How are we going to pay for all this shit?

  • oeb11
  • 11-08-2021, 05:19 PM
'a' - Still toeing teh democraticommunist party line
Still - at least not trying to pretend to be a physician .
State boards of medicine take a dim view.
adav8s28's Avatar
It would be too much to expect adav8 to actually look this stuff up, so here is a graph showing that the US banking industry as a whole returned to profitability in Q1 2009 after reporting an aggregate loss in Q4 2008.

In Q1 2009 You don't think Team Obama could find the Whitehouse bathrooms by then?

Of course, this doesn't mean ALL banks that accepted TARP money showed a loss in Q4 2008 and a profit in Q1 2009. But let's not confuse adav8 with nuance. Extreme partisans like him don't do nuance well.

Here's something that will confuse him even more... a bank can be insolvent but still report a profit. Or solvent and report a loss. Just because a few banks waited until 2012 to repay their TARP money doesn't mean they weren't earning profits for the entire time they held the TARP funds on their balance sheets.

Doesn't mean they were either. You call 377 just a few? That's over a third of the trouble assets that got a loan.

Originally Posted by lustylad
The captain misspoke plain and simple.
adav8s28's Avatar
'a' -
Still - at least not trying to pretend to be a physician .
State boards of medicine take a dim view. Originally Posted by oeb11
You do know that to get into medical school in the USA what is required is:

1. One year of General Chemistry
2. One year of Organic Chemistry
3. One year of Biology
4. One year of Physics

You can major in any subject (Biology, Psychology, Accounting).

I have had all the requirements to get into medical school. Let's leave it at that.

Note: professor at some medical schools in the USA the medical and dental students take the first two years science of classes together. The third year the program is seperate.

I never said that I was a doctor, you're the one who keeps saying that. It is very safe to say that I have probably had just as much chemistry as you.

Have a nice night "O".
  • Tiny
  • 11-08-2021, 08:33 PM
You do know that to get into medical school in the USA what is required is:

1. One year of General Chemistry
2. One year of Organic Chemistry
3. One year of Biology
4. One year of Physics

You can major in any subject (Biology, Psychology, Accounting).

I have had all the requirements to get into medical school. Let's leave it at that.

Note: professor at some medical schools in the USA the medical and dental students take the first two years science of classes together. The third year the program is seperate.

I never said that I was a doctor, you're the one who keeps saying that. It is very safe to say that I have probably had just as much chemistry as you.

Have a nice night "O". Originally Posted by adav8s28
This is why I called you the COVID King. I'm kind of in the same category. Since Lucas has already blazed a trail for me, I'll feel no embarrassment saying I not only had the highest grade in my organic classes, I had the highest grades on the majority of the tests. What this means is that we can hold our own in discussions on science and technology. But up against LustyLad or Captain Midnight on economics, we're going to get our asses kicked. I believe LustyLad is Steve Mnuchin in real life, and Captain Midnight may be Alan Greenspan. He's a lot more lucid when he writes than when he's on television these days.
  • Tiny
  • 11-08-2021, 08:44 PM
On Friday, the 10-year UST closed at a yield of 1.45% and the 30-year closed at 1.87%. That seems totally nuts! What rational individual would buy such an asset? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Here's another one. You now can pay to receive a return of 50 basis points per annum less than the inflation rate for the next 30 years. Risk free! Just buy 30 year TIPS’s.
You do know that to get into medical school in the USA what is required is:

1. One year of General Chemistry
2. One year of Organic Chemistry
3. One year of Biology
4. One year of Physics

You can major in any subject (Biology, Psychology, Accounting).

I have had all the requirements to get into medical school. Let's leave it at that.

Note: professor at some medical schools in the USA the medical and dental students take the first two years science of classes together. The third year the program is seperate.

I never said that I was a doctor, you're the one who keeps saying that. It is very safe to say that I have probably had just as much chemistry as you.

Have a nice night "O". Originally Posted by adav8s28
But not one fucking Pathology Course or anything close to Epidemiology or Public Health. So pat yourself on the back for doing so well in basic science courses. that have nothing to do with the actual study of Communicable Diseases.
OK, The COVID relief bill just passed will cost 1.9 trillion. Biden has just proposed another 2.2 trillion for Democratic priorities and infrastructure, and reportedly will propose another 2 trillion spending bill in April for more Democratic Party priorities. That adds up to about 6 trillion in round numbers.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Joe Manchin believe the $2.2 trillion just announced is too low. AOC wants it upped to $10 trillion and Manchin wants $4 trillion.

And then there's the Green New Deal, beloved by all the progressive Democratic Politicians. The American Action Forum estimates that would take $51 trillion to $93 trillion over the next ten years.

So most of this money is supposed to come from people who make more than $1 million a year, and all of it from those who make over $400,000 per year. President Biden has promised people making less than $400,000 per year will not have their tax rates increased.

Here's a link to the IRS tax statistics:

The latest year available is 2018. In that year, the total taxable income of people making over $1 million per year was $1.6 trillion. If you add the amount of taxable income of people making from $500,000 to a million a year, that goes up to $2.3 trillion.

