Raise Your Hand If You Screen!!!!!

m5552009's Avatar
I love you, Elisabeth. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Plus 2 on love for Elisabeth......and you even let me clear your screening 2 weeks ago.

FishGuy13's Avatar
Wanna know where these "new kids" came from? You guessed it........BP!

What we need is a mandatory sticky that would instruct these folks on how ECCIE is run! After they have read the sticky (I pray that they can even read), they must agree to all rules and regulations here! Only then and after they have had 3 legit reviews, can they become a verified provider!

I know, I know.....I'm a little off topic! Blame it on my ADD! LOL! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
It sounds like a good plan to me.
Before I found ECCIE, I found my providers first on CL, then BP & was NEVER asked for any kind of reference. I now feel alot better being asked who else I have seen, some get a little picky and want the providers to be from here, but it is worth it!
FishGuy13's Avatar
[quote=ElisabethWhispers;121509 3

I changed the way that I screened. Significantly.

The way that I screen now varies. Ideally, I get references, names and more information about work, etc. as I used to but often that doesn't work very well. I GLEAN what I can from these men. I say no a lot but I don't say no as much as I used to.

And with some people that I've known from ASPD or this board, well I haven't bothered with the proper screening. {That is a type of screening too.}

So I have gone in a little bit of a different direction. Shrug. And I have met, honestly, the exact same type of men that I have by using just ECCIE or at that time, EROS.

I LOVE ECCIE. It's my home. But I'm inherently aware that I'm not like a lot of the ladies here who see mostly men from ECCIE. I do not. Not sure why, a lot of my client base participates here but hardly the majority.

There are men who would be appalled to have to screen like many of these ladies say that they do. Frankly, with the exception of a few of these ladies that I know screen the way that they say that they do, I don't believe that everyone is screening like this.

For the record, everyone SHOULD thoroughly screen in whatever fashion works for them. Taking a call and just telling a stranger your address is very fool hardy. I know that I have taken a few chances that perhaps I shouldn't have. And I'm more than willing to fall on my sword if something were to awfully happen.
**Plus, there ARE alternative ways to screen that don't include real life info. And yes, P411 is absolutely great. But it isn't the Holy Grail of screening. Nothing is.**[/quote]
I am all for screening and agree, it does not have to all be one set way, but enough that both partys do not start or end with 'Oh shit what did I just do or am about to do!' Been there done that enough!
I agree screening should be encouraged.

Lana Warren and other providers understand when our little heads take control for the most part caution is thrown out. Tones of stories of hobbiest going to risky areas. A provider can also be in a desperate situation and go against her better judgement and lax her rules. Lastly screening is not 100%
To add to what Elisabeth said, I would like to say that a lot of men do not realize they are being screened...so don't think just because a lady doesn't ask you for info that she didn't screen you. Just because she doesn't ask you for info don't immediately bash her for not screening you.

I get a lot of lurkers that use their real e-mail addy and real phone to hobby with because they are not, "professional hobbyists." When I run their contact info I pull up their real names, linkin profiles, the web page at their company where they are listed....etc. So before I even reply to their inital contact they are pretty much screened.

Now for you guys that use a hobby phone and hobby e-mail...yes be prepared to fork over references, P411, send a PM through eccie so we can verify your handle, etc...because with the anonymous phone numbers and e-mail addys you have set up to hobby we ladies cannot pull up anything to identify/screen you with.

So yes, by all means, SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN!!!! Just remember there is more than one way to skin a cat.

And yes I wish there was a way to get the BP ladies that don't also read eccie this information. Maybe someday I will go on a crusade and e-mail all of them.
To add to what Elisabeth said, I would like to say that a lot of men do not realize they are being screened...so don't think just because a lady doesn't ask you for info that she didn't screen you. Just because she doesn't ask you for info don't immediately bash her for not screening you.

I get a lot of lurkers that use their real e-mail addy and real phone to hobby with because they are not, "professional hobbyists." When I run their contact info I pull up their real names, linkin profiles, the web page at their company where they are listed....etc. So before I even reply to their inital contact they are pretty much screened.

Now for you guys that use a hobby phone and hobby e-mail...yes be prepared to fork over references, P411, send a PM through eccie so we can verify your handle, etc...because with the anonymous phone numbers and e-mail addys you have set up to hobby we ladies cannot pull up anything to identify/screen you with.

So yes, by all means, SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN!!!! Just remember there is more than one way to skin a cat. Originally Posted by Marla
So glad you put this as I was recently bashed and told that I do not screen. There is more than one way to thoroughly screen especially when the 2 references you give, are NOT creditable providers.
Glad I could help Lacy! Yes some of these guys do not realize that by the time I reply to their text I know their full name, where they live/work/and who their friends are...lol

Guys you have no idea what we are doing behind the scenes! We work HARD. That's why we get the big bucks ;-)
I just logged out of chat after having a private conversation with a gentleman who asked to see me today! I told him that I normally do not take last minute dates due to the screening process and that I would have to verify him through either P411 or references from 2 well known ladies and that it could take up to 24hrs for them to get back to me! He's fairly new to the board and has not joined P411 just yet, so he gave me references of 2 ladies, one of which is known on the board, but a total fruit cake! The other lady, I have no idea who she is, is a verified provider here! I didn't feel comfortable in scheduling a date, so I passed! But, before ending our conversation, I asked him how the 2 ladies screened him! OMG, he told me that he had contacted them on BP and neither one of had screened him through ANYTHING!!!!!! All he did was talk to them on the phone and went straight to their incall! You have got to be kidding me!!!!!

What the hell is wrong with you girls? Why in the hell would you allow a gentleman to come into your private space without knowing who he is? Is money so desperate that you would jeopardize your safety? And what really gets me, you call yourselves, "VERIFIED PROVIDERS"! How in the hell can you call yourself a verified provider if you don't verify your clients? Do you actually know that your are risking the life of other ladies by not screening?

