NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Solemate62's Avatar
Sage advice, DED!
BigLouie's Avatar
One more thought on Mallet. If he is so good why did New England draft Jimmy and then trade away Mallet for only a 7th round pick. That does not sound like a QB of the future
bambino's Avatar
Prior to this year Rick Smith did a terrible job with the picks after the first round. 2013 is a perfect example. your third round picks should be starters neither of our picks even played one down. Yes Bortles is playing way better than anyone expected but Chad is playing well and will be the starter. They needed a stud WR more than another QB. as for Mallet I would not get my hopes up. He sstruggled this year and this with a team he has been with and a play book he knew. Tom Savage beat him out easily which is not a good sign. Let me ask you this would you rather have Clowney or Bortles right now. I still think that BOB goes to McNair at seasons end and has Rick Smith replaced. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Wrong again. I said Bortles would be the best of the rookie QB crop and be the first selected. I also said Clowney would be pretty good. You called him a dog and wanted JFF. Looks like A&M is better without JFF. Savage will end up being a better pro than JFF. JFF is a fraud.
Solemate62's Avatar
Case will never play for another team. He is done or rather the NFL is done with him.......... Originally Posted by BigLouie
Perhaps, but as of now, the Rams have claimed him, I wish him success!
One more thought on Mallet. If he is so good why did New England draft Jimmy and then trade away Mallet for only a 7th round pick. That does not sound like a QB of the future Originally Posted by BigLouie
Well I am not saying he is great but the biggest reason they swapped him for another rookie is because after this season they would have to cough up big money to keep him. Once garrapalo showed he could be a decent back up. There was no reason to keep him.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-01-2014, 04:02 PM
Yep, he's in a much better situation now. Shaun hill is a "journeyman" and Jeff Fisher is very likely to use Case if he gets hurt or is ineffective (which is very likely)
I wish the record-setting Cougar good luck and hope he finds his way.

I read a good article that brought up a very good question concerning Mallet. If Belecheat thought he was a good QB with NFL potential, would he really let him go?
Wakeup's Avatar
Case will never play for another team. He is done or rather the NFL is done with him. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Perhaps, but as of now, the Rams have claimed him, I wish him success! Originally Posted by Solemate62
I think this is going to be a continuing thing for me...
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
Wait, Carr named starter of Schaub?

jstone420's Avatar
You have to be a damn fool to think Savage will be a better Qb than manziel. Put some pressure on savage he will fold that dude not ready .
Solemate62's Avatar
Wait, Carr named starter of Schaub?

bwaahahahaha Originally Posted by Blackbuddy05
I won't get many to agree but I feel bad for Schaub, to see any man come that far down in his chosen profession in a 12 month span of time!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-01-2014, 06:25 PM
I feel bad for Dopey but the reality is he fucking sucks....bad. He can't even beat out Savage a unproven rookie in preseason....that's ridiculous. I hate to make predictions, but I predict he's out of the league next year.
Dopey has a sore elbow, all those years of yanking on BT's ears while facefucking him wore his elbows out. Poor Dopey!!

I wonder how long his elbow has been bad, it's seems like years, the rag arm never threw deep. That was one of the problems. That and his slow feet and Mfing slow brain. Dude did well with what he had, which wasn't much. Fitting he is beaten out by David Carr's little sister.
BigLouie's Avatar
Wait, Carr named starter of Schaub?

bwaahahahaha Originally Posted by Blackbuddy05
Hardly a surprise. He has a sore arm and can't throw. Carr looked better
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
Meanwhile, the only thing that keeps Dopey Dude Daddio smiling is the length of JFF's cock. Dopey Dude likes 'em long and thick!

Dopey Dude Daddio -----> <-----JFF
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-02-2014, 12:56 AM
JJ Watt will sign a 6 year $100 million contract, with $51.876 guaranteed!!!!

He deserves every penny of it and it was a smart move.