How about this? No name calling for two days.

LexusLover's Avatar
This is truly a defining post of yours.

You ask for no name calling in the title, request people be civil in the body of your post, then you don't even read what LL wrote, then you call him a name or two and do so in an aggressive tone!

I guess working with 300,000 people is stressful. Originally Posted by friendly fred
"Reinforcing" .... instead of "defining"!

It's unnecessary to call LM names .... he wears them all proudly .. and brags about the self-labeling!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This shit is hysterical to me. Thank you all who hate me. I really didn't think this thread would make it two pages because of the title. The hate for me is strong as fuck with many of these blouses. lol

Too bad for you blouses who hate me, I'm working from home now
Budman's Avatar
Cool, do you care to point it out again? I don't see it. I looked, but I can't find it. Please quote it and stop being obtuse.

You can't even spell "pointed" and you called me a dumb fuck. Give me a break with your nonsense. Quote it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Post 30 in this thread
HoeHummer's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Post 30 in this thread Originally Posted by Budman
Dude, I'm not going to say that I am smarter than your old ass. I am going to say that I am least 20x's smarter than your old ass after reading that post. LOL

At least the thread stayed positive for a few hours before the old miserable fucks showed up.
bambino's Avatar
Dude, I'm not going to say that I am smarter than your old ass. I am going to say that I am least 20x's smarter than your old ass after reading that post. LOL

At least the thread stayed positive for a few hours before the old miserable fucks showed up. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You’re really trying aren’t you? Say hey to WTF down Texas way.
Budman's Avatar
Lucas, you are a typical hypocrite. You have the same bullshit "do as I say not as I do" attitude as most liberals. You ask everyone to be civil and yet you are the first one to be a dick. When it is pointed out you act like you don't see it. Maybe you're just to stupid to see it or you are too much of a coward to admit you were wrong. Now you can go fuck yourself.
bambino's Avatar
Lucas, you are a typical hypocrite. You have the same bullshit "do as I say not as I do" attitude as most liberals. You ask everyone to be civil and yet you are the first one to be a dick. When it is pointed out you act like you don't see it. Maybe you're just to stupid to see it or you are too much of a coward to admit you were wrong. Now you can go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by Budman
It’s much worse than you posted. Trust me.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Dude, I'm not going to say that I am smarter than your old ass. I am going to say that I am least 20x's smarter than your old ass after reading that post. LOL

At least the thread stayed positive for a few hours before the old miserable fucks showed up. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Lucas McCain is a fictional character in the Western television series, The Rifleman, which ran on ABC from 1958 to 1963 with actor Chuck Connors, and you're calling Budman old
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Lucas, you are a typical hypocrite. You have the same bullshit "do as I say not as I do" attitude as most liberals. You ask everyone to be civil and yet you are the first one to be a dick. When it is pointed out you act like you don't see it. Maybe you're just to stupid to see it or you are too much of a coward to admit you were wrong. Now you can go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by Budman
LOL. I'm still waiting for your quote from me. I don't give a fuck if you don't like me, old man. Provide proof about your bullshit, clown.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Lucas, you are a typical hypocrite. You have the same bullshit "do as I say not as I do" attitude as most liberals. You ask everyone to be civil and yet you are the first one to be a dick. When it is pointed out you act like you don't see it. Maybe you're just to stupid to see it or you are too much of a coward to admit you were wrong. Now you can go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by Budman
Lucas McCain is a fictional character in the Western television series, The Rifleman, which ran on ABC from 1958 to 1963 with actor Chuck Connors, and you're calling Budman old Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Geez, I knew I should have not started this thread with so many dumb fucks in this forum. .
Hotrod511's Avatar
Geez, I knew I should have not started this thread with so many dumb fucks in this forum. . Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
and you be number 1 on the list of dumb fucks
HedonistForever's Avatar
That's how this thread is supposed to go. I appreciate your post, eccielover. I stay home. I'm still a dipshit though who neither wears masks nor gloves when I buy groceries. It's very foolish of me but I'm not wearing that shit. I know I should, but I won't... glad to read that your job has not been affected like so many other people. Be well and stay safe. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

You wouldn't have a choice in many if not all grocery stores here in Miami, Florida. There is a Dade County ordinance posted at every grocery store or at least everyone I have visited which is about 4, that you will not be allowed in the store without a face covering. It is amazing the variety of coverings I'm seeing.

This whole face mask thing has been a debacle from the beginning. You watch the news ( early on ) and the Surgeon General of the US said you shouldn't wear a mask because (A) it won't do you any good because the virus particles are so small that nothing short of an N95 with a changeable filter will help and they aren't even sure it's 100% effective and (b) there aren't enough to go around for the doctors, nurses, first responders to wear.

So the question becomes, if the masks don't work, why do the doctors and nurses need them? So (B) becomes the logical answer so why say (A) to begin with? All it did was confuse people, at least it confused me.

I think what it all comes down to is, something is better than nothing or so we would like to all believe.

Then it was, who is it really for? To protect you from a Covid-19 carrier? Well, the Surgeon General is telling us it doesn't work or doesn't work very well so it must be to stop the COVID-19 carrier from giving it to me? That would seem to indicate the tiny particles can only pass one way through a mask and not the other. What?

So the SG should have just said from the very beginning that these masks alone, by themselves without a face shield are limited in their effectiveness but are better than nothing.

