Don't Let WTFagboy Call You a Hypocrite On Medicare

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  • 08-03-2014, 05:52 AM
What kind of buyer of a three million dollar home buys an off the shelf floor plan? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1055629974]One who sneaks into this country without proper paper work...

... and pays with cash!!!![/
There you have it JL...LL has figured out that folks are sneaking across the border and smuggling three million dollars in cash to buy homes! Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't see where anyone said what he just posted.
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You posted it you dumbshit....

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  • 08-03-2014, 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by lustylad
And you have trouble staying on topic. You do understand that a dollar paid into Medicare yesterday or today is not the same as a dollar paid out tomorrow? And in order to tell whether someone has paid more/less in Medicare taxes than they receive in Medicare benefits, you need to adjust for the time value of money? If we follow the money, can you adjust it all to present value? If not, then stop calling people leeches and mooches and hypocrites.

Let me start with a quote from our resident leach....

Originally Posted by LexusLover

"Put Social Security on a pay-as-you-go basis. In 1997, for example, the government took in $446 billion in Social Security taxes and paid out only $365 billion in benefits. The extra $81 billion went into a trust fund (valued at about $631 billion) and was lent out to finance other federal programs. Moynihan has long wanted to end this nonsense. We're extracting tax dollars from those who can least afford it – and from everyone who might have better uses for it. Paring back, or even abolishing, the payroll tax is an idea that liberals, social conservatives and libertarians can love."

Both you and the leach who quoted Moynihan do not have a clue on the big picture of following the money. Moynihan did.

Let me give you a basic color by number explanation that maybe even you two numbnuts can understand.

1)You need to understand that... Paying into SS and Medicare is paying for our parents care.

2) There is excess in that payment from which your dollar today vs. a dollar tomorrow bullshit has merit.

3) Or does it?????....If say LL got you me and the rest of us to pay for his parents care and convinced us to invest the rest in say Treasury Bonds as you suggested as a safe investment to offset our care later in life. Then LexusMarx convinced us to spend the excess money we had left over from SS and Medicare on wars because he is a neoconic scardy cat that thinks nation building is the only way his chickenshit ass can sleep at night because he has peed his panties worrying if some Muslim might sneak over here and blow him up. The expenditure kinda fucks up your time value of money.

4) Do you now see wtf Moynihan was talking about when he said this:
In 1997, for example, the government took in $446 billion in Social Security taxes and paid out only $365 billion in benefits. The extra $81 billion went into a trust fund (valued at about $631 billion) and was lent out to finance other federal programs.

5) LexusMarx's generation has spent the surplus SS and Medicare on War Mongering and now is crying about any form of tinkering with the payout he expected. . A payout that is nothing like this distorted view of real world money flow that you posted: And in order to tell whether someone has paid more/less in Medicare taxes than they receive in Medicare benefits, you need to adjust for the time value of money?

His generation came no where close to paying their share. Unless they made and are still earning quite a bit of money like my parents are. That is the small % of folks who are not leaches.

If you need further explanation of how to follow the money please let me know but for Gods sake quit trying to distort a full length movie with one snapshot of an economic eco system. You have to look at the bigger picture to make sense of how both parties are fucking the shit out of you. You and LexusMarx are jacking off and blowing the GOP while calling liberals queers. Originally Posted by WTF
Does LexusMarx even understand wtf his quote from Moynihan even means?

LexusMarx, it means your generation was taking the SS?Medicare savings and spending it on other toys...which is exactly wtf Ronnie did. Which means that lustyladyladdie's point was POINTLESS. There is no money to draw interest from. Your generation selfishly spent it on unpaid for wars and Defense spending....just as Ike warned you about as a youngster.

