
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-08-2023, 07:32 PM
Dude! You CANNOT SPELL! Just admit you fucked up. Stop trying to cover your mistakes. It’s ok if you are ESL. As for your inability to comprehend reading, I cannot help you there. Stop trying to deflect your stupidity in my direction. You do that shit to everyone who disagrees with you. Stop crying and begging everyone to look at me in order to hide you own deficiencies. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
Um, no. Go back and actually carefully read And beyond that, who cares? Oh right. The guy who is losing the argument. We've argued in the past before and each time you started losing (which is really the entire time) you start picking at an unbelievably insignificant thing and cower away from the actual discussion at hand.

This thread was started in jest while at the same time pointing out how many stupid promoter reviews have polluted this board. Like your breath. But once you started defending your bitch boy, Ghost, you overlooked the humor I imparted about promoters getting carpal tunnel. Instead you insist I’m bitching, crying and begging. Interesting how only a promoter like yourself would make those assumptions. Meanwhile other non-shill readers don’t see it the way you do. You truly are biased and very much a hater. The studios would be wise to fire your sorry ass!

You ARE crying, bitching and whining, kemosabe. You could have passed this thread off as random drunken jest, had you not made numerous other threads about promoters, fake reviews or some shit. But the fact that you went out of your way to make the same again and again shows that this shit is seriously under your skin. Fire me? Hater? Sorry ass? LMAO. Keep em coming, Bamboo. What else you got for me? Ist? Phobe? Bigot? Come on, Bamboo. Keep going. Got any other buzzwords?

Agree to disagree!
You made numerous threads in the past few months/weeks about promoters. You have no reviews in Dallas for almost 8 months. You call people promoters. You are needlessly stirring shit up and/or crying and bitching. There is nothing to disagree. I'm right.

If you give such a shit about the forum goers here, write a review.

Anyway, Guys, write your own reviews. That's what it will take to diminish the importance of ''Promoter'' reviews. Think about it. The idea is to advertize (or promote, if you prefer). If you don't write reviews, somebody will. And is. Ever notice how so many Handles post seemingly insider information about studios and ladies, but have almost, or absolutely no reviews? Y'all know the handles. Why don't they review? As I posted earlier, the ''Promoter'' reviews are what kept me informed. I would have missed Seven, Orange, Kimberly, all those early Legends. Every one of them turned out to be 97% of what was apparently an advertisement. Fuck yeah! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Pretty much this.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Um, no. Go back and actually carefully read And beyond that, who cares? Oh right. The guy who is losing the argument. We've argued in the past before and each time you started losing (which is really the entire time) you start picking at an unbelievably insignificant thing and cower away from the actual discussion at hand.

You ARE crying, bitching and whining, kemosabe. You could have passed this thread off as random drunken jest, had you not made numerous other threads about promoters, fake reviews or some shit. But the fact that you went out of your way to make the same again and again shows that this shit is seriously under your skin. Fire me? Hater? Sorry ass? LMAO. Keep em coming, Bamboo. What else you got for me? Ist? Phobe? Bigot? Come on, Bamboo. Keep going. Got any other buzzwords?

You made numerous threads in the past few months/weeks about promoters. You have no reviews in Dallas for almost 8 months. You call people promoters. You are needlessly stirring shit up and/or crying and bitching. There is nothing to disagree. I'm right.

If you give such a shit about the forum goers here, write a review. Originally Posted by Aoi
Yawn! Reading your post looks like you’re the one losing the argument if you want to call it that. More desperate jabs. Are you done? Probably not because I’m pissing you off. You can’t retreat or raise the white flag. I know you. You want the last word. You want to claim victory despite your defeat.

Can you disappear without posting a reply? Nope! You can’t because you’re a loser.

Keep showing the studio owners who you are. Who they really hired. A genuine jackass who likes to attack their customers to prove he’s right despite his being wrong.

How many other handles do you manage without being caught? Why don’t you share that too since you’re chatting with CT about how you could deceive customers with reviews?

I’m more curious to know… When was the last time you were banned here for an extended period of time?
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-08-2023, 07:54 PM
Yawn! Reading your post looks like you’re the one losing the argument if you want to call it that. More desperate jabs. Are you done? Probably not because I’m pissing you off. You can’t retreat or raise the white flag. I know you. You want the last word. You want to claim victory despite your defeat.

Can you disappear without posting a reply? Nope! You can’t because you’re a loser.

Keep showing the studio owners who you are. Who they really hired. A genuine jackass who likes to attack their customers to prove he’s right despite his being wrong.

How many other handles do you manage without being caught? Why don’t you share that too since you’re chatting with CT about what you how you could deceive customers with reviews? Originally Posted by BigBamboo
"Defeat"? Please. I'm calling you out for what you are doing : which is calling for everyone you don't like to shut up. I think everyone should say what they want to say, review how they want to review.

