Providers who have been run off the board by trolls...

Not in this thread there are not 20k posts by dh.

You really do not have a clue.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Then multi quote the posts you're referring to ...
dearhunter's Avatar
I guess it depends on your definition of "trust".

Can I trust WTF to give me honest intel on a whore..........yes

Can I trust WTF to pay up on a wager........most definitely

Can I trust WTF to not take me out in a drama threAD.........he would take me out in a heartbeat given the chance.
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  • WTF
  • 12-06-2015, 03:08 PM
Note that WTF did not deny any of the above. So, using his own logic, since he did not deny it, we can speculate that it is true. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Damn, i caught a flight to Denver today and then drove to Vail. Give me a chance to respond. Have i been turned down by NM ? Is that your question? The answer is no if so.

You will notice StinkyFingers that Natalia denied all other so called speculation but mine. Might it be because all the ladies in infoshare would know she was lying? That has been my speculation in this thread to date. What is yours? Why do you think she put an alert out about infoshare not being safe?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2015, 03:13 PM
Then multi quote the posts you're referring to ... Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
I have given you a clue....i will not do your homework for you. dh told you the deal days chose to ignore him and in fact posted helpful post after helpful post supporting my position.
dearhunter's Avatar
I am ever hopeful that WTF can undo all of stincky's hard work.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2015, 04:03 PM
I am ever hopeful that WTF can undo all of stincky's hard work. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I have promised to no longer speculate about infoshare evidently it hit to close to home.

I now am stuck answering the speculation my dear friend StinkyFingers is asking about my so called speculation. He thinks I'm a liar but chooses but believes certain things i say and not others...
Damn, i caught a flight to Denver today and then drove to Vail. Give me a chance to respond. Have i been turned down by NM ? Is that your question? The answer is no if so.

You will notice StinkyFingers that Natalia denied all other so called speculation but mine. Might it be because all the ladies in infoshare would know she was lying? That is my speculation. What is yours? Why do you think she put an alert out about infoshare not being safe? Originally Posted by WTF
Or maybe, let's speculate since that's your preferred mode of accusation ... maybe she posted an alert and the alert was leaked from behind the Pink Curtain, so she now knows that the Pink Curtain is not sacrosanct and was letting other ladies know that. But, that is pure conjecture. Might also be because the other ladies in infoshare know she's telling the truth.
chicagoboy's Avatar
What is this thread about, now?
You made an allegation that she posted something about you. I asked you whether you had actually seen a post she made with her handle regarding that allegation or had someone merely told you that this was posted. You failed to answer the question.

Now's you chance: Did you actually see the post, or did someone just tell you that she posted something?

Is someone was trying to damage your reputation and that could have a negative impact on your business ... you might defend yourself vigorously and that could be characterized as "overreacting" particularly when you're being held to prove a negative, which you can't. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Yes I saw the post nm made about my physical description. She made the post in open forum. Since we had never met it was commented by others, "where did you get this information?"
I am not the only one who saw the post, and not the only one who knew she got the description from infoshare.
I assure you sir, I have nothing to gain by continuing this conversation. But it should be made known what this girl is capable of. She is dangerous to a community which relies on discretion and anonymity. This is an information Exchange forum. This is information about a possible leak. One that has happened in the past and likely to happen again.
WTF is not the first hobbyist nm had made bullshit alerts on. Her rant on infoshare is not the first either. She's started so much bullshit on this board, nothing she does goes unnoticed.
What is this thread about, now? :dunon: Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Shady dudes running the skanks off?
Shady dudes running the skanks off? Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
It started off as that, but it's evolved into mouthy whores outing hobbyists... devious mitches gathering personal information on various tricks. I thought that would have caught your attention long ago.
We damn sure know the ladies thought I knew for sure as the Mods have contacted me asking me to quit doing it because my speculation is so spot on the ladies think it is not speculation and are rtm'n the fuck out of my speculation.

. Originally Posted by WTF
I have promised to no longer speculate about infoshare evidently it hit to close to home.

I now am stuck answering the speculation my dear friend StinkyFingers is asking about my so called speculation. He thinks I'm a liar but chooses but believes certain things i say and not others... Originally Posted by WTF
LOL! Now that is too funny! Who did you promise to no longer "speculate" about infoshare?

Maybe your speculation was getting RTM'ed so much because the ladies figured out that you either had a shandle or that someone was feeding you info from behind the Pink Curtain and that you were trying to trash a Provider with false allegations and innuendo. They may have been RTMing because there should have been no way that you would have known an alert had been posted, not because what you said about the alert was true.

Note that WTF never claimed that NM posted an alert about WTF ... So, the question is:

Why would WTF give a flying fuck about an alert posted behind the Pink Curtain about another hobbyist? And, then why would that WTF start claiming that the Provider who posted the alert required RL info as part of her screening and then building his "speculative allegations" from there?

Like I said, either you were fed info from behind The Curtain, you had a shandle or you are lying ... or all 3 for that matter. But then, this is all speculation.
Why don't you ask NM why she put out an alert on infoshare saying infoshare is not safe? Originally Posted by WTF
So why don't you tell everyone just how is it that you know any Provider posted an alert on Infoshare about anyone or anything?
You remind me of a fictional character in the book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" His name was Phadreus, and he was recapping the events that drove him insane. Don't ask me why you bring him to mind. I think what made him crazy was he was obsessed with the thought process. He couldn't stop thinking about thinking.
Do yourself a favor and walk away from this before it's too late. It's obvious you're on the edge of a mental breakdown, walk away before it's too late, walk away while you still can. Your obsession is going to be your downfall.
I'm saying this as your friend and fellow hobbyist.
Phadreus didn't have anybody looking out for him and he fell into a deep dark hole. Don't go there buddy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2015, 06:48 PM
LOL! Now that is too funny! Who did you promise to no longer "speculate" about infoshare?


Maybe your speculation was getting RTM'ed so much because the ladies figured out that you either had a shandle or that someone was feeding you info from behind the Pink Curtain and that you were trying to trash a Provider with false allegations and innuendo. They may have been RTMing because there should have been no way that you would have known an alert had been posted, not because what you said about the alert was true.

Why would WTF give a flying fuck about an alert posted behind the Pink Curtain about another hobbyist? n. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
That is not how it works SF. I can speculate that you are a fluffer on gay porn. Now if that happened to be true , it would be considered outting your work history. If i were contacted by a Mod because you RTM'd them that you were indeed a fluffer, I'd have a pretty good idea my speculation was true.

See how that works?

I can answer your question with a question...why do you care about my speculation of an alert a bullshit alert on a fellow hobbyist? Why are you so invested.