NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 10-05-2014, 02:27 PM
Thanks for supporting the DFW economy Texans fans. We appreciate your cash. Goodnight, drive home safely...
Nice effort by your team today, Texans fans. I know a lot of y'all picked the Cowboys to win this one pretty big but I felt going into this one today it'd be a dogfight. After the effort we had against the Saints last week I thought there might be an emotional drop off.

Fitzpatrick is serviceable but y'all clearly need a qb. Foster looks like he can still bring it though.

Good luck Thursday night with Indy.

10-7, start of the 4th qutr.....been a close one, boys..... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Hey ! Even though you are never happy with a loss, I frankly did not think the game would be so close. To have it go into OT is pretty good. Dallas has a very high powered offense and they held them to 17 in regulation time. That makes me feel that as they continue to improve they might be able to pound out about four more wins. So I am revising my original prediction of 5 wins now to 7.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 10-05-2014, 02:44 PM
Nice effort by your team today, Texans fans. I know a lot of y'all picked the Cowboys to win this one pretty big but I felt going into this one today it'd be a dogfight. After the effort we had against the Saints last week I thought there might be an emotional drop off.

Fitzpatrick is serviceable but y'all clearly need a qb. Foster looks like he can still bring it though.

Good luck Thursday night with Indy. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Very well stated Chateau. More of a Niners fan but always pulling for my hometown. Don't agree with your assessment of Fitz- he sucks. Whereas Foster (or Baby Maker as y'all call him) is a beast when he feels like playing.

Also Dallas played a bad game actually. More bad time management from Garrett. Questionable toughness (or heart) when you can't run out the clock with a little over three minutes left in the game with the leading rusher in the league. It shouldn't have been that close...
ThroatChoker's Avatar
You 'Romosexuals' get all 'expert' and stuff pretty quickly. I'm not sure.. but... oh yeah.... down there in the bottom right corner of my screen....................... it's only October 5th, for God's sake.

Emotional let down?............. it's fucking football.......... now Jerry's face when Bailey missed the 53 yarder in regulation.... that was an emotional letdown. You gotta love ol' Jer.

Is this really what ya'll talk about?...... "Next week, I hope Tony doesn't have an emotional let down after last weeks close game to Houston. He needs to not kick himself for not exploiting Houston's weak secondary more than he did. He has a lot of pressure here from the fans and media and he may not have shaken off the Saints game yet."

Please read the above with the gayest, whiniest voice you can muster up.

But, you won. All that counts.
bambino's Avatar
You tranny lovers lost to the Gayboys. Pathetic.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 10-05-2014, 03:07 PM
You 'Romosexuals' get all 'expert' and stuff pretty quickly. I'm not sure.. but... oh yeah.... down there in the bottom right corner of my screen....................... it's only October 5th, for God's sake.

Emotional let down?............. it's fucking football.......... now Jerry's face when Bailey missed the 53 yarder in regulation.... that was an emotional letdown. You gotta love ol' Jer.

Is this really what ya'll talk about?...... "Next week, I hope Tony doesn't have an emotional let down after last weeks close game to Houston. He needs to not kick himself for not exploiting Houston's weak secondary more than he did. He has a lot of pressure here from the fans and media and he may not have shaken off the Saints game yet."

Please read the above with the gayest, whiniest voice you can muster up.

But, you won. All that counts. Originally Posted by ThroatChoker
Good grief man, calm down. I mentioned I'm more of a Niners fan. Just observations. Whether Dallas (or SF) win or lose is not going to affect my life one iota- I've got better perspective than that. Of more concern is hoping and praying my friends and family up there are not affected by the incompetent hospital administrators not properly handling that Ebola patient. No gay, whiny voice used. Carry on...
TheDon's Avatar
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 10-05-2014, 03:21 PM
This is the answer we need: Originally Posted by TheDon
Wow! Had not heard that. Taped part of NFL Countdown this morning so will check it later. That would be epic for the Texans! Can't see that happening though. Too good to be true for you guys. Ha
ThroatChoker's Avatar
You tranny lovers lost to the Gayboys. Pathetic. Originally Posted by bambino
That's profiling there Bambino. Have you seen our mayor down here?... Ma Parker... we're some diverse mofos!! Keep it up. Got news for ya'....... Cowher ain't coming back.