Also, I haven't attacked anyone. You don't get to tell me that I attacked anyone when you're calling for cancel-culture for people you don't like.

And I haven't deceived anyone. Have you noticed that I literally tell everyone that I got the rubber? Or that I paid a tip? Hell, I even advocate for thinner covers in order to try to get a better experience if you don't want to do the up-charge. How is that deceiving anyone?

Have you noticed that you never answer any questions directed at you? You just talk but say nothing.
BigBamboo's Avatar
"Defeat"? Please. I'm calling you out for what you are doing : which is calling for everyone you don't like to shut up. I think everyone should say what they want to say, review how they want to review.

Also, I haven't attacked anyone. You don't get to tell me that I attacked anyone when you're calling for cancel-culture for people you don't like.

And I haven't deceived anyone. Have you noticed that I literally tell everyone that I got the rubber? Or that I paid a tip? Hell, I even advocate for thinner covers in order to try to get a better experience if you don't want to do the up-charge. How is that deceiving anyone?

Have you noticed that you never answer any questions directed at you? You just talk but say nothing. Originally Posted by Aoi
Learn to read AND comprehend. This isn’t a thread about rubbers or hating anyone. Fucking unbelievable!
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  • Aoi
  • 06-08-2023, 08:15 PM
I mean... I literally.... told you... what this thread was about... in... the.. same... post... right.. above... the part about covers....

and in this post above that..

and above that...

and above that....

and above that.. and so on.. and so on....


LMAO. fucking GOLD!
BigBamboo's Avatar
I mean... I literally.... told you... what this thread was about... in... the.. same... post... right.. above... the part about covers....

and in this post above that..

and above that...

and above that....

and above that.. and so on.. and so on....


LMAO. fucking GOLD! Originally Posted by Aoi
You told me what this thread was about? You’re fucking delusional. I started this thread. Then you changed topics like you always do to deflect the subject to protect your little promoter gang. What’s so golden about that?

Aside from the same bullshit you pull on EVERY thread where your world gets threatened there’s no one here laughing but you. Sad and pathetic that you have to laugh at your own jokes.

You’re the cancer of Dallas’ studios. And it’s growing in this forum thanks to you and your little gang of promoters and promoter handles.

You’ve literally turned this forum into the Sunday paper - something no one reads anymore. It’s extinct. Soon you will be too by your own demise. Just a bunch of flesh peddlers selling sex with no more buyers to read about your embellished fake escapades.

Oh wait! According to you I’m crying. Ha! You fucking wish.

You call me full of myself when you forget about yourself - the worst culprit here. Did you read the bullshit you wrote before you posted it? “I mean... I literally.... told you... what this thread was about... in... the.. same... post...”

I’ll say it to you again r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w f-o-r y-o-u, R-E-R-E-A-D M-Y F-I-R-S-T P-O-S-T. Got it it?

Go cry about your little promoter world to your promoter gang members. Maybe they’ll comfort you in prison after the feds put you away.
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  • Aoi
  • 06-08-2023, 10:36 PM
Friendly reminder Bamboo, these are your words :

Would you please take a vacation NOW? I’m sick of trying to find a real review this week among the tons of advertisements while trying to plan my weekend. You’re making it difficult for true customers to find credible info. I’m inclined to go to Vegas or Orange County instead. Go rest up for next month before you get carpal tunnel and have to apply for disability with your studio employers. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
What does that look like?

As for the rest of that laughable mangled excuse of a post, yeah, there's a word for that. Pathetic. Learn how to debate better, Bamboo.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Friendly reminder Bamboo, these are your words :

What does that look like?

As for the rest of that laughable mangled excuse of a post, yeah, there's a word for that. Pathetic. Learn how to debate better, Bamboo. Originally Posted by Aoi
About time dude! About damn time! Yep! I wrote that and now you finally acknowledge. Hard pressed to see why you got your panties in a wad over it.

Glad to see you can borrow words like, pathetic. So you calling my post pathetic has no weight. Nice try! Your attempt truly is pathetic.

Sadly you think everyone who disagrees with you is debating with you. Such a childish mind you have. Do you think when someone says hello to you that they also want to be your friend?

This was a disagreement. NOT a debate.

I just love how you spin everything in your own terms to appear to your own advantage. Typical promoter with zero integrity and little if any credibility.
I’m new here, so what I’m saying here probably has no weight. But guys, we’re here to have a fun time, and I think you folks should kiss it out and make up like real bros. No need to be mad over each other. Have a good session!(If you booked something)
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-08-2023, 11:45 PM
About time I literally had to quote you crying? Yeah that was the point? So you acknowledged that you are crying? Guess you’re making progress?


You’re crying, Bamboo. And i called you out on it.

That’s the point. That’s been the point the entire time.

Are you getting it? Good!

