Please help me understand the nazi references in Coed?

4PawgLovers's Avatar
Cat Daddy....I don't think many care about your ear hair. They are just trying to be nice to you.
The problem is I think they figured your mustache is actually nose hair. Originally Posted by tbone2u

Now that was funny ish...
This thread is about to get lit up after work

BTW.... does my avatar offend thee Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Finally got my ScarJo back! Fuck yeah!

^^^^ Not to mention, the filthy A-rab who masterminded the shit was shot in the face and dumped in the ocean for shark chum....I’m good with that..... Originally Posted by Russ38
SC is anti Jew, anti Israel. He supports terrorism.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Interesting about the butt hurt comment sir, I’m the least bit butt hurt, I honestly could care less about what is said here, but I see mods come on threads and warn commenters about points for insults, but freely allow nazi humor to rule. Originally Posted by Yabadabbado

You can't offend dead people.
Russ38's Avatar
Do you realize each one of these girls are some one's daughter? Maybe someone's sister or baby sister?. Do you realize some are moms and have loving little ones that adore them? Probably have loving fathers and mothers? And you want to pay to fuck them. You want to stick your dick in there mouth and ass. You want to squirt your dribble inside them and outside them.
That's not a little on the dark side?
You need to crawl out from under your rock. You're not near as righteous as you think.
Be careful
Throwing stones and don't give me this hollier than thou shit. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Preach on Rev. bone!!!! LOL.....the hypocrisy on a SHMB knows no bounds....ya gotta love it.....
boardman's Avatar
At least have enough respect to just leave it alone, but to each his own and I’m not here to tell a grown man or woman how to act. But the mods shouldn’t want that here and should curb that shit in my honest opinion. Originally Posted by Yabadabbado

Yet you continue to preach about how others are acting and how that offends you. See the irony?
If the mods shut down a thread every time someone got butt hurt this place would be a ghost town.

The fact is you know nothing about the people behind the personas and that's the way we like it. I mean, I'm not really a cat...or am I?

BTW DG was right about the 10 years and humor thing. There are reasons for it. Remember when "Drinking the Kool Aid" became funny. Perhaps you should consult Psychology Today...
boardman's Avatar
My ex wife is Jewish and just sitting around with her grandparents talking about that genocide is mind boggling. Originally Posted by Yabadabbado
I am a Jewish male and I find it highly offensive Originally Posted by Yabadabbado

Wait, Whut?

You're Jewish but didn't know about the final solution until your ex's grandparents started talking about it.

More evidence of Herr Goebbels' genius...
Know who first told me the joke about the guard tower?

One of my Jewish friends
kerwil62's Avatar
^^^^ All the above... LOL!

The freaks come out even in the day! SMH... well, you got your answer OP.

Now for a little side trip...

Freaks Come Out at Night... and day because they really do. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
That tune is still funky as hell after 35 years.

Y'all carry on......
VitaMan's Avatar you like to fuck girls?
Do you realize each one of these girls are some one's daughter? Maybe someone's sister or baby sister?. Do you realize some are moms and have loving little ones that adore them? Probably have loving fathers and mothers? And you want to pay to fuck them. You want to stick your dick in there mouth and ass. You want to squirt your dribble inside them and outside them.
That's not a little on the dark side?
You need to crawl out from under your rock. You're not near as righteous as you think.
Be careful
Throwing stones and don't give me this hollier than thou shit.

And the same goes for Mr. FLINTSTONE Originally Posted by tbone2u

You completely missed the irony in that post.
Continue with your training.
I’m new here and really don’t want to cause any waves, but I’ve been seeing a lot of nazi and hitler references in Coed discussions. I’m curious as to when did the holocaust become funny. Am I missing something? There is no inside joke about the holocaust. My ex wife is Jewish and just sitting around with her grandparents talking about that genocide is mind boggling. I only put this here because it seems like a running joke that isn’t funny in Coed. If it’s in the wrong area mods please redirect Originally Posted by Yabadabbado
Houston folk think they are Germans or something and think Germans automatically think of themselves of Nazis or are proud of that which isn't the case but the opposite. Blame it on the food, the water, or the dirty air. It can't be a Texan thing. Real Texans wouldn't allign themselves with another country or state.
I’m new here and really don’t want to cause any waves, but I’ve been seeing a lot of nazi and hitler references in Coed discussions. I’m curious as to when did the holocaust become funny. Am I missing something? There is no inside joke about the holocaust. My ex wife is Jewish and just sitting around with her grandparents talking about that genocide is mind boggling. I only put this here because it seems like a running joke that isn’t funny in Coed. If it’s in the wrong area mods please redirect Originally Posted by Yabadabbado

1. Ex-wife, and this is a whoreboard you participate in and are helping to support while turning a blind eye to the sex slave, abuse and trafficing of this world (yes most providers here are of free will but are all?).... My point -the rock you're standing on is looking a little unstable pastor.
2. Yes the genocide was some evil shit
3. Dorian's shit used to be actually harsh. This is tame. The nazi / image topic on this thread is a decade old and those responses you are seeing are not a glorification of the holocaust. Coed is a piranha film swamp. Swim at your own risk. One of SC's favorite politicians makes lite of 9/11 as "some people did something" - thick skin is needed to survive this planet.
4. Mel Brooks
5. ScarJo in uniform (I should have led with this point)

Your question was valid. You have an answer. Be well.

... I'm not really a cat... Originally Posted by boardman
1. Ex-wife, and this is a whoreboard you participate in and are helping to support while turning a blind eye to the sex slave, abuse and trafficing of this world (yes most providers here are of free will but are all?).... My point -the rock you're standing on is looking a little unstable pastor.
2. Yes the genocide was some evil shit
3. Dorian's shit used to be actually harsh. This is tame. The nazi / image topic on this thread is a decade old and those responses you are seeing are not a glorification of the holocaust. Coed is a piranha film swamp. Swim at your own risk. One of SC's favorite politicians makes lite of 9/11 as "some people did something" - thick skin is needed to survive this planet.
4. Mel Brooks
5. ScarJo in uniform (I should have led with this point)

Your question was valid. You have an answer. Be well.

Lies Originally Posted by Eidolon
Just to let you know that the Dorian Dude is some black skinny asshole. Don't know why he would like talking about Nazis or pretend to be German or white except for the reason that he is living in Houston.
CurvyKatie's Avatar

Lies Originally Posted by Eidolon
He is totally lying. I'm probably gonna get banned for outing but you can totally tell this is Boardman just by looking at the ear hair.
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boardman's Avatar
You're forgiven CK.
Hell, I've had two providers contact me, since you posted that, with offers to pay me for my cute pussy...Ear hair and all.

Wait, does that make you my pimp?
boardman's Avatar
Sinner, you might have a few minutes left to edit that last post.