However, these people are already paying a large % of their income in federal and state income taxes to help pay for existing programs. Let's say 30% of their income to be conservative -- I'm pretty sure it's more than that. That means if you take every dime they make, that they're not already paying in taxes, you end up with $1.1 trillion ($1 million cutoff) or $1.6 trillion ($500,000 cutoff) to pay for all this shit the Democratic Party politicians are proposing.

There's a snowball's chance in hell these politicians can do what they want to do by just taxing the rich. Originally Posted by Tiny
Exactly.I do not approve (not that anyone cares) but ride the wave, and be invested in assets that are inflation sensitive.
OK, The COVID relief bill just passed will cost 1.9 trillion. Biden has just proposed another 2.2 trillion for Democratic priorities and infrastructure, and reportedly will propose another 2 trillion spending bill in April for more Democratic Party priorities. That adds up to about 6 trillion in round numbers.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Joe Manchin believe the $2.2 trillion just announced is too low. AOC wants it upped to $10 trillion and Manchin wants $4 trillion.

And then there's the Green New Deal, beloved by all the progressive Democratic Politicians. The American Action Forum estimates that would take $51 trillion to $93 trillion over the next ten years.

So most of this money is supposed to come from people who make more than $1 million a year, and all of it from those who make over $400,000 per year. President Biden has promised people making less than $400,000 per year will not have their tax rates increased.

Here's a link to the IRS tax statistics:

The latest year available is 2018. In that year, the total taxable income of people making over $1 million per year was $1.6 trillion. If you add the amount of taxable income of people making from $500,000 to a million a year, that goes up to $2.3 trillion.

However, these people are already paying a large % of their income in federal and state income taxes to help pay for existing programs. Let's say 30% of their income to be conservative -- I'm pretty sure it's more than that. That means if you take every dime they make, that they're not already paying in taxes, you end up with $1.1 trillion ($1 million cutoff) or $1.6 trillion ($500,000 cutoff) to pay for all this shit the Democratic Party politicians are proposing.

There's a snowball's chance in hell these politicians can do what they want to do by just taxing the rich. Originally Posted by Tiny
"The last time we've had responsible federal politicians in office was during President Clinton's second term, when Republicans controlled Congress. "

Finally! ... Finally, Tobias - you start making sense!

Too right! ... Clinton surely got bad advice during
his first term - and raised taxes on everything.
Ask the ballplayers.

I remember readin' about this.

Then during his second term - Republicans pushed back and
Clinton surely wised-up. He moved "centre-right" with
things and struck a balanced tone on finances.

Good for him.

### Salty
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
raising taxes is cool because it gives more money to the government who in turn will take care of us out of kindness
adav8s28's Avatar
But not one fucking Pathology Course or anything close to Epidemiology or Public Health. So pat yourself on the back for doing so well in basic science courses. that have nothing to do with the actual study of Communicable Diseases. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Lev17, I posted the requirements to get admitted into a Medical school in the USA. I did not list every class that I took for the 120 credits to get my degree. But if it makes you feel any better I did have a class in Microbiology. E Coli bacteria stains orange on a gram stain and Staph Aureaus bacteria stains yellow. Those two are both easy to determine if given as unknown.

I know enough about cell biology to know that the message in the M-RNA vaccine will protect you from CoVid. However, if you happen to test positive for CoVid (regardless of your vaccination status) do like Govenor Abbott of Texas go get the Regernon antibodies and the Remdivisir.
adav8s28's Avatar

Okay, we get it. You're an extreme partisan. Didn't you actually state on several occasions that Obama's wonderful $800+ billion "stimulus package" (ARRA) saved the economy from "Great Depression 2.0?" (Why, yes! I do believe that you did!)

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I did post that. The link below is from Waco Kid's favorite PHd economist Kimberly Amadeo. She said the same thing. Obama's "stimulus package" (AARA) saved the US economy from a Great Depression". Wall street had lost so much money on credit default swaps bets that went sideways that TARP alone would not have prevented a Great Depression. Amadeo argues that AARA worked quite well. Thanks Obama.

From the link:

In 2009, the CBO predicted that ARRA would increase employment by 7 million full-time jobs by the end of 2012.8 By 2010, the CBO said that ARRA's policies increased the number of full-time-equivalent jobs by 2 million to 4.8 million.9

Most of the success was due to the stimulus package. By March 2009, expansive monetary policy had done all it could. It was evident more fiscal policy was needed.
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2021, 03:00 AM
You do know that to get into medical school in the USA what is required is:

1. One year of General Chemistry
2. One year of Organic Chemistry
3. One year of Biology
4. One year of Physics

You can major in any subject (Biology, Psychology, Accounting).

I have had all the requirements to get into medical school. Let's leave it at that.

Note: professor at some medical schools in the USA the medical and dental students take the first two years science of classes together. The third year the program is seperate.

I never said that I was a doctor, you're the one who keeps saying that. It is very safe to say that I have probably had just as much chemistry as you.

Have a nice night "O". Originally Posted by adav8s28

Thank you for the information - 'a'
you must be a member of your local medical school admission committee / curriculum committee.

Sad for your insecurity.
adav8s28's Avatar
Thank you for the information - 'a'
you must be a member of your local medical school admission committee / curriculum committee.
Originally Posted by oeb11
How did you come up with that? It's 100% false. Anyone who has been to college and had science classes would know what i just told you.
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2021, 03:18 AM
No need to reply to nonsense- 'a'