I’m new here, so what I’m saying here probably has no weight. But guys, we’re here to have a fun time, and I think you folks should kiss it out and make up like real bros. No need to be mad over each other. Have a good session!(If you booked something) Originally Posted by chenpanda123
Doesn’t matter if you’re new or have been here for a long time. If you’re having a good time, reviewing and contributing, you are appreciated. Welcome to the board.

don’t let crybabies stop you from having a good time.
About time I literally had to quote you crying? Yeah that was the point? So you acknowledged that you are crying? Guess you’re making progress?


You’re crying, Bamboo. And i called you out on it.

That’s the point. That’s been the point the entire time.

Are you getting it? Good!

Doesn’t matter if you’re new or have been here for a long time. If you’re having a good time, reviewing and contributing, you are appreciated. Welcome to the board.

don’t let crybabies stop you from having a good time. Originally Posted by Aoi

Thank you thank you. I’ll do my best!

Maybe I’m a promoter xd! Carrot is so cute that I wanna go back and give her a hug before she leaves.>\\\\< But only if I have the funds to do so QAQ (I’m not a promoter! Plz don’t cancel me!)
BigBamboo's Avatar
Thank you thank you. I’ll do my best!

Maybe I’m a promoter xd! Carrot is so cute that I wanna go back and give her a hug before she leaves.>\\\\< But only if I have the funds to do so QAQ (I’m not a promoter! Plz don’t cancel me!) Originally Posted by chenpanda123
Go promote Carrot at Kroger’s dude! This isn’t that thread. You’re probably another one of Aoi’s stockpiled handles.

Anyone who raises issues that don’t align with Aoi’s agenda is crying. And then Aoi will cry the entire time that he’s right and you’re wrong until you don’t reply back because Aoi wants the final word whether right or wrong, as in this case.

Remember Ghost’s reply where he commented about not making this a pissing match? That was just a setup for his little girlfriend Aoi to swoop in and start a pissing match and take this thread way off topic.

Notice how Aoi concludes that this thread all along was about me “crying?” Boo-hoo! That’s because he likes to deflect the issue that was raised:


That’s the issue Aoi. Own up to it dude and STOP spinning this back at me, as if I don’t have a right to voice my concern. You talk about “cancel culture” but you’re the worst offender here. And reducing promoter noise is NOT cancel culture by the way. Use the term in the appropriate context.

It’s insane the amount of effort you gave on this thread to point that, according to you, I’m “crying” per your term so as to shift focus from my point about the hoards of promoter reviews and bumps in this forum. Call it what you want Aoi if it makes you feel better about yourself. So be it if I have to “cry” to raise the issue again.

Why don’t you contribute to reducing the promoter noise instead of constantly giving birth to new promoter handles? I’ll write reviews here again when that happens. Until then I’m not going to waste my time with a review that will only become buried by the mass promoter movement.

This forum is on life support, and the promoters are killing it.
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  • Aoi
  • 06-09-2023, 07:03 AM
You're crying.

Also, yes. You're ACTUALLY calling for cancel culture.

When you want everyone else you don't like to shut up, you're calling for cancel culture. That is the definition of cancel culture. If you don't know what cancel culture is, don't try to define it with your obvious lack of information. But, that's typical of you, Bamboo. You try to sound smart but come out of it, having to be corrected

Thank you thank you. I’ll do my best!

Maybe I’m a promoter xd! Carrot is so cute that I wanna go back and give her a hug before she leaves.>\\\\< But only if I have the funds to do so QAQ (I’m not a promoter! Plz don’t cancel me!) Originally Posted by chenpanda123

Everyone Bamboo doesn't like is a promoter. Everyone he likes is legit, apparently.

That's why he's whining for everyone else to be canceled.
BigBamboo's Avatar
You're crying.

Also, yes. You're ACTUALLY calling for cancel culture.

When you want everyone else you don't like to shut up, you're calling for cancel culture. That is the definition of cancel culture. If you don't know what cancel culture is, don't try to define it with your obvious lack of information. But, that's typical of you, Bamboo. You try to sound smart but come out of it, having to be corrected Originally Posted by Aoi
You say a lot of stupid shit. This is just more of the same. You defending your little domain like a momma hen.

Cancel culture involves ostracism. Am I calling for promoters to be ostracized? No, I’m not. Asking promoters to take a break from writing their advertisements is not ostracism. So once again you’re incorrect but blindly trying to correct me.

You on the other hand…

Just re-read the first post again without your preconceived opinions. Stop gravitating to your notion that I’m “crying” and read it with an open mind. I know that is extremely difficult for you. But just try.

Because ultimately you constantly stating I’m “crying” is a childish retort that falls short of any true argumentative prowess. So stop putting on the charade to try and fool the audience. They know you’re not smart. You’re just fooling yourself.

BTW: You also need to learn proper punctuation and stop using comma splices.
Damn, I went to sleep, and now I have to go to Kroger to promote ? So much work to do.