Whistling past the graveyard

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  • WTF
  • 12-01-2019, 07:54 AM
The democrats are afraid that Obama will be impeached if the GOP gets control of the Senate. Wonder what they know. This is even more disturbing with the fact that the House could impeach Obama right now. They can't get a conviction in the Senate but they can impeach. So what are they worried about...........maybe they are worried that besides an impeachment, the GOP could get a conviction in the Senate with a couple of democratic senators after the new Senate is seated. Yes, that makes sense and it is logical. The democrats know that they are going to lose the Senate and want to make sure that the GOP can't get a conviction which of course would lead to Obama's removal and become another drag on Hillary (if she didn't get convicted as well).

http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/28/dn...t-possibility/#! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is the GOP afraid that Trump will be impeached if the Democrats regain control of the Senate?

Is that why they are raising all this money from impeachment hearings?

Awwww where is JG and COG to eat their own words!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
WHY? Why are lefties unable to read? This is an article about democrat fund raising missives. The only ones talking about impeachment is the left. This has nothing to do with the right. You would know that if you could read and think. To reiterate, the DNC thinks you believe this. Either you are too stupid to understand or you do understand which means they THINK you are too stupid. Either way, it does not suggest much respect for you by your masters in the DNC. I know you would like to change the subject but that is how it is. You're fools and your masters demand your money. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If WTF is going to jump old threads then let's get to the point; this was a thread about democrats worrying about impeachment and not republicans threatening impeachment. The story was that everyone should vote democrat because if the GOP held the House then impeachment would happen. If the GOP took the Senate the Barack was a dead man walking. Wondering back...why did the dems think that Obama was so unpopular that the GOP would try an unconstitutional endrun around the election of 2012? Well, the GOP held the House and took the Senate but the only impeachment was in the fevered minds of democrats. Good history lesson about how duplicitous democrats are.
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  • WTF
  • 12-01-2019, 08:24 AM
If WTF is going to jump old threads then let's get to the point; this was a thread about democrats worrying about impeachment and not republicans threatening impeachment. The story was that everyone should vote democrat because if the GOP held the House then impeachment would happen. If the GOP took the Senate the Barack was a dead man walking. Wondering back...why did the dems think that Obama was so unpopular that the GOP would try an unconstitutional endrun around the election of 2012? Well, the GOP held the House and took the Senate but the only impeachment was in the fevered minds of democrats. Good history lesson about how duplicitous democrats are. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
It was about raising money from idiots when there was zero chance of Obama being removed from office.

Just like what the GOP is doing now. There is no chance Trump will be removed from office but the GOP is fund raising from that 'threat'.

Which is exactly wtf you were crying about 4 years back.