Trump legal going ons

all this shit just going to get worked out

in the streets anyways

matter of time
LMAO...plenty of REAL FACTS in my link you missed. Try keeping up FB.

Name calling ... tell that to Doofus Don who does it all in spades all the time FFS....LOL

You have no clue about truth....LOL Originally Posted by clmc
I missed your link because it wasn’t there originally. Try doing your homework beforehand. Then once we read one of your BS posts, we can be well educated by you before we respond. Safe to assume your link is connected to all far left wing media? I think so…from what little I’ve read of it.

And just as an FYI, I’d like to bring to your attention that your personal attacks on me are starting to piss me the fuck off.

I would like to suggest in the nicest way possible, it would be in your best interest to desist with your hatred towards me.

I’ve done nothing more here than try my best to put forth both sides of the argument. With FACTS backed up with bipartisan links to bipartisan media. You my friend, on the other hand have done nothing of the sort. So again, back the fuck off with your personal attacks on me.

Unless of course you’d be interested in meeting me on the playground to discuss in person.
  • clmc
  • 06-20-2024, 08:22 PM
So you get all your alternate facts from Don and FAUX and friends????

No need to project.
Don't hate you FB but your delusions are funny as heck...js
Yea? I’m just sayin too. Back the fuck up dude. You’ve been on here a little over a month with 2 measly reviews. Point is, respect is earned, not given. And now accuse me of being delusional? Keep it up…

No, I do not get all my “alternative facts” as you put it from Don and friends. I research many articles and info from various sources to help educate myself. I would strongly suggest you do the same. Your name calling, personal attacks and ALL CAPS doesn’t by any means make you the righteous one, it only shows your opinions blinded by hate.

You are the one projecting, and I’m sick and fucking tired your ridiculous projections that you’re putting in my direction. You wanna discuss the FACTS, I’m game all day long. But to continue to attack me personally…well let’s just say is probably not a good idea.
  • clmc
  • 06-20-2024, 08:47 PM
FB no need for the projection. It just makes you sound like Delusional Don who does projection all the time lately....LOL

My link to REAL FACTS had dozens of legit sources!
Did not see any from you.....js

Respect on a hook board???? Now that is funny. Good one FB...LOL
Keep it up, keep running your mouth. And hiding behind your puter screen tough guy.

This thread is about a political discussion, nothing more, nothing less, about the two candidates we currently have to choose from.

Your continued personal attacks on me won’t serve you well on here. Yes, it may be a hooker board, but unlike you, I do try my best to keep it respectful for both the fellas and the ladies. Not sure about your ignorant ass, but I’ve found I’ve gotten more in the ymmv area by being respectful.

Maybe take some time to learn from the fellas that have been on here longer than a little over a month and have dozens of reviews.
  • clmc
  • 06-20-2024, 09:32 PM

Trump legal going ons, is the Thread Topic.

No need for your insults and derailing and off topic fluff.....LOL
Ohhh he’s found the exclamation point button and has learned how to use the “bold” font. He’s learning folks lol. Now that….shows FACTS.

I’ve posted many links with FACTS, that you have obviously ignored.

My apologies to all for going off topic and not focusing on Trump’s legal goings on.

I’ll be sure to keep my following posts on topic from here on out. Ya know…out of respect for clmc. Don’t wanna hurt his feelers with FACTS.

I’ll be back in the area very soon. Maybe we could have a beer in person and take this discussion offline. I mean ya know…if you’re up for it.

Trump’s legal goings on btw have all started to fall in his favor. His numbers have risen in the polls and has hundreds if not thousands at his rallies. All of which continued chanting Four More Years!!and U! S! A! Chants. I don’t recall anything like that happening at any of Biden’s rallies…If you can call them a rally.

Biden’s handlers have to hand pick the 10-12 people that they allow at his “rallies” and have to ensure any questions asked of him by again the hand picked media allowed in, are scripted well beforehand.

J/S right clmc?

P.S. Maybe clmc you should spend more time getting laid, writing reviews and actually contribute to our hooker board as you call it that you have no respect for.
elghund's Avatar

If he fucked Sarah Huckabee, I’m voting for RFK Jr. lol

Wait….if it’s 3am and I had no other choices, I’d probably fuck Sarah Huckabee too. But, I’m just another dirty old whore myself lol

I’ll get back to you on the Biden vs Trump stock market. I’m half drunk and have a naughty sugar baby on her way over. Don’t have time to research at the moment lol Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Give ol’ Sarah a bucket of KFC and she’ll do ya. Mashed potato side dish gets ya anal. Don’t mind all the chicken spittle all over yer knob…..

