$400 Yoga Butt Poll - Choose Your Favorite

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-20-2012, 12:20 PM
I think this pole should be closed and re-opened once at least 10 ladies sign up.
cookie man's Avatar
I think this pole should be closed and re-opened once at least 10 ladies sign up. Originally Posted by biglatinmale

It's not my thread, but I think the rules are the rules. It wouldn't be fair to the ladies who did sign up. If it's ok with the gentlemen who put up the prize money, it should be ok with membership. With that being said, I too am disappointed more ladies didn't enter.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-20-2012, 04:51 PM
Fair enough, I meant "Poll" lol
Duke of G's Avatar
Say What, you are gonna wanna check your sources. I stumbled on this while checking out r/curvy: http://i.imgur.com/pwOVH.png

The gym shot of "contestant #3" is found elsewhere on the internet, belonging to one "Kristal Solis." There is even a face in the public version.

Google image search: http://tinyurl.com/8pm8h7z
Her site: http://kristalsolis.com/ (kill your speakers first...)

Sad that someone had to slip in a fake pic. I guess the prize was too tempting.

Kudos to the ladies that kept it real.
Raider Power's Avatar
Ohhhhh SNAP!!!!!!!!

That's so not very nice. Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!! Grrrr! I'm sending unhappy vibes to you, #3!!!! Not to the ACTUAL #3 but to poser #3!!!!! (feel my wrath!)

Well this has been informative!

As far as more ladies entering, I think that if there had been a more 'level' playing field, more ladies would have entered. I considered entering, when the rules were no names or faces...just yoga butt. Then names started being placed with pics. At that point, it's just a popularity contest IMHO.

Good job to the two ladies who took the plunge anyway!
latinjohn's Avatar
Say What, you are gonna wanna check your sources. I stumbled on this while checking out r/curvy: http://i.imgur.com/pwOVH.png

The gym shot of "contestant #3" is found elsewhere on the internet, belonging to one "Kristal Solis." There is even a face in the public version.

Google image search: http://tinyurl.com/8pm8h7z
Her site: http://kristalsolis.com/ (kill your speakers first...)

Sad that someone had to slip in a fake pic. I guess the prize was too tempting.

Kudos to the ladies that kept it real. Originally Posted by Duke of G
Damn!!! that deserves a recount!! Good call Duke Of G... I voted for #1 and as far as I know she's kept it real! I don't know who she is, but i will find out soon enough to book a session
Duke of G's Avatar
Damn!!! that deserves a recount!! Good call Duke Of G... I voted for #1 and as far as I know she's kept it real! I don't know who she is, but i will find out soon enough to book a session Originally Posted by latinjohn
Her name's in the other thread. The secret...isn't. (As Dannie pointed out.)

And having seen said booty...it's day-um-delicious.
Say What's Avatar
Well, this poll closes in twenty minutes and, barring an incredible rally, it looks like Madison May (contestant #1) will take home the cash.

Thanks to the ladies that entered, especially those that used real pics. The next contest will have to be run a little differently, but it was fun all the same.

Congratulations MM.
Bloodhound's Avatar
Yes it was Say What. Thanks for the doing it.
Duke of G's Avatar
Totally. A fun idea, SW!
berkleigh's Avatar
Congrats to Madison!

Thanks Say What...it was fun!

I sent in several and if I would have had more time I would have taken others, but good idea!

You guys should come up with other creative ideas in the future so other Ladies could participate!

Shep3.0's Avatar
Congrats Madison!
Bloodhound's Avatar
Berk, I'm thinking your ass would look a lot better in person!
Mojojo's Avatar
Bravo Madi!