NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
The old Fritz has returned 3 interceptions today
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-21-2014, 02:13 PM
The real question is will we lose 14 in a row again like we did last year....
BigLouie's Avatar
TheDon's Avatar
They looked better in the second half, I think they should beat Buffalo, having the poet back by then should help. I honestly don't mind resting his bitch ass, if we are going to make a wild card run, we need him healthy. Need to rest him like the old fuckers on the Spurs.
Grizzly Fitzy turned back into a pumpkin. But that is not the big problem. The big problem is that play got sloppy. Too many penalties, dropped balls, bad tackling. They can improve on those things. Now I am wondering if we will see Mallet soon.
kerwil62's Avatar
Yeah they looked like shit today.
BigLouie's Avatar
How about that play calling. Old school enough for you in the first half. Defense was bad and the offense could not run. The Bills will be our ass if we play like this again
The usual problems returned for sure today. Shitty Oline play, shitty run defense, poor play calling, and nobody but JJ making a MFing tackle!! Fitz chipped in plenty today too with the picks. But when you get behind I'm not sure if Fitzy and our play calls can lead us back. We needed to win this game as the giants suck. 1 and 3 against the NFC east sucks. I know I know some of you fucktards think we can beat Dallas, how will we stop them? Dez and demarco Murray will have a field day against our no tackling D!!!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Damn I predicted BabyMaker would only last 5 to 6 games. I was off....

Looks like Fitz is back to being Dopey.....all is normal again.... Originally Posted by Satin
I fixed that for you

The usual problems returned for sure today. Shitty Oline play, shitty run defense, poor play calling, and nobody but JJ making a MFing tackle!! Fitz chipped in plenty today too with the picks. But when you get behind I'm not sure if Fitzy and our play calls can lead us back. We needed to win this game as the giants suck. 1 and 3 against the NFC east sucks. I know I know some of you fucktards think we can beat Dallas, how will we stop them? Dez and demarco Murray will have a field day against our no tackling D!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Beat Dallas? Have to loose to the Bills next week first?
TheDon's Avatar
^^ Nah, If Dopey tried to scramble out the pocket today, he'd still be trying to get that first down right now...

I don't know if Mallet is that much better, I don't want to shit all over fitz until he gets the bitch back with him in the back field. Unless he continues playing like shit while having the Poet with him, then I think it's time to start worrying and making serious changes.

This team isn't going 12-4 or 11-5 even with a healthy poet. But we need him in order to have a chance. The line played shitty, but that's to be expected, they should have some inconsistent play, outside of Brown, they all are average, and they all sucked last year with the exception of Brooks who was just okay.

I just hope they are not overlooking the Bills, as good as Dallas is on offense, they fell down 17-0 to the sorry ass Rams today, I'm not sure they are that much better than us.The poet might have some success against them if his hammy is in check. Romo will probably try to "out-fitz" Fitz in that game as well. We could see history in that game from a INT standpoint.
BigLouie's Avatar
On defense one of our problems is that Cushing played terrible and the rest of them are undrafted or street free agents, meaning not much talent and it showed. Other than JJ our defensive line is not so hot. We all know our 2013 draft turned out to be crap but look at 2014, how many are starting?

Beating the Bills is going to be harder than you think. Our defense was giving up 5.8 years per carry BEFORE the Giants game, I am sure it is way higher now.
This next 4 game stretch is not going to be pretty. We could possibly be 2-5 by the time it's over. We've got the Bills, the Colts, the Cowboys and Steelers.
boardman's Avatar
On defense one of our problems is that Cushing played terrible and the rest of them are undrafted or street free agents, meaning not much talent and it showed. Other than JJ our defensive line is not so hot. We all know our 2013 draft turned out to be crap but look at 2014, how many are starting?

Beating the Bills is going to be harder than you think. Our defense was giving up 5.8 years per carry BEFORE the Giants game, I am sure it is way higher now. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Cushing led the team with 17 tackles. Kendrick Lewis had 12.
The problem with defense is they stayed in the dime package for most of the game which gave Jennings plenty of running room and Manning plenty of time.
Why are they so scared of Eli?
They ran away from JJ damn near every time effectively taking him out of the game and I'm not sure I can recall a blitz. The rest of the defensive line looked horrible. Brooks Reed had 4 tackles.

We got pushed around on the line of scrimmage all game long. Once again, Fitz just looks lost to me. I just don't think he understands the nuances of the game. The Giant's forced him out of the pocket way too many times and he was uncomfortable with that.

Blue had a couple of decent runs but I don't think he understands the offense especially his blocking assignments. AJ dropped some balls he normally wouldn't. Hopkins made some great grabs.
With all that said it was a poor game plan and I don't think the players had any confidence in it. This one is on BoB.
They'd better get back to some smash mouth football, running the ball and controlling the clock.
This next 4 game stretch is not going to be pretty. We could possibly be 2-5 by the time it's over. We've got the Bills, the Colts, the Cowboys and Steelers. Originally Posted by IceCreamMan
I wouldn't worry to much about the Cowboys, all Houston has to do is put some pressure on Romo and sit back and watch the pick six's.
I was talking about the Cowboys because we played an NFC East opponent . We should go 3 -1 vs that weak ass division if we plan on sniffing the playoffs. Losing to the Gmen hurt, they are pretty shitty. Probably won't beat Philly and we already dodged a bullet getting the hapless RG3.

Buffalo is a key game because we should win at home against a middle of the road team like Buff, however they are strong running the ball and we are paper thin pussies against the run. They have a decent D, especially the D Line and our OLine is pathetic except for Brown. My Crystal ball is not looking good for this weekend vs Buff.

Why did we keep running to the right side of our Oline on short yardage situations? Duane Brown plays Left Tackle, run behind his monster ass B'OB!! Quit outsmarting your fucking self!!

Glad Fitzsnatchface can move or he would be pummelled into Dopeyness quickly behind the "Ole" Oline!!