"Put Social Security on a pay-as-you-go basis. In 1997, for example, the government took in $446 billion in Social Security taxes and paid out only $365 billion in benefits. The extra $81 billion went into a trust fund (valued at about $631 billion) and was lent out to finance other federal programs. Moynihan has long wanted to end this nonsense. We're extracting tax dollars from those who can least afford it – and from everyone who might have better uses for it. Paring back, or even abolishing, the payroll tax is an idea that liberals, social conservatives and libertarians can love." Originally Posted by LexusLover

Another cut and paste from Eccie's King of Cut and Paste.
Does LexusMarx even understand wtf his quote from Moynihan even means? Originally Posted by WTF
Probably better than you. Your reading comprehension and ability to draw logical conclusions are in the lower percentiles.
LexusLover's Avatar
Another cut and paste from Eccie's King of Cut and Paste. Originally Posted by bigtex
And yet another useless comment from Eccie's Queen of Cut and Paste ..

.... or is that Eccie's TS of Cut and Paste ?

Here's "the LINK"!!!!

Which brings me to the conclusion, well substantiated, that you call other people the names you call yourself, because you know you are like that and you want to deflect attention away from your defective personality and intellect ... like calling people "Idiots" ... you know you are one and it makes you feel better calling others "idiots" ... like you "life partner" WTF .... he's a racist, but he thinks he is ok if everyone else is ... he's a leech, and he wants everyone else to be a leech, and his parents are leeches ... so he wants everyone else's parents to be leeches ...

.. you "guys" are 2 peas in a pod ... the "ignorant pod" at that.

Enjoy your "LINK"!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Probably better than you. Your reading comprehension and ability to draw logical conclusions are in the lower percentiles. Originally Posted by gnadfly
"lower percentiles" ... meaning single digits.

Before he can comprehend whether I understand Moynihan, he has to comprehend, and that is too challenging of a task. It is apparent. Perhaps that is his obsession ....

... with the new "rules" on the horizon he has a shot at benefitting from his "same sex partner's" SS!!!! Called Double Leeching.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF-LittleLeech (he spells it "leach") wants his parents to die so they won't be sucking up HIS social security and medicare funds before he can get his fair-share. What a guy! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Don't you think WPF's parents would prefer that over living another day with the knowledge they produced such an ignorant, pompous fool like WPF?

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  • 08-03-2014, 09:31 AM

"Put Social Security on a pay-as-you-go basis. In 1997, for example, the government took in $446 billion in Social Security taxes and paid out only $365 billion in benefits. The extra $81 billion went into a trust fund (valued at about $631 billion) and was lent out to finance other federal programs. Moynihan has long wanted to end this nonsense. We're extracting tax dollars from those who can least afford it – and from everyone who might have better uses for it. Paring back, or even abolishing, the payroll tax is an idea that liberals, social conservatives and libertarians can love." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Probably better than you. Your reading comprehension and ability to draw logical conclusions are in the lower percentiles. Originally Posted by gnadfly
can you put it in your own words as to what you think the meaning of Moynihan point particularly the underlined part ?

"lower percentiles" ... meaning single digits.

Before he can comprehend whether I understand Moynihan,

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
can you put it in your own words as to what you think the meaning of Moynihan point particularly the underlined part? You quoted him was he talking about? Is it to hard a question for you?
Don't you think WPF's parents would prefer that over living another day with the knowledge they produced such an ignorant, pompous fool like WPF?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
can you put it in your own words as to what you think the meaning of Moynihan point particularly the underlined part?
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  • 08-03-2014, 09:54 AM
Unless you understand Moynihan's point you three closeted Tea'billies will never figure out where all this debt you three knuckleheads keep crying about came from.

When lustylad gets back from passing candy out at Mass maybe you three alter boys can lick his Tootsie Roll while he explains to you the present values of zero yesterday vs. zero today. Then you three may understand the time value of zero being zero. You will understand that all your generation has done is shuffle the deck chairs on the Titanic. You took the SS/Medicare surplus and bought Wars. Wars that now have no dollar value. You can not turn around and resell the Irag/Vietnam Wars. So even though your left pocket has this huge credit for your retirement , your right pocket says you have this huge bill twice the size of that left pockets' credit.

