Trump legal going ons


Very well said.


Looks like you’ve already found one of the links. Shame you’re putting restrictions on what links can and cannot be used.

Point is, Hunter shouldn’t be worth a dime given his addictions, previous legal issues in the military and his extremely weak resume.
  • clmc
  • 06-23-2024, 08:32 PM
Looks like Liar-In-Chief Felon's Conviction on 34 Felony counts are sinking in to those Republicans with functioning brains.

FAUX News of all sources and Karl Rove admits the Orange Felon's poll numbers are dropping.

Veteran Republican strategist tells Fox News that Trump is falling in polls since his conviction

This report caused delusional Don to rage and throw a tantrum on his truth unsocial site.
Karl rove the never Trumper jeb bush lover


try harder
try Doc Rich dummi
  • clmc
  • 06-23-2024, 09:08 PM
How profound!
Delusional Ron, using his well honed "steam of unconsciousness logic" could have not said it better......LOL
Great to see you back clmc…and all your educational bs lol
  • clmc
  • 06-23-2024, 09:51 PM
Great to see you back clmc…and all your educational bs lol Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Thanks FBS and have to agree with you there on the BS, after all it all came from FAUX and nobody does BS better than FAUX!

So you say clmc. Your hate is much too obvious. And btw, you’ve gotta be wearing out your exclamation point button and your all caps button to support your FACTS. Lol

I’ll be posting soon a new thread outlining Old Joes resume…or better yet his lack of…as well as his plagiarism, his support for segregation of blacks and whites in our school system and many other of his flip flops regarding his political stance over the years to support his “current” agenda on any given day.

Oh, and you will get plenty of links supporting my points.

I wish you the best countering my FACTS.
How profound!
Delusional Ron, using his well honed "steam of unconsciousness logic" could have not said it better......LOL Originally Posted by clmc
Wait, Delusional Ron? Who’s Delusional Ron? Wearing out your Cap button? Lol
  • clmc
  • 06-23-2024, 10:41 PM
Wait, Delusional Ron? Who’s Delusional Ron? Wearing out your Cap button? Lol Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
LOL, simple typo FBS, meant Delusional Don of course. It happens.
Still simpler to get than that "steam of unconsciousness logic" many Thrump toadies use here as a means to emulate their hero Don the Con LOL.
LOL, simple typo FBS, meant Delusional Don of course. It happens.
Still simpler to get than that "steam of unconsciousness logic" many Thrump toadies use here as a means to emulate their hero Don the Con LOL. Originally Posted by clmc

Of course I knew what you meant. LOL. Wait one more time to help you out.


All caps have become such FACTS!


  • clmc
  • 06-23-2024, 10:50 PM

So you say clmc. Your hate is much too obvious. And btw, you’ve gotta be wearing out your exclamation point button and your all caps button to support your FACTS. Lol

I’ll be posting soon a new thread outlining Old Joes resume…or better yet his lack of…as well as his plagiarism, his support for segregation of blacks and whites in our school system and many other of his flip flops regarding his political stance over the years to support his “current” agenda on any given day.

Oh, and you will get plenty of links supporting my points.

I wish you the best countering my FACTS. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
FBS no need to project, no hate at all, just LMFAO that FAUX news the main propaganda wing of the GOP aired that video!!!!

Yep! Best to start your own Thread on President Biden, instead of doing the Thread Hijacks here.
  • clmc
  • 06-23-2024, 10:53 PM

All caps have become such FACTS!


Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

LOL, never said or meant that. That's your projecting.

But as your fellow Texan used to say, If you say so!





What video? I never referenced any video? Or…are YOU projecting….again? LOL!
But as your fellow Texan used to say, If you say so! Originally Posted by clmc
I’m not a Texan, I’m a Yankee from NY thru and thru.