Obama’s policy strategy: Ignore laws

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Worth repeating.

WE all pick and choose just what laws we want to see the government enforce. Originally Posted by WTF
It was just as stupid the second time.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2012, 11:31 AM
Um, ya no. Not enforcing because of social, fiscal and resource pressures is significantly different than the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GETTING UP IN FRONT OF THE WHOL NATION – NO WORLD – AND SAYING HE KNOWS HE’S BREAKING THE LAW; HE JUST DOESN’T CARE. Big, big difference. HE’S TRYING TO BUY HISPANIC VOTES. If he wasn’t, like any sensible criminal, he’s have broken the law quietly and hoped no one noticed. Duh!

Yes you did. You implied that since everyone has been “breaking” immigration laws – specifically the illegal immigrants – that everyone should go about publicly stating - and then doing it - that they intend to break the law. Not even George - fucking - Bush had that much audacity, but then I don't guess George II ever had the Audacity to Hope or wrote several books while he was being paid to be a senator and vote "present".

And you’re so sexy when you’re taking a stand! I guess we’re both extremists. I also guess that Obama is just a dumb criminal. Like who announces – “Listen up, I’m fixing to break the law. Thank you for your vote and benefiting the Democratic Party.” Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

aside from all the inane slobbering, you would do well to understand exactly what power an executive order has ... per the us constitution nobody broke any laws, the USSC can overturn the order or congress can veto the order.

but do feel free to whine and whistle in the interim
I B Hankering's Avatar
aside from all the inane slobbering, you would do well to understand exactly what power an executive order has ... per the us constitution nobody broke any laws, the USSC can overturn the order or congress can veto the order.

but do feel free to whine and whistle in the interim Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7, Ms Olivia nailed Odumbo pretty well. You just choose to remain ignorantly obstinate.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2012, 11:58 AM
the president acted within his powers provided to him by the constitution

the constitution provides measures to overturn the executive order

the president broke no laws ... and most certainly didnt ignore any

the law was used to its full advantage.

ponder that
Got steroids feeding your Hillary bitterness i see.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Originally Posted by Doove
Not only is this the same ole song and dance, but it’s poor debating skills. If you don’t like a person’s stance you come up with something that you HOPE will impeach your opponent. It doesn’t. I don’t like Obama. I do like Hillary. These two simple facts do not change your facts that you are a Yellow Dog Democrat and therefore cannot admit fault with your boy.

the president acted within his powers provided to him by the constitution Originally Posted by CJ7
the constitution provides measures to overturn the executive order
the president broke no laws ... and most certainly didnt ignore any
the law was used to its full advantage.
ponder that Originally Posted by CJ7
It goes to intent. Obama’s intent was to break the law. He publically stated that he knew the congress had voted the Dream Act, but he didn’t care; he was going to issue an executive order overriding the Congress. This is an illegal action and a deliberate attack on our Constitution’s Checks and Balances.

Ponder this, if Obama’s buying Hispanic votes openly, whose votes is he buying behind our backs, and who is buying Mr. Obama?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2012, 04:15 PM
Not only is this the same ole song and dance, but it’s poor debating skills. If you don’t like a person’s stance you come up with something that you HOPE will impeach your opponent. It doesn’t. I don’t like Obama. I do like Hillary. These two simple facts do not change your facts that you are a Yellow Dog Democrat and therefore cannot admit fault with your boy.

It goes to intent. Obama’s intent was to break the law. He publically stated that he knew the congress had voted the Dream Act, but he didn’t care; he was going to issue an executive order overriding the Congress. This is an illegal action and a deliberate attack on our Constitution’s Checks and Balances.

Ponder this, if Obama’s buying Hispanic votes openly, whose votes is he buying behind our backs, and who is buying Mr. Obama? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

intent? LMAO

his INTENT was to use the LAW not break it ... The constitution gives him the power to issue an executive order ... the checks and balances come into play under the same constitutional powers ... the USSC can overturn the order or congress can gather a 2/3rds majority and override the order

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-19-2012, 04:21 PM
Olivia, oscuminables intent is to do whatever george soros tells him to do. MI6 should have put a bullet through soros's head 20 years ago. They are all just a bunch of communist sob's, that want to rule the world....
joe bloe's Avatar
intent? LMAO

his INTENT was to use the LAW not break it ... The constitution gives him the power to issue an executive order ... the checks and balances come into play under the same constitutional powers ... the USSC and overturn the order or congress can gather a 2/3rds majority and override the order

PERIOD. Originally Posted by CJ7
Here's one of the public statements where Obama explains he's not allowed to do what he just did. No honorable person can support this unlawful action


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-19-2012, 04:27 PM
intent? LMAO

his INTENT was to use the LAW not break it ... The constitution gives him the power to issue an executive order ... the checks and balances come into play under the same constitutional powers ... the USSC can overturn the order or congress can gather a 2/3rds majority and override the order

PERIOD. Originally Posted by CJ7
These Tea Hacks who are always screaming about the Constitution sure seem to not understand it very well.

