NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Kareem Jackson has been in the league 1 more year than JJ Watt.

Number of INTs returned for a TD: 1 each
Number of Passes Defensed: KJ, 44; JJ, 29.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-29-2014, 08:08 AM
Actually BOB is the offensive coordinator and calls all the plays. I said from the very beginning our OL would be our biggest problem. They need to get that fixed fast. Even Duane Brown, who is our third highest paid player and has a cap number of $8.5 million, is having his problems.

I agree if not for Justin James Watt, we would be in bad shape right now. The dude is almost single handedly winning games for us. I'm running out of adjectives to describe the guy. We are truly witnessing one of the all time greats in action right now.

Our run stop defense is one of the worst in the league. I'm sure Cowgirl fans are foaming at the mouth at the thought of what D Murray, who is the league's leading rusher, is going to do to us. With Cush, Reid and Swearinger, I'm shocked opposing running backs are running holes through them like that.

BabyMaker had a tough day on the ground. He's great out of the backfield catching passes. I'm still not sure what Grimes did to piss off BOB. But I'm impressed with Blue and feel that he will be the starting back next year.

The Girls looked really good last night. Looks like Romo has found his groove and it's hard to hold Dez down all night. Even if you do, Williams can beat you. Looks like it's gonna be a good old fashion Texas Shootout...or maybe not....
BigLouie's Avatar
Remember the Fritz lifetime TD to interception ratio is almost 50-50
Satin, I'll agree with the worry about D Murray. The Texans run D is atrocious. I think the Cowboys will look for ways to exploit that and pound the rock all game. If we can somehow stop D Murray and place the whole game on Romo's shoulders then we may have a chance. But I'm sure they will be looking to do the same. They want to stop Foster and Blue and put the game on Fitz's shoulders.
boardman's Avatar
3-1? Smoke and mirrors guys. This shit feels more and more like last year's 2-0.
Opposing teams have figured out they can run away from JJ. I guess now they won't be throwing his way either. Did you see him screaming at Jarrell Powe. Fucking Awesome. Chris Myers or Duane Brown needs to get fired up like that on the O-line.
Fitz still looks confused to me. It may be a lack of confidence in the line but he just doesn't look like he's in command. He'll come up with some decent throws but is much too inconsistent. Watt has more TD's than AJ and AF combined. Maybe he should be playing QB.
4 of the 5 top tacklers are defensive backs with Cush the other. Cush is not making plays at the line of scrimmage and he doesn't seem to be attacking it. Don't know if that's a scheme thing or what.
Fat Randy got rid of the rookie jitters midway last year and doesn't seem to be looking back. I think he'll be OK. The rest of the special teams looks way better than last year.

Foster and Blue had 17 carries for 15 yards. Why? because opponents are stacking the box against the run. They know Fitz can't beat them. We aren't gonna win shit if the load is put on his shoulders.

If anybody here is fucking Tanya Harding you might want to see if she can go whack Demarco Murray in the leg with a mop handle sometime this week. Otherwise that fucker is going to have a field day against us.
Fitz is Fitz, not spectacular unless you are comparing him to noodle arm Dopey. Dopey could not have hit Hopkins for the TD like Fitzsnatch did. Fitzsnatchface also can escape from the breakdown after breakdown by the ole Oline.

Dallas will pose many different problems for us.
DarthMaul's Avatar
We need and have needed another guy like Ryan Pickett.

Wade P refused to have a "road grader" in the middle of the defense. I cannot wait for Louis Nix to get his big ass on the field.

Without those "big guys" up front, we cannot keep our linebacker clean to make tackles.

The Cowgirls have been drafting offensive linemen for the last 3-4 years so they are going to run ALL OVER OUR ASSES!

We need a stud middle linebacker...BAD.

D. J. Swag isn't built to take that kind of punishment.

My prediction...Dallas more than 180 yards rushing and we lose...31 - 10. I hope I am wrong.
jstone420's Avatar
If you think this is a playoff team you have a problem
boardman's Avatar
Kareem Jackson made a great play on the Watt interception. He had a free shot at EJ and didn't take it thus avoiding any possibility of a penalty. He got in his way enough that he knew he wouldn't catch Watt then went over and put a stiff arm on Spiller slowing him down enough to keep him from being able to catch up. No way Watt makes it to the end zone without those two blocks. Showed me some football Savvy that I wasn't sure KJ had.
kerwil62's Avatar
We need and have needed another guy like Ryan Pickett.

Wade P refused to have a "road grader" in the middle of the defense. I cannot wait for Louis Nix to get his big ass on the field.

Without those "big guys" up front, we cannot keep our linebacker clean to make tackles.

The Cowgirls have been drafting offensive linemen for the last 3-4 years so they are going to run ALL OVER OUR ASSES!

We need a stud middle linebacker...BAD.

D. J. Swag isn't built to take that kind of punishment.

My prediction...Dallas more than 180 yards rushing and we lose...31 - 10. I hope I am wrong. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Yeah bruh, I agree!
BigLouie's Avatar
Nice to see New England get their assess handed to them
kerwil62's Avatar
Nice to see New England get their assess handed to them Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yeah that was ugly. They got mollywhopped!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Jimmy G looked pretty good. Another QB the Texans passed on
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar

Can't wait for this Sunday.... Though the game next Thursday night means so much more and there's really a bigger "rivalry" in Rockets Mavs.. But damn, it's about time we played the girls.. I'm still debating making that trip down 45... bragging rights baby.
Is this true?

These games are turning into the JJ Watt show... There was a poll somewhere on which 100M man would make the bigger impact JJ or Sorrio Williams.... Bitch please...

And how the fuck does this dude have more TD's this season than Foster and Dre combined?

Am I the only one coming around on Fitz?? Not so much on his game but the passion he plays with... Throwin blocks on the reverse, and taking hits on scrambles. That difference between him and Schaub is night and day. I'm not sold on this dude, but I like what I see. And I'll take picks thrown down field in 1-1 coverage all day, just not them jackass dopey picks.. We'll see...
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-01-2014, 12:01 PM
It's about damn time you posted some Snatch! You're slacking bro! I'm sure Daddio will be thrilled to see this.'s been a while, we need to make another trip to our local gentleman's establishment to talk shit about the season so far. With any luck, we can invite Daddio and BT so they can first fight it out, then go snatching with us....

I'm planning on making the trip to Big D bro. I'm not sure if I should wear my Texan's gear or not. Is there any chance Murray will do something stupid between now and Sunday?