Pathetic fuck, you sure know a lot about gays, libs, and pissing and moaning about the president. Did the members of your trailer park hold a rally, and burn him in effigy for his comments on the shooting. Is Roof's picture hanging proudly in your trailer now? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well lib, since your gay buddies agenda has been blared ALL OVER the airways and "celebrated" on TV shows for the past couple of years, ad nauseum, it's hard NOT to learn something about your swishy walking ways ! And your bath house hero odummer brings the hate on himself with his elitist attitude and his illegal actions IN VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION ! Look at how many times the SC has shot him down, with some of the rulings that went against him being 9 to 0 ! That means some of HIS OWN APPOINTEES voted against his over-reach !! And the last effigy of your hero that we burned was actually an outhouse with your hero and his "wife" Mike / MOOCHelle's faces on the shit house door and in the "business" area. Even the local fire department brought out some gas cans to that one !! Arne't you the "guest of honor" at woomby and shimmy's bukakke party tonight ? They made a big deal about letting everyone here know that they invited you !
Well lib, since your gay buddies agenda has been blared ALL OVER the airways and "celebrated" on TV shows for the past couple of years, ad nauseum, it's hard NOT to learn something about your swishy walking ways ! And your bath house hero odummer brings the hate on himself with his elitist attitude and his illegal actions IN VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION ! Look at how many times the SC has shot him down, with some of the rulings that went against him being 9 to 0 ! That means some of HIS OWN APPOINTEES voted against his over-reach !! And the last effigy of your hero that we burned was actually an outhouse with your hero and his "wife" Mike / MOOCHelle's faces on the shit house door and in the "business" area. Even the local fire department brought out some gas cans to that one !! Arne't you the "guest of honor" at woomby and shimmy's bukakke party tonight ? They made a big deal about letting everyone here know that they invited you ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

List exactly what he's done in violation of the Constitution. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Well lib, since your gay buddies agenda has been blared ALL OVER the airways and "celebrated" on TV shows for the past couple of years, ad nauseum, it's hard NOT to learn something about your swishy walking ways ! And your bath house hero odummer brings the hate on himself with his elitist attitude and his illegal actions IN VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION ! Look at how many times the SC has shot him down, with some of the rulings that went against him being 9 to 0 ! That means some of HIS OWN APPOINTEES voted against his over-reach !! And the last effigy of your hero that we burned was actually an outhouse with your hero and his "wife" Mike / MOOCHelle's faces on the shit house door and in the "business" area. Even the local fire department brought out some gas cans to that one !! Arne't you the "guest of honor" at woomby and shimmy's bukakke party tonight ? They made a big deal about letting everyone here know that they invited me ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Usual shit from you commies, ray the loonie if you got nothing call the other a gay or liberal. Was not my hero retard, I have said more than once "did not vote for him". If there is a tragedy like the shooting, you trailer trash are the first to blame Obie, fucking dimatards.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Usual shit from you commies, ray the loonie if you got nothing call the other a gay or liberal. Was not my hero retard, I have said more than once "did not vote for him". If there is a tragedy like the shooting, you trailer trash are the first to blame Obie, fucking dimatards. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
you are next chimp. "the ballad of the chimp" set to the tune of "the planet of the apes" ..

Hey fucktard, move to the hood in Detroit or DC. Me thinks you might change your mind about the 2nd amendment. LMOA. You lefties crack me up. I admit you have to be very smart to be a lib. To patch all the holes in your pathetic logic takes significant skill.

Let me put it this way. We the people would like to retain the right to protect our selves against the bad guys.

The freaks that go ape-shit with an AK in public are very rare and account for an extremely small portion of the murders committed in the US. They are simply magnified by the lib media to brain-wash the weak to promote the leftist agenda. You bleeders want everybody to roll on to their backs to expose their belly to the next psycho for the sake of the potential of avoiding the said incident. It's a matter of perspective. You may feel very insure around guns. So taking away or limiting the 2nd amendment may sound really good to you. It sound down right scary to me.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, the bastard in the White house is a complete disgrace in every way. He's pathetic and you all know it deep down inside.

More stupidity from you.

We've got this post from 'Tardaway criticizing the President for making a statement about these horrible events. Not only does 'Tardaway disagree, somehow, it is a "disgrace" to offer what seems to be a completely lucid comment about the prevalence of gun violence in the US while most other western democracies who carefully control access to guns rarely have these events, while we have one every two or three months.

At the same time, we've got the mouthbreathing monosybillic idiot Rey Linquini complaining that the President doesn't hide in a dark room weeping every time 10 or 12 old people or kids get shot because half-wits like Tard and Linguini can't abide the idea that it might not be so smart to allow everybody and anybody to walk into a store and walk out with a Glock 5 minutes later.

