Enough is Enough

Adabear's Avatar
Jenna could be pointed for nudity too depending on the actual picture.
Pistolero's Avatar
See right there. You just changed the variable. You said you don't get point for being nice. EA, replied you can. then you added follow the rules. You are changing/modifying the situation to fit your needs.

To answer you original question on how to get points while being nice....
I start a thread on let's say..... a good place to stay.
EA, dh, SMI reply with places, but call me lazy, slacker, ignorant, & of questionable I.Q. in the process.
Jemma post nude pic of herself after visiting DarqueTan & is nice enough to state she's expanded her menu.
DeD says he's staying at Jemma's tonight.
JaD points out constuction @ EA's 1st option, & option 3 was just on the news for an LE sting.
DM offers me his garage for $30 off the lowest bid I can find on Priceline.

Can you tell me whose getting pointed & why. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Jemma would be eligible for hijacking in some cities.

All others mentioned are mod staff, so not eligble for points.

I am considering giving DG points for this post since he mentioned all Houston staff except Pistolero. And even EA and dh.

So, yes, points can be recieved while being nice.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Just do it in a nice way, P.



  • BDD
  • 09-21-2013, 11:37 PM
.....I am considering giving DG points for this post since he mentioned all Houston staff except Pistolero. And even EA and dh.

So, yes, points can be recieved while being nice. Originally Posted by Pistolero
See....Modtard logic....

LMAO. Great one Mr. Pistolero. Fantastic post.
Great one Mr. Pistolero. Fantastic post. Originally Posted by BDD
OBJECTION! Ass kissing.

Old Dingus
Hmmmmm ?
Adabear's Avatar
As long as people are not civil, this topic will stay valid to me. BTW, thank you for helping in the other thread. It was very nice of you. Have a great day!
Wakeup's Avatar
And it will be valid for ONLY you...
surcher's Avatar
And it will be valid for ONLY you... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Others find it valid, they just get tired of your narcissism. If they didn't, this thread would have died a long time ago. Then again, your innocence through ignorance has helped it along. I used to enjoy your quips and occasional thought provoking posts. The thought provoking ones are long gone. Lately, most of your posts have been insulting, cruel, cold-hearted and now playing ignorant.

I can't very well correct something when I don't realize what I'm doing wrong...you assume I know what is wrong because you assume I think like you...I believe I've made it perfectly clear that I don't...

You got a definition or list of actions that qualify what a bully is, or you just going to whine some more about the childishness of the board? Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Your assumption I think you think like me is ridiculous, laughable and could not be farther from the truth. I don't pretend ignorance and understand the definition of a word does not change, nor it's key components, simply because you choose to make us believe the definition it different for you than the rest of us, therefore, you cannot distinguish right from wrong. More specifically, saying you can't correct something if you don't realize what you're doing wrong, despite the fact numerous times people have pointed out specific instances. Being cruel and harassing are traits of a bully. For your sake, and self-proclaimed ignorance, let's keep it simple and just use cruel. Wait, that probably wont work because your definition of cruel is probably different than it is for the rest of us.
Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
How do you define "cruel", "no reason", or "hitting"? I know exactly what my definition of bullying is...and I've done none of it...so convince me that I have...

Go ahead surcher...define bully as a verb for me... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
When I said something was childish, I was referring directly to the quote of yours in my post, or you, not the board. Specifically, the ones here.

The one at the top fits too. I believe you know exactly what you're doing when you demean people for their looks. I can't stand stupid, ignorant people in life or here. Using the excuse you're being honest, speaking the truth, or stating your opinion doesn't fly with me. If you had a mental disability, or learning disorder, we might understand. Yet, as far as we know, you don't.

You have chosen this persona for reasons known only to you. But don't play the ignorant card, it insults my intelligence and makes you seem childish. If you acted, or spoke this way in public, you'd have very few real friends. Maybe you do, which is why you practically reside here. That is an assumption, not thinking we think alike.
Wakeup's Avatar
Methinks surcher shot his wad...and STILL didn't tell me what I'm doing wrong, or define "bully" for me...

Too bad...I thought he was going to get to a point...
surcher's Avatar
Methinks surcher shot his wad...and STILL didn't tell me what I'm doing wrong,

or define "bully" for me...
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Did you enjoy the facial?

That's just fucking hilarious! You want me to help you understand what so many in this thread have already attempted? Wake up! Your comprehension skills need help.

Use a dictionary like intelligent people do. It might help your comprehension skills.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Did you enjoy the facial?

That's just fucking hilarious! You want me to help you understand what so many in this thread have already attempted? Wake up! Your comprehension skills need help.

Use a dictionary like intelligent people do. It might help your comprehension skills. Originally Posted by surcher
dearhunter's Avatar
It took forever to rub that one out
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