And to all you gentlemen, you'd be a freakin' fool to schedule with any lady who does not screen! And if you do, don't come crying to us because you got robbed or have the ole switch-a-roo pulled on you!

To be honest with you, I'm tired of the so called alerts because either party was willing to take the time to screen properly!

SCREEN, SCREEN, SCREEN, you damn fools!

Yes, this is a rant! Originally Posted by Lana Warren

NO SCREENING??? here are two words that will get your attention "Serial Killer" enough said!
  • Sami
  • 04-18-2011, 11:01 PM
I have had some providers get very snippy, because they don't do references or say if I ok'd him on p411 he is good. Today my roomy was trying to get a refs and the girl wasn't so nice and asked her why he was coming to see her? Now that's uncalled for and rude... I would have said to playing patty cake I guess.

There are alot of ways to screen and I am learning new things everyday. I know I don't know all, but I am really trying to learn. Many ladies are great and have reached out but some well....
novacain's Avatar
Ok, I recently came across a situation with a lady were I did send her my screening info and she agreed to see me. After seeing me and having in her opinion a bad session that she should have turned down, she has made the claims in some areas of this site that my references did not adequately inform her about me. She's claiming that my teeth were so hideous and my breath so bad that it was all she could do to keep from puking during the entire session, if this was the case decline to kiss me and suggest I needed to freshen my breath a lil, not blame my references for not telling her about it! Now I have checked with all the ladies who's info I sent to her as references and it turns out....................she never bothered to check with any of them about me. Now yes I know there are other ways for her to have checked me out but to make the claim that she checked with those ladies when she didn't really is a disservice to those ladies. Also last I was told in most cases when a reference check is made about a client, it's only to make sure he's not LE or an abusive psycho a**hole during a session. Maybe I'm wrong about this and I'll now have to wonder if I could be declined based on my looks as well. Funny I thought the reason I'm paying was for things like MY looks or lack of, to be over looked?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Ok, I recently came across a situation with a lady were I did send her my screening info and she agreed to see me. After seeing me and having in her opinion a bad session that she should have turned down, she has made the claims in some areas of this site that my references did not adequately inform her about me. She's claiming that my teeth were so hideous and my breath so bad that it was all she could do to keep from puking during the entire session, if this was the case decline to kiss me and suggest I needed to freshen my breath a lil, not blame my references for not telling her about it! Now I have checked with all the ladies who's info I sent to her as references and it turns out....................she never bothered to check with any of them about me. Now yes I know there are other ways for her to have checked me out but to make the claim that she checked with those ladies when she didn't really is a disservice to those ladies. Also last I was told in most cases when a reference check is made about a client, it's only to make sure he's not LE or an abusive psycho a**hole during a session. Maybe I'm wrong about this and I'll now have to wonder if I could be declined based on my looks as well. Funny I thought the reason I'm paying was for things like MY looks or lack of, to be over looked? Originally Posted by novacain
I'm sorry that this happened to you. I have, in the past, a few times and these are the only times that I've been told about it (so it probably happens a lot more!) been told that I was used as a reference and the lady never contacted me but told the client that she had.

Or worse, SAID that she TRIED to contact me and that I didn't return the e-mail requests. Which is a bald faced lie. These are the little annoying nuances that are just a part of this business.

Shake it off. That's what I try to do when something crappy/unfair happens. It just comes with the territory.


Edited to add: I wrote in the sentence above, crappy/unfair / stupid. Guess the little smiley face comes up when you post those terms the way that I did. Interesting.
I have had that happen too, where some supposedly contacted me as a reference, but in reality I never heard from the lady. Who even knows the logic behind that. Except maybe she just didn't want to see the guy and is using it as an excuse that she can't get ahold of any of his references.

And Nova even if you don't have perfect teeth, that isn't something that we will always remember when giving out references. I don't make notes unless you come from P411 (where we have a little box for notes), so if a lady contacts me for a ref and I don't remember that a guy was overweight or had some other issue than I'm sorry, but I can't remember everything about everybody! I can remember if you were safe and a nice guy or if you were dangerous or an ass, and my apologies to the ladies if that's really all I can recall.

Sami those "snippy" providers are just jealous and do not understand that these guys don't belong to any of one us. Just remember who they are next time THEY want a reference so you can poke a little fun at them before you actually give them a reference (send them a first reply like, "oh, now you want to participate in the reference game" and make them see how it feels)...and also kharma is a bitch and I would hate to be them!

Screening really is a multifaceted process! References alone aren't always the answer. Thank goodness for the internet! Without it I have no idea how I would do it!
Clouddancer's Avatar
Ya know, if I was to learn a provider was trippin on the jealousy thing, I think she would be off my repeat list for sure. There's no call for that kind of behavior.

I'm glad to see this thread and hope it may help some of the providers here.
I would also like to add this:

Guys, if you don't want to provide the info requested for screening then don't.
But don't expect an appointment!

If you can't work out a way for both of you to be comfortable, then let it go.
I hate to read some of the occasional bashing of the lady because a guy couldn't pass her screening.

Be safe everyone.

I have had some providers get very snippy, because they don't do references or say if I ok'd him on p411 he is good. Today my roomy was trying to get a refs and the girl wasn't so nice and asked her why he was coming to see her? Now that's uncalled for and rude... I would have said to playing patty cake I guess.

There are alot of ways to screen and I am learning new things everyday. I know I don't know all, but I am really trying to learn. Many ladies are great and have reached out but some well.... Originally Posted by Sami
Guest032213-02's Avatar
I screen through the screen door of the provider's incall.
Safety first, +1 for screening!!!