Morons. Originally Posted by timpage
you are next chimp. "the ballad of the chimp" set to the tune of "the planet of the apes" ..
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
LMFAO the wacco kid never tires of showing he is so fucking stupid he cannot tell left from right. Thanks for posting your mother's picture again dipshit. Did you have a bit part in your fave pic wacco?
  • DSK
  • 06-21-2015, 05:41 AM
Why would YOU say that, "DSK" You've never taken part in one after all, have you?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There are numerous references on this site to that prestigious award that you have won. It would seem prudent for the "winner" of such an award to hang his head in shame, rather than bring attention to it. Inadvertently, your conduct exemplifies why you won the award.
Go fuck yourself you are the supreme troll in this forum.
President Obama’s unanimous Supreme Court loss rate, for 6 years of his presidency, is nearly double that of President Bush and is 25 percent greater than President Clinton.

Obama’s own Supreme Court nominees join their colleagues in unanimously rejecting the administration’s call for broader federal power nine times in 18 months, the inescapable conclusion is that the Obama administration’s view of federal power knows virtually no bounds
Here is one of Obama's MANY unconstitutional acts (power grabs) ..
Waiving the TANF Work Requirement. In 1996, Congress passed and President Bill Clinton signed into law a comprehensive welfare reform that conditions receipt of welfare benefits on working (or preparing for work) under Section 407 of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. This requirement has been a huge success: Welfare rolls dropped by 50 percent, and the poverty rate for minority children reached the lowest levels in history.

On July 12, 2012, however, the Department of Health and Human Services notified states of Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’s “willingness to exercise her waiver authority” so that states may eliminate Section 407’s work participation requirement.[31] This announcement contradicts the law, which provides that waivers granted under other sections of the law “shall not affect the applicability of section 407 to the State.”[32] Despite this unambiguous language, the Obama Administration continues to flout the law with its “revisionist” interpretation.


List exactly what he's done in violation of the Constitution. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are numerous references on this site to that prestigious award that you have won. It would seem prudent for the "winner" of such an award to hang his head in shame, rather than bring attention to it. Inadvertently, your conduct exemplifies why you won the award. Originally Posted by DSK
Shame ... Another JL buzzword that appears over and over in his pre-wager bluster.

You continue to be a lying, cheating asshole with absolutely NO integrity.

Give it up Uncle Han.
  • DSK
  • 06-21-2015, 12:26 PM
Shame ... Another JL buzzword that appears over and over in his pre-wager bluster.

You continue to be a lying, cheating asshole with absolutely NO integrity.

Give it up Uncle Han. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You being unable to face the reality that I am not Uncle Han is another reason you are the duly elected dipshit emeritus.

Was your old adversary Uncle Han the only one who used the word "shame" on this board?
  • shanm
  • 06-21-2015, 01:07 PM
15 minutes. You'll all be laughing at how hilariously stupid you are....

15 minutes. You'll all be laughing at how hilariously stupid you are.... Originally Posted by shanm
What the moron from Australia doesn't understand is geography and evil.

Australia doesn't have a country full of evil people just to the south of them smuggling anything across a porous border that we decide to ban. Can you think of anything else they smuggle illegally every day by the truckloads? Great idea, disarm the American citizens and let the armed illegal aliens take us out.

Ohh wait, I'm guessing you and Obama are thinking of taking the same strategy with Iran and nukes, just going to ask the cartels politely not to smuggle arms to all the criminals in America. Yea, yea, great idea, that will work!

What the moron from Australia doesn't understand is geography and evil.

Australia doesn't have a country full of evil people just to the south of them smuggling anything across a porous border that we decide to ban. Can you think of anything else they smuggle illegally every day by the truckloads? Great idea, disarm the American citizens and let the armed illegal aliens take us out.

Ohh wait, I'm guessing you and Obama are thinking of taking the same strategy with Iran and nukes, just going to ask the cartels politely not to smuggle arms to all the criminals in America. Yea, yea, great idea, that will work!

\sigh Originally Posted by nwarounder
Wasn't F and F about smuggling guns the other way?
  • shanm
  • 06-21-2015, 07:41 PM
What the moron from Australia doesn't understand is geography and evil.

Australia doesn't have a country full of evil people just to the south of them smuggling anything across a porous border that we decide to ban. Can you think of anything else they smuggle illegally every day by the truckloads? Great idea, disarm the American citizens and let the armed illegal aliens take us out.

Ohh wait, I'm guessing you and Obama are thinking of taking the same strategy with Iran and nukes, just going to ask the cartels politely not to smuggle arms to all the criminals in America. Yea, yea, great idea, that will work!

\sigh Originally Posted by nwarounder
Wasn't F and F about smuggling guns the other way? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

The same "experiment" took place in the UK with similar results. They have plenty of neighbors that make Mexico look like a bitch.

The same "experiment" took place in the UK with similar results. They have plenty of neighbors that make Mexico look like a bitch. Originally Posted by shanm
Not even close to the same. But, as said before, Obama and the comedian or irrelevant now. No one is going to support him and his agenda before the elections, and not a single drop of legislation will be proposed. The most they will recognize is a moment of silence in the next session..