The fucking mooching generation is now crying about tinkering with their so called paid for Medicare! What a bunch of losers.

. You do understand that a dollar paid into Medicare yesterday or today is not the same as a dollar paid out tomorrow? And in order to tell whether someone has paid more/less in Medicare taxes than they receive in Medicare benefits, you need to adjust for the time value of money? If we follow the money, can you adjust it all to present value? If not, then stop calling people leeches and mooches and hypocrites.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
LexusLover's Avatar
The fantastic thing about this thread is ... its a twofer ...

WTF can emerge from the "tool box" and confess his preference for same gender partners, and at the same time reveal his fundamental ignorance of Medicare and amortization using time adjusted values of money.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The fantastic thing about this thread is ... its a twofer ...

WTF can emerge from the "tool box" and confess his preference for same gender partners, and at the same time reveal his fundamental ignorance of Medicare and amortization using time adjusted values of money. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Also, the motherfucker demonstrates his ignorance while protesting he isn't a pompous, ignorant fool!
LexusLover's Avatar
Also, the motherfucker demonstrates his ignorance while protesting he isn't a pompous, ignorant fool! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Do you mean like pretending he doesn't know his subs are using illegal labor?

And then professing because he doesn't "know" he's not committing a crime?

Wait until the bill for back contributions to SS and Medicare arrive for the illegal aliens, who claim to have worked on his construction projects for the past 5 years in order to gain amnesty for being in this country the requisite length of time and were paid less than minimum wages during that time!!!!
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  • WTF
  • 08-03-2014, 03:11 PM

WTF can emerge from the "tool box" and confess his preference for same gender partners, and at the same time reveal his fundamental ignorance of Medicare and amortization using time adjusted values of money. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Were I gay, I would have no problem saying so, unlike you two.

, and at the same time reveal his fundamental ignorance of Medicare and amortization using time adjusted values of money. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I do not know the details of Medicare because unlike you....I'm not using it. I do know the overall big picture. I know that your generation spent the SS/Medicare overpayment just like Moynihan pointed out. Now you and your ilk cry 'Death Panels' when we tried to make up for you and yours selfishness. So you have no money to
amortization , you two bit snake oil salesman!

The extra $81 billion went into a trust fund (valued at about $631 billion) and was lent out to finance other federal programs.

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  • WTF
  • 08-03-2014, 03:17 PM
Also, the motherfucker demonstrates his ignorance while protesting he isn't a pompous, ignorant fool! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I've never said I wasn't pompous you lying Asian slave fucker.
Do you mean like pretending he doesn't know his subs are using illegal labor?

And then professing because he doesn't "know" he's not committing a crime?

Wait until the bill for back contributions to SS and Medicare arrive for the illegal aliens, who claim to have worked on his construction projects for the past 5 years in order to gain amnesty for being in this country the requisite length of time and were paid less than minimum wages during that time!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm not committing a crime. Well unless you are committing a crime if you have eaten a somewhere there was an illegal immigrant....or had your car washed by an illegal immigrant. Do you check a business workforce's immigration status? Of course you do have no legal right to! If you had any legal background you'd know that!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I've never said I wasn't pompous you lying Asian slave fucker.

I'm not committing a crime. Well unless you are committing a crime if you have eaten a somewhere there was an illegal immigrant....or had your car washed by an illegal immigrant. Do you check a business workforce's immigration status? Of course you do have no legal right to! If you had any legal background you'd know that! Originally Posted by WTF
That is a standard arm's length consumer transaction - eating at a restaurant - no commercial business relationship is established, unlike when someone contracts with you to buy a house and you control the subs through the "general" contractor. Do you expect anyone to believe you just passively watch the 3 million dollar home being built and the person you're building it for believes you are not the general contractor? In that case, what value do you bring to the transaction that the customer is paying for, anyway?