For a McD’s Quarter Pounder she will pose on your car hood like a big fat ornament……


Fact: Biden’s net worth is approximately 10M. How is that possible when you’ve had only one job for a short time and have been a Senator ever since. Here’s your link to the FACTS. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
10 million is chump change to someone in politics for over 50 years. Most of Biden's net worth comes from real estate. He has written a book. Jill has written a few books.

About 40 years ago my former in-laws, life-long NYC residents, bought a house in Queens for 26k (that's twenty six thousand). When they retired they sold the house for 685k (that's six hundred and eighty five thousand). I never thought they were corrupt.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
10 million is chump change to someone in politics for over 50 years. Most of Biden's net worth comes from real estate. He has written a book. Jill has written a few books.

About 40 years ago my former in-laws, life-long NYC residents, bought a house in Queens for 26k (that's twenty six thousand). When they retired they sold the house for 685k (that's six hundred and eighty five thousand). I never thought they were corrupt. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
10 million is chump change to someone in politics for over 50 years. Most of Biden's net worth comes from real estate. He has written a book. Jill has written a few books.

About 40 years ago my former in-laws, life-long NYC residents, bought a house in Queens for 26k (that's twenty six thousand). When they retired they sold the house for 685k (that's six hundred and eighty five thousand). I never thought they were corrupt. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher

I’ve worked in corporate America my entire career and have no problem managing a balance sheet, an income statement and a P&L statement. So, I certainly don’t need an explanation of what 26K or what 685K means. Trust me, I’ve been in a position where I’ve been responsible for all finances for multi-million dollar companies.

I would like to point out to you tho, the $10M (that’s 10 million dollars) that is referenced as Biden’s net worth doesn’t include the money that is sitting in offshore accounts in those shell corporations (dozens of LLCs) that him and his family are involved in.

It’s also been estimated that Hunter Biden’s net worth is well over $200M (that’s 200 million dollars). This a man (Hunter), who ended up with an Other Than Honorable Discharge (OTH) from the Navy due to his drug addiction. Which in reality should have been a Dishonorable Discharge, but his father Joe lobbied to keep it as an OTH. Anyone who has been in the military knows that an OTH isn’t much better than a Dishonorable Discharge and is pretty much the same as being a convicted felon in the private sector.

Hunter also has zero experience in any of the private sector businesses he’s been involved in. How in the hell does an individual like Hunter become a multi-millionaire with a resume like that? The answer is simple. His Daddy.

Look up Jim Biden’s net worth. Another gentleman who doesn’t have shit on his resume to justify what’s in his bank account. And why did Old Joey’s grandchildren get thousands of dollars sent to them by companies from 3rd world countries when they were just little kiddos?

None of this makes any sense to me at all.

Trump may be an asshole, but he’s grown his business from a net worth in the millions, to billions. And his kids are clean, have worked their asses off to get where they are as well as all of them getting very strong educations and haven’t been thrown out of the military for addiction issues.

Please link me to your sources for Hunter's net worth as "well over 200 million". The link cannot include the names News Nation or Marjorie Taylor Greene.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Please link me to your sources for Hunter's net worth as "well over 200 million". The link cannot include the names News Nation or Marjorie Taylor Greene. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
elghund's Avatar
The real victim here, in this mass stupidity of “Hunter this” and “Poor harassed Trump”, is the actual American way of life.

The extremists on both sides are trying to deconstruct our country. Currently, we are allowing that to happen.

The millions and billions of dollars, the thousands of man hours and congressional terms, wasted on all these political theaters. The time and resources squandered for nothing, at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Clinton, Bush 2, Trump all were arrogant dickheads who always pushed the envelope, thinking they were untouchables. Biden, somewhat…but he suffered tragedy in his life, not of his doing, that makes him a sad figure. BUT…..none of them did anything that reached criminal conduct (except for Trump and Biden trying to keep classified documents).

All the “investigations” since Watergate were worthless political stunts. They went nowhere. No crimes that could be proven in a court of law.

Until we all wake up, stop these worthless “right vs. left” arguments, stop the culture wars, and start paying attention to fixing REAL problems, every one of us is in deep trouble.