Damn, I can't get made at the Bambino.... he was the best... and.... I can't get mad at anybody from the 'Steeler Nation' either. Grew up Lydell Mitchell and Franco Harris fan.

TheDon's Avatar
Wow! Had not heard that. Taped part of NFL Countdown this morning so will check it later. That would be epic for the Texans! Can't see that happening though. Too good to be true for you guys. Ha Originally Posted by TheDr
They have a younger guy with potential over there and constantly get rid of guys, wouldn't shock me to see him go. They suck right now, I think they will get pounced tonight against the Bengals. We wouldn't be getting Brady in his prime even if he did choose to come here...but it's better than what we have. And I don't see why he wouldn't come here. What, is he going to the Titans instead? We have some good core players, all the other decent teams have QB's already.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 10-05-2014, 04:07 PM
They have a younger guy with potential over there and constantly get rid of guys, wouldn't shock me to see him go. They suck right now, I think they will get pounced tonight against the Bengals. We wouldn't be getting Brady in his prime even if he did choose to come here...but it's better than what we have. And I don't see why he wouldn't come here. What, is he going to the Titans instead? We have some good core players, all the other decent teams have QB's already. Originally Posted by TheDon
Oh no doubt the Texans would be a good destination. Especially with the relationship he has with BOB. And even though not in his prime his talent, leadership and intangibles are off the chain. And yea the Pats are known to dismiss guys but if anyone was untouchable up there I thought it was Brady. The backup, Jimmy G, does look like a stud though.

Personally I hope they get trounced by the Bengals as you say but the Pats tend to make adjustments quite well. Can't remember the last time they were punked two weeks in a row. I would enjoy it though...
TheDon's Avatar
Oh no doubt the Texans would be a good destination. Especially with the relationship he has with BOB. And even though not in his prime his talent, leadership and intangibles are off the chain. And yea the Pats are known to dismiss guys but if anyone was untouchable up there I thought it was Brady. The backup, Jimmy G, does look like a stud though.

Personally I hope they get trounced by the Bengals as you say but the Pats tend to make adjustments quite well. Can't remember the last time they were punked two weeks in a row. I would enjoy it though... Originally Posted by TheDr
Agreed, but after seeing what happened with Manning in Indy, and other great QB's in the past, I'm not surprised anymore with great QB's leaving their respective teams, the relationships almost always don't end well.

I think we have common rooting interests tonight. I wouldn't be surprised to see our hopes come through fruition. This isn't the same Pats team we've seen in the past. They haven't played well all year, I'm going to be very surprised to just see some magical adjustments come from out of the blue against arguably the most complete team in the league.
BigLouie's Avatar
Texans main problem is at QB Fritz can't push the ball down the field so every short pass is contested and unless it is Foster the run game suffers. Might as well play Mallet if all you are going to do is hand off and throw 5 yard passed
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 10-05-2014, 05:10 PM
Agreed, but after seeing what happened with Manning in Indy, and other great QB's in the past, I'm not surprised anymore with great QB's leaving their respective teams, the relationships almost always don't end well.

I think we have common rooting interests tonight. I wouldn't be surprised to see our hopes come through fruition. This isn't the same Pats team we've seen in the past. They haven't played well all year, I'm going to be very surprised to just see some magical adjustments come from out of the blue against arguably the most complete team in the league. Originally Posted by TheDon
I see your point but the Colts had damn near a sure thing w/ Luck and Manning had the neck issues. But again, point taken. Hell I remember when my Niners let Montana leave but then again we had a future HOF'mer in Young as a replacement. For the Texans sake I hope you're right.

And hoping you're right about tonite. They do seem different this year, but I just can't see it happen two weeks in a row like I said. Surely Logan Mankins wasn't that much of a loss was he? Lol

Texans main problem is at QB Fritz can't push the ball down the field so every short pass is contested and unless it is Foster the run game suffers. Might as well play Mallet if all you are going to do is hand off and throw 5 yard passed Originally Posted by BigLouie
Good point BL. And Mallet can sling it...