NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

The Clown ain't playing tonight. Our #1 pick was a Vag!!!
TheDon's Avatar
That pisses me off too. I'm sure that merciless will come through....
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-20-2014, 06:09 PM
Well, I tried to tell you boys.
BigLouie's Avatar
I wonder if Watt can play QB
Add pussy soft mentality and cunt receivers and RB to our list of problems!!

1. No fucking OL
2. Slow confused shitty ass secondary
3. No tackling mfers throughout the defense(LB's and DB's)
4. Pathetic play calling
5. Poor QB play
6. Shittiest GM on the planet.
7. No deep threat at WR.
8. TE #87 that has more fucking false start penalties than receptions.
9. Clowney, Nix, Brennan Williams, trevardo Williams, Sam Montgomery, Keshawn Martin, Devier Posey, Sharpton, Su a FILO, wasted fucking picks!!!

The country club attitude on Kirby has to end, it starts at the top with the PUSSY FUCKING MCNUTTlLESS OWNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All Texan players should wear pink all the time!!! The PUSSY FUCKING OWNER TOO!!!!!!
And just think instead of Kareem Jackson we could have had, Dez Bryant, DeMarius Thomas, or Rob Gronkowski, but our great GM took Kareem Jackson!!!!

Please fire that MOther FUCKer!!!!
Long nose's Avatar
And just think instead of Kareem Jackson we could have had, Dez Bryant, DeMarius Thomas, or Rob Gronkowski, but our great GM took Kareem Jackson!!!!

Please fire that MOther FUCKer!!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Not too fucking mention the fucking retard owner and his bitch Kubiak passed on Peyton Manning when we had a shot at him. "We got our QB!!" Referring to MFING Dopey!!!

Fuck you McNuttless!!!!!! And fuck you Rick Smith!!! And fuck you too Kubes!!! Eat a FfFFFFfAT COCk you Mother Fuckers!!!
chicagoboy's Avatar
Not too fucking mention the fucking retard owner and his bitch Kubiak passed on Peyton Manning when we had a shot at him. "We got our QB!!" Referring to MFING Dopey!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Oh, c'mon - Peyton was never going to allow himself to be "coached" by Kubiak. That would be, well, dopey.

Can't say I disagree with your list in #5930, though.
BigLouie's Avatar
Not too fucking mention the fucking retard owner and his bitch Kubiak passed on Peyton Manning when we had a shot at him. "We got our QB!!" Referring to MFING Dopey!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
That is a myth. The Texans never had the cap room to offer Manning anywhere near what Denver was able to offer him. Due to wasted picks and signing of free agents to make up for it the Texans had no money at all to offer.
TheDon's Avatar
Good rant Daddio, piss poor mental errors costing us the game. But the missed tackles are Bullshit, most of them aren't even situation's where guys are going for strips, they are just missing goddamn tackles. Just soft...
kerwil62's Avatar

Can't recover onside kicks.....

Hopkins can't hold on to the ball after catching a long pass....

This shit is becoming deja vu all over again. SMMFH...........
Super Head 713's Avatar
Houston texans suck lol I just thought I should say that
BigLouie's Avatar
And just think instead of Kareem Jackson we could have had, Dez Bryant, DeMarius Thomas, or Rob Gronkowski, but our great GM took Kareem Jackson!!!!

Please fire that MOther FUCKer!!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
When the Texans took Kareem Jackson everyone, even The Fat General from the Chron expected them to take Devon McCourtney (sp?) the all-pro who New England took later. Typical Texan pick, pass on someone who goes on to be an all pro while taking someone who has been terrible most of the time.

Now there is talk of Clowney being a slacker who is stalling about coming back while the other highly regared player at that position Kali Mack has turned out to be a JJ Watt type of stud. Almost every QB the Texans passed on is looking good. The draft was typical Texan, bunch of safe picks that looked pretty good at the time but in just one year most look pretty bad.

I wonder if our ultra conservative play calling is because Fritz has no arm, can't make the quick decisions, is reluctant to throw it up and there and let our talented receivers make a play. At some point if we keep losing it is time to give Mallett a shot for a game or two and Savage a shot. And speaking of Savage. How did the team pass on all the good QBs to take someone who missed 1,000 straight days of playing football and after this year would have played just one year of football in the last 4.

The team needs to lose out so that 1) it can draft a stud QB and 2) so that Rick Smith is fired.