To which the little bitch probably would have said........"fuck you, pig".
Originally Posted by Jackie S
uuhhhh ... yes, that's what they say on this board!!!!!
And when the "young lady" popped out of the womb ... she didn't!!!
Which brings me to a solution:
If the school district has a no-phone policy, then if the little turd gets caught at school with a phone the parent(s) get charged with the CRIME of allowing their child to go to school with a phone with a minimum MANDATORY FINE of $1,000 for the first offense in a school year, 3 days in jail plus $2,000 minimum for 2nd, and the 3rd offense 10 days, plus $3,000 minimum, etc.
That way the parents can fight the little turd at home for the phone ...
and let the other students who are there to learn ... continue with their education instead of them having to put their education on hold while a police officer has a "counseling session" with the little turd to explain about LIFE!
Would the female officer have gotten a ... "
fuck you, sow"?