They sure as hell don't understand a brilliant political move.

This is not a matter the GOP or even Romney wants to hash out...only the Tea Nuts are taking the bait.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-19-2012, 04:29 PM
Here's one of the public statements where Obama explains he's not allowed to do what he just did. No honorable person can support this unlawful action


http://news.yahoo.com/shock-video-ob...033218997.html Originally Posted by joe bloe
You are mixing apples with oranges.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2012, 04:36 PM
These Tea Hacks who are always screaming about the Constitution sure seem to not understand it very well.

They sure as hell don't understand a brilliant political move.

This is not a matter the GOP or even Romney wants to hash out...only the Tea Nuts are taking the bait. Originally Posted by WTF

yup, while the brain children were in complete awe of Obie missing D Day he was busy punking their dumbasses with real politics
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It was a brilliant political move. That is true. It was also the right thing to do, even though done for the wrong reasons.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2012, 05:23 PM
It was a brilliant political move. That is true. It was also the right thing to do, even though done for the wrong reasons. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

timing is everything

as for the wrong reasons, after all the inane birth certificate, Hitler, communist, everything he does is unconstitutional etc etc bullshit the man has dealt with since damn near day 1 cant even consider it being wrong ... finally he took the constitution and shoved it up some ass and for the right reason

how did political karma taste?
Here's one of the public statements where Obama explains he's not allowed to do what he just did. No honorable person can support this unlawful action


http://news.yahoo.com/shock-video-obama-admits-t-did-today-033218997.html [/QUOTE] Originally Posted by joe bloe
And there you have it. Great video. Remember Obama was a “law” professor or so he claims, he should know what the limits of the Executive Branch and therefore the POTUS are. LOL! I love it.

Anyone, please feel free to replay the admission of guilt. Listen again to what amounts to influence pedaling. Listen carefully. It is the voice of corruption. It’s the voice of your Republic breaking. This too, along with the abuses reported by the news of the NDAA 2012 (Which the 112 Congress passed and Obama said he would veto but, ya, didn’t) should be streamed in every Civics class and in every home in the United States of America. Liberty is dead if these abuses are not corrected.

CJ, welcome to the world of dogmatic politics. You too much be a Yellow Dog Democrat. Obviously in March of last year he said he couldn’t affect the laws Congress has enacted with regard to immigration. Fast forward to the Election Season, he suddenly can.

OK, I’ll play the “intent” game. He said, clearly in his speech that Congress had not passed the law. He said he has asked Congress to pass the law and put it on his desk so he could sign it. Then, not two minutes – and 15 months after he said he had no legal or constitutional right to! – he goes ahead and does it. Criminal intent. Maniacal intent. Egotistical intent. Call it what you like, but it is a Dictator’s intent.

Mr. Obama’s politicking will backfire on him. He broke the law or at the very least broke his oath to defend the Constitution. Let’s get down to what no one has been willing to say because of PCness. There are millions of Hispanic in the country. There are significantly fewer Hispanic votes than there are Hispanics in the country because many are here illegally. Those that are eligible to vote don’t turn out. There are millions and millions more white and black votes, and we turn out.

NYT Quote:

More than 21 million Latinos will be eligible to vote this November, clustered in pockets from Colorado to Florida, as well as in less obvious states like Illinois, Iowa, North Carolina and Virginia. Yet just over 10 million of them are registered, and even fewer turn out to vote.
In the 2008 presidential election, when a record 10 million Latinos showed up at the polls nationwide, that amounted to just half of the eligible voters. By contrast, 66 percent of eligible whites and 65 percent of eligible blacks voted, according to a study by the Pew Hispanic Center.


Although Latinos do not turn up at the polls in the same numbers, relative to their population, as other ethnic groups, their overall numbers are growing so rapidly that they are nevertheless on the verge of becoming the powerful force in American politics that officials in both parties have long anticipated — an effect that would only be magnified should they somehow begin to match the voting percentages of other ethnic groups.

Here’s the link:

On the verge ain’t the here and now. But the whole verge thing that Democrats want they might not appreciate when Hispanics dominate the political scene. They want it now, but eventually, Hispanics will start displacing traditional Democrats and Democrat political figures. We’ll see how much the love it then.

