Witness testifies Trayvon was a racist

LexusLover's Avatar
Like I said , since I cant find any buildings being torn down on the news because of the judges actions, well you know Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes, I saw you wrote that, and "the news" is as ignorant about courtroom demeanor as you are!
... Regardless of what people say there is an "assumption" of guilt at times when someone refuses to testify or "talk"!

.... Originally Posted by LexusLover
But GZ has talked. He waived his right to remain silent and they videotaped several interviews and played them for the jury. He just didn't take the stand.

... interesting mind reading there.....

Like I said .. when people get pissed they get "unstable"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
People can sense when they are about to be "thrown under the bus." People say "they weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty." This judge wasn't smart enough to recuse herself from this trial.

I was on voir dire for a double murder. The visiting judge gave the defense one hour to question 100 potential jurors and the prosecution also got an hour. His final words of instruction were

"This isn't California and I ain't Judge Ito."

Most were dismissed in 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Interesting...The defense gets to argue to the judge not to consider a lesser charge in this case. Either 2nd degree murder or nothing, didn't know that was a possibility.
HAHA, the prosecution is absolutely desperate. The last day of the trial, they are now trying to sneak in a 3rd degree murder based on child abuse! Can't make this shit up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
HAHA, the prosecution is absolutely desperate. The last day of the trial, they are now trying to sneak in a 3rd degree murder based on child abuse! Can't make this shit up. Originally Posted by nwarounder
The prosecutors are pathetically grasping at straws. Without legitimate proof, they are throwing everything at Zimmerman and hoping something will stick vis-à-vis the jurors' maternal instincts: not law.
The prosecutors are pathetically grasping at straws. Without legitimate proof, they are throwing everything at Zimmerman and hoping something will stick vis-à-vis the jurors' maternal instincts: not law. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LOL, so is the judge, she was reading from her PC and saying this is the law on self defense and what I'm going to read to the jury: Blah, blah, blah if the crime is committed in a person's house. The defense has to correct her and tell her what the actual and correct statute she needs to be reading from for this case, he reads it to her and she says, "Oh, okay". Better than fricking Comedy Central!
they might toss in zimmermans tax return for review in case they can get him on tax fraud

it is sickening the length to which the left is out for apeasement and blood and how they manipulate every system of government to achieve political and racists ends...
LexusLover's Avatar
Interesting...The defense gets to argue to the judge not to consider a lesser charge in this case. Either 2nd degree murder or nothing, didn't know that was a possibility. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Yes. The only problem is if they are wrong (and there should be a lesser charge) it's retrial.
LexusLover's Avatar
But GZ has talked. He waived his right to remain silent and they videotaped several interviews and played them for the jury. He just didn't take the stand.

People can sense when they are about to be "thrown under the bus." People say "they weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty." This judge wasn't smart enough to recuse herself from this trial.

I was on voir dire for a double murder. The visiting judge gave the defense one hour to question 100 potential jurors and the prosecution also got an hour. His final words of instruction were

"This isn't California and I ain't Judge Ito."

Most were dismissed in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That's about right, particularly if jury information forms are available in advance (previous day).

Also, I think an hour a side for final summation is good enough for this case also. The jury has already made up their minds one way or another and there may be a couple of hold outs. She's sending them out to think about what the prosecution said all night ... and then having them back in when they all want to go home to listen to the defense with the prosecution getting the "last word" tomorrow. They'll get their "blue plate special" for lunch, vote and go home.

If she gave them the case at 3 p.m. (an hour a side) they be back by 5 or 6 p.m. if that long.
LexusLover's Avatar
LOL, so is the judge, she was reading from her PC and saying this is the law on self defense and what I'm going to read to the jury: Blah, blah, blah if the crime is committed in a person's house. The defense has to correct her and tell her what the actual and correct statute she needs to be reading from for this case, he reads it to her and she says, "Oh, okay". Better than fricking Comedy Central! Originally Posted by nwarounder
The Comedy is "on the record"! In fact it is on video.
The Comedy is "on the record"! In fact it is on video. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are right! I'm helping a friend out who had surgery on both feet so I've been bored as hell or never would've watched a minute of this. But I'm glad I did, it is pretty intriguing to learn some of this stuff and definitely hilarious to watch (not for Zimmerman I bet). It's no wonder to me now, why we let so many people out of prison on appeals or new DNA evidence, or how they got there in the first place. You get the mayor, a couple loonies prosecuting you, and a loony judge, you are fucking screwed.
  • 07-11-2013, 10:22 AM



Again... us steal trying too steal

Btw post again ... the plastic bottle water and soda that is soo readly used biodigrable?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 10:30 AM
well, if anything., I bet the farm Zim wishes he had kept his candy ass in the damn truck and waited for the cops ..

if he walks on this he gets to look forward to the civil trial that comes next ... Zim will be working for the kids mom and dad for the rest of his life if hes as lucky as OJ was ..
Whew, the prosecutor is an angry little man. Wish we could see the faces of the jurors.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2013, 01:49 PM
Whew, the prosecutor is an angry little man. Wish we could see the faces of the jurors. Originally Posted by nwarounder
just wait till he gets the floor tomorrow during his final argument