Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

if the hearings are secret, how do you know "little apparently came from his testimony"? why the court fight if there is nothing to hide? if there is a "whole lotta nothing" in these "secret" hearings, why are you so upset? if I felt like you, and supported Trump 100%, I would be smiling quietly, waiting for an inquiry vote that would either not proceed, or would fail. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Based on the lib leak machine to date, if there was anything they could spin they would be doing it, but apparently Reeker's testimony was again a whole lotta of nothing but 2nd hand supposition.

And why point it out? As I've noted many a time before, the lib jack-ass-ery in unfounded and unproven attacks has to be shown.

I doubt you have the slightest idea what the judicial committee is asking to be unredacted in Volume I of the Mueller report. But make no mistake the impeachment for abuse of power, bribery and Congressional obstruction will continue. The growing evidence of the Ukraine shakedown will support the removal of that fat lying bastard.

The US Constitution gives authority to the House to proceed with a impeachment of a lawless president. The Freedom caucus and the Trumpian sycophants can suck it. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
LOL. You sound angry dude that you won't get your way tomorrow with this judges one handed decision. I'll happily watch it play out in the courts and if the final decision is to overturn years of precedent on sealed grand jury testimony then so be it.

And I've also said the Dems are proceeding in their underhanded manner by ignoring their own rules and precedent in the so call non-impeachment hearings. And thus Trump is proceeding legally in not simply bowing down and taking part in them.

The courts will decide it all and I have the sneaking suspicion the Dems get bitch slapped again in the end.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar

LOL. You sound angry dude that you won't get your way tomorrow with this judges one handed decision. I'll happily watch it play out in the courts and if the final decision is to overturn years of precedent on sealed grand jury testimony then so be it.

And I've also said the Dems are proceeding in their underhanded manner by ignoring their own rules and precedent in the so call non-impeachment hearings. And thus Trump is proceeding legally in not simply bowing down and taking part in them.

The courts will decide it all and I have the sneaking suspicion the Dems get bitch slapped again in the end. Originally Posted by eccielover
The trump party can continue to ignore the US Constitution at their own peril but the impeachment will continue. Get your crying towel washed.
The trump party can continue to ignore the US Constitution at their own peril but the impeachment will continue. Get your crying towel washed. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I wont' be crying when he continues to merrily be POTUS when the Senate doesn't convict the bogus charges the House is eventually going to bring. Onward to 2020 for him at this point.

Re-election is not looking too bad for him at this point.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sure he will

He’s just the latest false savior the trump party is praying for.
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2019, 09:44 AM
J666- Typical DPST - Russia, Impeach, and Hatred!
none of the DPST's has any plans beyond impeachment - and unlikely trump will be convicted.
The voting public will see the underhanded tctics and non-evidence of Schiff and nadler and Pelosi in open testimony in a Senate trial - Pelosi knows that and does not want a Senate trial to open up her underhandedness.

It will come back to bite the DPST's nov 2020.

Drop your hate and vote your conscience - j666.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sure he will

He’s just the latest false savior the trump party is praying for.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

It is noticeable that Clapper ain't laughing like the giggling fool you are.

Jaxson66's Avatar
J666- Typical DPST - Russia, Impeach, and Hatred!
none of the DPST's has any plans beyond impeachment - and unlikely trump will be convicted.
The voting public will see the underhanded tctics and non-evidence of Schiff and nadler and Pelosi in open testimony in a Senate trial - Pelosi knows that and does not want a Senate trial to open up her underhandedness.

It will come back to bite the DPST's nov 2020.

Drop your hate and vote your conscience - j666. Originally Posted by oeb11
Obviously you can’t read a poll! The fat lying bastards favorite poll Rasmussen has been rising weekly for impeachment and removal. Those fucking Freedom caucus members will be forced to go on record and expose their loyalty to the trump party over their Country’s Constitution

Your self proclaimed chosen one is lying to you.
Sure he will

He’s just the latest false savior the trump party is praying for. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Is Durham the Republican version of Mueller?
Jaxson66's Avatar
It is noticeable that Clapper ain't laughing like the giggling fool you are. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What’s wrong little trumptard, was the Army Navy store sold out of raincoats.
Obviously you can’t read a poll! The fat lying bastards favorite poll Rasmussen has been rising weekly for impeachment and removal. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Cite all the polls you wish, Until you get to 2/3rd's for removal and then convince the Senators to go with the mob rule from some "poll", removal ain't happening.

You can continue your wishful circle jerk on Trump's removal all you want.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What’s wrong little trumptard, was the Army Navy store sold out of raincoats. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You might want to check out Amazon if you're in such a hurried need of a raincoat to enjoy the "golden showers" your handlers rain on you daily.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Cite all the polls you wish, Until you get to 2/3rd's for removal and then convince the Senators to go with the mob rule from some "poll", removal ain't happening.

You can continue your wishful circle jerk on Trump's removal all you want. Originally Posted by eccielover
Fuck you, I don’t need your permission for a god damn thing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
. US judge says Trump impeachment inquiry legal

A US judge on Friday handed a major victory to House Democrats investigating US President Donald Trump and directed his administration to hand over an unredacted copy of secret grand jury testimony from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.
US District Judge Beryl Howell also found that House Democrats are engaged in a legal impeachment inquiry, undercutting arguments from House Republicans and the administration that launching the probe is illegitimate without an initial vote. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

she's an obama judge. she also presided Meullers' grand jury investigation.

Beryl Alaine Howell (born December 3, 1956) is the Chief United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. She is the federal judge supervising the grand jury for special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[1]
Fuck you, I don’t need your permission for a god damn thing. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Do I sense anger there Jax? Is your worldview continuing to crumble as each gotcha goes by the wayside.