NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

fragtasticator's Avatar
I know it was the last pre-season game but wow did we look bad. Originally Posted by BigLouie
It's well known that the 49ers have one of the deepest rosters out there; even so, there are definitely some people getting cut that NEED to be cut, and soon.

The worst part is, although Keenum and Savage are getting absolutely panned by the critics for their performances in this game, Fitzpatrick isn't that much better than either of them, statistically.

I know it's almost heresy, but I say cut Keenum and bring in Tebow and see if he's football ready. He literally cannot be any worse.

EDIT: Yes, I am aware that Tebow is widely regarded as a terribad quarterback. That's the point.
BigLouie's Avatar
Every QB that will released today or tomorrow is better than Tebow. EVERYONE
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-29-2014, 01:00 PM
Can we just go ahead and draft Kenny Hill (Kenny Football) right now?! Dayum!!
KFF!!! You forgot the Middle F Satin!!! He did look damn good!!! Fuck get rid of B'OB and hire mfing Sumlin!!!! JK.
BigLouie's Avatar
The most worrisome thing about preseason is how Case and Savage looked against shrubs while the other teams backup QB just tore up our shrubs. If anything happens to Fritz we are in deep do-do. And honestly our defense really did not look all that hot. Ok are times yes. One or two players looked great at times but overall not so good. This is entirely on Rick Smith for years of poor middle round picks
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Me thinks your in deep doo doo already with Fitz. He can't throw the ball farther than 20 yards even if he does play well.
Solemate62's Avatar
Can we just go ahead and draft Kenny Hill (Kenny Football) right now?! Dayum!! Originally Posted by Satin
Ok, I'll ask 'cause I'm not a rabid follower of college ball, so WTF is Kenny Hill?
BigLouie's Avatar
He is the guy who single handed destroyed South Carolina when people were saying before the game that A&M would not be able to score on them
Solemate62's Avatar
Thanks, Big L.
Just saw on NFL tv that Terell Pryor was cut, and so, I wonder...if..IF..
Dorian Gray's Avatar
carkido45's Avatar
jstone420's Avatar
You texan fans got your wish
Oralist's Avatar
Nope. Case Keenum played for Kubiak. He was an un-drafted walk-on, but Kubiak kept him on the squad.

From my view, a good part of the QB problem is the way our offensive line does a poor job of pass protection. Give them the time Manning has and they will all do better. All three QBs spent much of their time scrambling from unblocked defenders.
kerwil62's Avatar
Keenum out. Guess they looked at his track record.
Hmmm, I don't think Mallet is much of an upgrade over Case. It's probably just a move by B'OB to get rid of the Coog lover's distraction. So long Case, I wish you would have blossomed into a stud. At least you were an upgrade from Dopey!!