Back to the grocery store. At the store I most frequent, probably twice a week, they have decided only so many people can be in the store at any one time so they have workers at the door allowing a new person in only when one has left when they reach the magic number. I don't want to sound like I'm throwing cold water on all these precautions because I'm accepting for now that "something" is better than nothing.

They have arrows on the floor directing each aisle as to which way you should walk so nobody passes face to face while walking down the aisle. Sounds reasonable until you get to the very back of the store where there are no arrows and everybody is going against each other so what good did the arrows do in all the other aisles?

Another "something" is better than nothing effort?

As to the question of when we will get back to normal? I'm not so sure we ever will. The most reasonable answer seems to be that until there is a vaccine like we have for the flu, which just might still kill more Americans than COVID-19 when this is all over if it ever is, we won't see normal for a couple of years. I'm hearing 2022 talked about.

I'm also hearing that there is now evidence that people who had COVID-19, got sick, got better, tested negative, have now gotten it again. If that's true, we are truly fucked until there is a permanent cure and since we haven't found a permanent cure in all these years for influenza A, what are the chances we will find a cure for this one or will we be living with tens if not hundreds of thousands of deaths every year for the foreseeable future all while wearing our masks.

Welcome to the new world.

I was feeling kinda bad that at 72, I had mostly "aged out" of this hobby not because I couldn't perform any more but because I have been doing this for over 50 years and yes, even sport sex can have an end date but now it seems like it might just have ended for me if I was still in my prime because having somebody into my home that I know nothing about for an hour or two of pleasure, sometimes not so pleasurable, I'm sure you've all been there, just might be a death sentence.

If my time was up in the hobby, I guess it will make me feel better that maybe every bodies is up?

What was the question again?
bambino's Avatar
You wouldn't have a choice in many if not all grocery stores here in Miami, Florida. There is a Dade County ordinance posted at every grocery store or at least everyone I have visited which is about 4, that you will not be allowed in the store without a face covering. It is amazing the variety of coverings I'm seeing.

This whole face mask thing has been a debacle from the beginning. You watch the news ( early on ) and the Surgeon General of the US said you shouldn't wear a mask because (A) it won't do you any good because the virus particles are so small that nothing short of an N95 with a changeable filter will help and they aren't even sure it's 100% effective and (b) there aren't enough to go around for the doctors, nurses, first responders to wear.

So the question becomes, if the masks don't work, why do the doctors and nurses need them? So (B) becomes the logical answer so why say (A) to begin with? All it did was confuse people, at least it confused me.

I think what it all comes down to is, something is better than nothing or so we would like to all believe.

Then it was, who is it really for? To protect you from a Covid-19 carrier? Well, the Surgeon General is telling us it doesn't work or doesn't work very well so it must be to stop the COVID-19 carrier from giving it to me? That would seem to indicate the tiny particles can only pass one way through a mask and not the other. What?

So the SG should have just said from the very beginning that these masks alone, by themselves without a face shield are limited in their effectiveness but are better than nothing.

Back to the grocery store. At the store I most frequent, probably twice a week, they have decided only so many people can be in the store at any one time so they have workers at the door allowing a new person in only when one has left when they reach the magic number. I don't want to sound like I'm throwing cold water on all these precautions because I'm accepting for now that "something" is better than nothing.

They have arrows on the floor directing each aisle as to which way you should walk so nobody passes face to face while walking down the aisle. Sounds reasonable until you get to the very back of the store where there are no arrows and everybody is going against each other so what good did the arrows do in all the other aisles?

Another "something" is better than nothing effort?

As to the question of when we will get back to normal? I'm not so sure we ever will. The most reasonable answer seems to be that until there is a vaccine like we have for the flu, which just might still kill more Americans than COVID-19 when this is all over if it ever is, we won't see normal for a couple of years. I'm hearing 2022 talked about.

I'm also hearing that there is now evidence that people who had COVID-19, got sick, got better, tested negative, have now gotten it again. If that's true, we are truly fucked until there is a permanent cure and since we haven't found a permanent cure in all these years for influenza A, what are the chances we will find a cure for this one or will we be living with tens if not hundreds of thousands of deaths every year for the foreseeable future all while wearing our masks.

Welcome to the new world.

I was feeling kinda bad that at 72, I had mostly "aged out" of this hobby not because I couldn't perform any more but because I have been doing this for over 50 years and yes, even sport sex can have an end date but now it seems like it might just have ended for me if I was still in my prime because having somebody into my home that I know nothing about for an hour or two of pleasure, sometimes not so pleasurable, I'm sure you've all been there, just might be a death sentence.

If my time was up in the hobby, I guess it will make me feel better that maybe every bodies is up?

What was the question again? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
This post is a little to deep for Lucas.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Well, I’ve been wearing a mask for weeks when shopping and carry a bottle of hand sanitizer to clean my cart before I shop and my hands after. I m getting ready to carry canvas shopping bags to get my shit home. My market is one mile from a Texas nursing campus, I’ve been seeing masks for some time.

I ain’t scared, only using extra precautions.

What state is your over/under wager... I’ll play NY over 29 days tie that with NJ over 29 days and parley. Has Vegas got that on the board. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

I guess you didn't get the memo that canvas bags are now out and in many stores, at least in my neck of the woods, you aren't allowed to bring them in the store and we are back to the dreaded plastic bag.

Seems that carrying a bag that might have the virus on it's surface, I hear the virus can live on the surface for a couple of days, just isn't a good idea any more