Where to purchase a ready-made milking table

Right on.

Did you ever try to contact the dallas chick who already has exactly what you're looking for?
No, I did not. While the red table is the right concept (like the maternity table), I am trying to avoid the 3-5 inch padding which some men won't be able to compete with. More acceptable would be 1.5 inches. And the diameter of the hole on the red table is a concern as well for me. Since my friend understands exactly what I am going for, I'm being patient for the end result. I did speak with a guy from Dallas that saw a chick with something similar. She had it built for over $1k. It had a supportive platform underneath for the ladies comfort, along with a donut head rest and arm rest for the guy. They discussed further "pimpin it out" by adding a video player beneath the head to watch porn on, in addition to mirrors that the guy could see exactly what she was doing below...

Also...you wouldn't believe how many of my clients are enthusiastically asking about when I'm gonna have it ready...I love my naughty pervs It feels like the oncoming of Christmas after halloween is over...

My lease at the incall is up soon. Maybe I should upgrade to a two-bedroom and set up my sex swing and new table in the same room.

What do you think?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I think an incall with both a dedicated bedroom AND a kinky play room sounds fantastic
I think an incall with both a dedicated bedroom AND a kinky play room sounds fantastic Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
SIU, I used to have the swing set up where the dining table is, and the dining table where the TV was, and the console was in the closet to make room. I think honestly that the swing was too intimidating for some to even ask to use it. After collecting some dust, I decided to pack it up.

Second bedroom, eh? Wheels are turning...& and doing the cost/benefit analysis for an increase in rent...
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Haha! Personally I'd view it as a good sign of kinky debauchery to shortly ensue but yeah seeing it all set up as you first walk in the door may throw some people off a bit.

I've never used one myself but it does sound fun. I like the idea of a 2 bedroom and it's like where shall we begin? Behind door number 1 or door number 2?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I don't see why one would find a sex swing intimidating. I always wanted to try one
Milking on a table may look great on videos, but methinks in reality it might not be so great. The thickness of the pad and table would make it a challenge for the ball sac and cock to hang comfortably through the hole.

As a frequent "milkee"....I go for the ass up position in a very warm room that allows my boys to hang low and flop around whilst the milk maiden does her work.
No, I did not. While the red table is the right concept (like the maternity table), I am trying to avoid the 3-5 inch padding which some men won't be able to compete with. More acceptable would be 1.5 inches. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I was thinking the same thing lol.

Another thing to consider, put some handles on the sides so you can hang onto while you're upside down to help support your weight.
I was thinking the same thing lol.

Another thing to consider, put some handles on the sides so you can hang onto while you're upside down to help support your weight. Originally Posted by coolaid
Good idea! I'll pass that along to the designer.

The ass-up position is good, but the videos I've seen sure look super hot.

However, when I personally orgasm, my back arches and my pelvis bucks forward or backward depending on positioning. I do wonder the same about a man. Will some men instinctively pull their pelvis back when they reach near completion? Will I have to wrangle their dicks and pull them back through the hole? LOL.

Which brings me back to the purpose of this thread: finding an inexpensive way to explore this fantasy with an interested client. I'm willing to try just about anything as long as it doesn't come out of my bottom line or is an imposing time committment when I'm off the clock.
ItalianaPrincess does have one of these. I spoke with her & she said the padding was minimal & handle bars on the underside were a required feature when she had it made. 3-5 inches padding would be absurd considering some gents only have 3-5 inches! lol
Here's a review, maybe you should ask this guy about the specifics - sounds like fun!
I don't see why one would find a sex swing intimidating. I always wanted to try one Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I saw a drunk Cajun girl fall out of a sex swing at about 3am yesterday morning...ouch
I saw a drunk Cajun girl fall out of a sex swing at about 3am yesterday morning...ouch Originally Posted by LilMynx69
What do you call a *********** virgin?

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges. Pistolero

I want one of these too so info? And I find this to be fun to do. Yep I discovered the porn videos
Looks like I'm not the only one who's been trying to find this table. So many videos but nothing that says where I can buy one.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
You need to find a local craftsman that makes things for the fetish/bdsm community in Houston,,,Black Hawk Leather is a good local source. Or register on fetlife and post some requests for local toy makers.