be unfit to serve.

If you take President Trump’s words literally, you have no choice but to conclude that he is psychotic. A delusion is “a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact.” Despite all evidence to the contrary, Trump asserts that his New York office was bugged by President Obama, and that his inauguration had the biggest crowd size in history. Before the election, Right Wing Watch published a list of 58 conspiracies proclaimed by Trump.

From viewing cable news, Trump knows "more about ISIS than the generals” and believes that among all human beings on the planet, “I alone can fix it.” His "repeated lying," “disregard for and violation of the rights of others” (Trump University fraud and multiple sexual assault allegations) and “lack of remorse” meet the clinical criteria for anti-social personality. His bizarre conspiracy theories, false sense of victimization, and demonization of the press, minorities and anyone who opposes him are textbook paranoia. Like most sadists, Trump has been a bully since childhood, and his thousands of vicious tweets make him perhaps the most prolific cyber bully in history.
phaedrus's Avatar
Trump will go down in history as the worst president ever.
He is melting down in front of our eyes.
Even if I loved his policies - and I don't - he is an insane idiot.
pussycat's Avatar
Trump will go down in history as the worst president ever.
He is melting down in front of our eyes.
Even if I loved his policies - and I don't - he is an insane idiot. Originally Posted by phaedrus
Polls show if the election were held today he'd win again.

Dream on...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The media is the ENEMY? No, silly Ellen, they are part of the public's RIGHT to know.

You continue to guzzle the Twitler gruel. It doesn't make you look any more enlightened.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Polls show if the election were held today he'd win again.

Dream on... Originally Posted by pussycat
That's bullshit.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Can please name the poll and source of the poll? Thx
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Polls show if the election were held today he'd win again.

Dream on... Originally Posted by pussycat
That's bullshit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Can please name the poll and source of the poll? Thx Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
FirePhoenix, as I am sure you know, pussycat gets his news from the far right radical fringe. I doubt he will respond because he will have to source some bullshit far right website. He also says he has university studies showing 3 million illegal aliens voted in the 2016 election, but has yet to post his far right extremist "make shit up" bullshit "proof."

Yssup Rider, yes, you are correct. pussycat is all bullshit. He is nothing but a radical wacko dipshit. In fact, even his butt implants are filled with medical grade bullshit.