NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Solemate62's Avatar
Looking good so far but it seems the game plan is to have Fritz as little as possible Originally Posted by BigLouie
Can't quite fathom your meaning but IMO Fritz is looking real fluid and confident at this point!
BigLouie's Avatar
Oh he is looking very good but play calling indicates running is going to be our first and second play choice
BigLouie's Avatar
Our game plan seems to be run Foster left run Foster right and if neither works throw a high percentage pass. Nothing wrong with that but if a team can stop the run I worry about the passing game
0 fucking % sole mate!!!!! Kubiak invented the grand slam on the Denny's menu. His only other innovation was to fake a heart attack to fuck us out of another victory.
Solemate62's Avatar
0 fucking % sole mate!!!!! Kubiak invented the grand slam on the Denny's menu. His only other innovation was to fake a heart attack to fuck us out of another victory. Originally Posted by Daddio
Too fucking funny-you never disappoint!

Ps: Texans look like a juggernaut today! ......and on the east coast, I think that RG 3 officially lost the starting position, he left early with an injury and Cousins led the Skins to victory via putting 41 points on the scoreboard!
Cousins did look good. No surprise there. He should have been starting ahead of the overhyped RG3 anyhow.
BigLouie's Avatar
Agree Cousins is their hope for the future
I originally predicted a five win season but seeing how utterly bad the Titans and Jaguars were today I am beginning to think 8 wins is a possibility.
Solemate62's Avatar
Cousins did look good. No surprise there. He should have been starting ahead of the overhyped RG3 anyhow. Originally Posted by Daddio
I still hold the belief that Mike Shanahan really Fucked over RG 3 in that playoff game versus Seattle, two seasons back, leaving the kid in that game playing on an ready damaged knee. Anyway, in 2015, they (skins) will likely part ways with RG and his lucrative contract!
BigLouie's Avatar
Texans played a good game today. The team is looking a lot better than expected.

1. Foster is running like the old Foster, the best back in the league. Hard charging and pounding it out. This helps out the other aspects of the game.
2. Offensive line is doing a lot better. Wonder if it is due to the rookie.
3. Brooks Reed is playing as everyone expected him to the last few years.

The only thing I am concerned about is that the offense seems to be Foster left, Foster right, Foster up the middle and if that doesn't work then a high percentage pass to Johnson. Works fine as long as you can run the ball but it is not a quick strike offense if you get behind and if another team can stop the run I am not quite sure that Fritz can pass the team to victory. We'll see. Right now I see the Texans beating the Giants next week. The Cowboys looked better so that will be a real test. I'll up my estimate on how many games we will win based on how bad a number of teams we will play look. The games against the Eagles and Cowboys will tell us a lot about how good this team is.
bambino's Avatar
Texans will be 10/6 this year. The division is lousy. BOB is a pretty good coach. They won't quit on him.
BigLouie's Avatar
I agree BoB is a lot better than Kubs. Gary would have NEVER run the Watts play or the hurry up on third down that they did. IMHO a team takes on personality of coach and BOB is more focused and forcefully than Gary would ever be, hence a more focused and forceful team
kerwil62's Avatar
Cousins did look good. No surprise there. He should have been starting ahead of the overhyped RG3 anyhow. Originally Posted by Daddio
And looks like he will, probably for the rest of the season now that RG3 dislocated his ankle.

The Texans looked good yesterday. And JJ Watt caught a TD pass!! Kubiak would've NEVER called a play like that!

The secondary is still suspect but they know how to strip a ball!
jstone420's Avatar
The texans should win the division
boardman's Avatar
Texans offensive line has played much better than expected and they should be gaining some real confidence. Fitz has barely been touched and aside from the first few bad passes he looked pretty confident. Running is tough but they are stacking the box daring Fitz to throw. Hopefully Foster can stay healthy. 25 - 30 touches a game can wear on any back.

Cushing looked much better this week and the secondary play was a nice surprise. Swearinger was all over the field and the corners looked much more relaxed. Might have something to do with the pass rush. Looked like the Raiders game planned around the Texans pass rush by getting the ball out quickly. It was too quick for most of their receivers though.