Personally, I love Hispanic culture (Mexican is what I’m most familiar with.), but I’m not too hip to our demographic changing. Particularly changing to a patriarchal society that has stagnated (At least in the country of origin and pockets of heavily first generation or illegal immigrant communities.) in a 1930’s agrigarian culture. We are at a cultural crossroads, and we’ve been here before. Before it was handled by due process of law, We the People to decided, not one little dictatorial man.

It was a brilliant political move. That is true. It was also the right thing to do, even though done for the wrong reasons. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Was it? For whom? All the legally documented immigrants in the country? To Obama's campaign? What about the law? The whole subject tugs on mine along with most people’s heart strings, but the right thing to do is what We the People want to do. Do we want “the right thing” to interfere with our Republic? Do we want dictatorial edicts running and destroying our Republic? I don’t know matter how much I care for and enjoy the culture of [mostly] Mexican illegal immigrants.
joe bloe's Avatar
And there you have it. Great video. Remember Obama was a “law” professor or so he claims, he should know what the limits of the Executive Branch and therefore the POTUS are. LOL! I love it.

Anyone, please feel free to replay the admission of guilt. Listen again to what amounts to influence pedaling. Listen carefully. It is the voice of corruption. It’s the voice of your Republic breaking. This too, along with the abuses reported by the news of the NDAA 2012 (Which the 112 Congress passed and Obama said he would veto but, ya, didn’t) should be streamed in every Civics class and in every home in the United States of America. Liberty is dead if these abuses are not corrected.

CJ, welcome to the world of dogmatic politics. You too much be a Yellow Dog Democrat. Obviously in March of last year he said he couldn’t affect the laws Congress has enacted with regard to immigration. Fast forward to the Election Season, he suddenly can.

OK, I’ll play the “intent” game. He said, clearly in his speech that Congress had not passed the law. He said he has asked Congress to pass the law and put it on his desk so he could sign it. Then, not two minutes – and 15 months after he said he had no legal or constitutional right to! – he goes ahead and does it. Criminal intent. Maniacal intent. Egotistical intent. Call it what you like, but it is a Dictator’s intent.

Mr. Obama’s politicking will backfire on him. He broke the law or at the very least broke his oath to defend the Constitution. Let’s get down to what no one has been willing to say because of PCness. There are millions of Hispanic in the country. There are significantly fewer Hispanic votes than there are Hispanics in the country because many are here illegally. Those that are eligible to vote don’t turn out. There are millions and millions more white and black votes, and we turn out.

NYT Quote:

More than 21 million Latinos will be eligible to vote this November, clustered in pockets from Colorado to Florida, as well as in less obvious states like Illinois, Iowa, North Carolina and Virginia. Yet just over 10 million of them are registered, and even fewer turn out to vote.
In the 2008 presidential election, when a record 10 million Latinos showed up at the polls nationwide, that amounted to just half of the eligible voters. By contrast, 66 percent of eligible whites and 65 percent of eligible blacks voted, according to a study by the Pew Hispanic Center.


Although Latinos do not turn up at the polls in the same numbers, relative to their population, as other ethnic groups, their overall numbers are growing so rapidly that they are nevertheless on the verge of becoming the powerful force in American politics that officials in both parties have long anticipated — an effect that would only be magnified should they somehow begin to match the voting percentages of other ethnic groups.

Here’s the link:

On the verge ain’t the here and now. But the whole verge thing that Democrats want they might not appreciate when Hispanics dominate the political scene. They want it now, but eventually, Hispanics will start displacing traditional Democrats and Democrat political figures. We’ll see how much the love it then.

Personally, I love Hispanic culture (Mexican is what I’m most familiar with.), but I’m not too hip to our demographic changing. Particularly changing to a patriarchal society that has stagnated (At least in the country of origin and pockets of heavily first generation or illegal immigrant communities.) in a 1930’s agrigarian culture. We are at a cultural crossroads, and we’ve been here before. Before it was handled by due process of law, We the People to decided, not one little dictatorial man.

Was it? For whom? All the legally documented immigrants in the country? To Obama's campaign? What about the law? The whole subject tugs on mine along with most people’s heart strings, but the right thing to do is what We the People want to do. Do we want “the right thing” to interfere with our Republic? Do we want dictatorial edicts running and destroying our Republic? I don’t know matter how much I care for and enjoy the culture of [mostly] Mexican illegal immigrants.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

I just clicked on the link. It doesn't work anymore. I wonder if it got scrubbed. A lot of politically embarrassing stuff for Obama is disappearing off the net.