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New traffic circles are actually pretty cool. I stress the word "new." Like the ones on 590N up near Sea Breeze. The old ones, like the one at Carrier Circle, are massively fucked up.

But the new ones....first thing you will notice is that the diameter of the circle is small. Very small. That's so idiots have to slow down when they go around them.

The second thing is that anyone entering has to yield right of way to anyone already in it.

And that's it! Couldn't be simpler. They are way safer than traffic lights. And they save a bunch of time in the right spot.

I think it is actually a state law that if a town is applying for state aid to rebuild an intersection, they won't get considered for it unless they do a study to determine if a circle would work better than a light. Bring 'em on! Lights suck. Too many assholes "stretching the yellow" or flat out running them. And too many of them run the same pattern 24X7 (Hey, Town of Greece! Wake the fuck up! No one is trying to get out of Athena High School at midnight! Put it on "flash" ferchrissake, quit makin peeps on Long Pond stop for it...)

. Originally Posted by rooster
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She also prefers not to be reviewed and stay utr
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You may qualify for all of the above
-provided you have references and will comply with screening requirements- including real life information
You may qualify for all of the above
-provided you have references and will comply with screening requirements- including real life information Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
sure thing
ill get right on that
OOhh sausagepants Originally Posted by JONBALLS
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Free sausage pants!!!
Equal opportuniste/garbage licker Originally Posted by Naughty.Nikki
fuckin Ed....

Sometimes the hobby is more like an IQ test than anything else. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

So, you're saying you won't repeat??
fuckin awesome.....
His name is Valerie!

. Originally Posted by rooster

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If I've said it once, I've said it a million times.....
fuckin Nikki Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
B cups usually mean little tits Originally Posted by LUCYJOSE7
fuckin Lucy!!
Thanks for the contribution!!!
Krameresque in appearance?
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Well, I am here to help.
Ask anyone! Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar