Mitt And Jeb Are Less Popular

I B Hankering's Avatar
Moron, you don't recover from steep recessions like the one Bush43 and the greedy bankers put the USA into in 6 months to a year. Companies are making as much money now as they ever have, thanks to the recovery. If employees at the bottom of the organization chart are not getting promotions and raises, that is not the fault of Obama.

The Bush43 tax cuts were suppose to expire in December 2008 for all tax brackets. The Bush43 tax cuts for the lowest tax brackets are still in effect today. In Jan. 2013 the tax bracket for one percent was increased to 39.6% (the same percentage that it was under Clinton).

Republicans have not done anything to help the 47%.

Republicans in congress have refused to extend unemployment benefits.

Republicans in congress refuse to increase the minimum wage.

Republicans in congress want to rewrite the Dodd/Frank bill to make it easier for Wall Street to participate in risky transactions that caused the Wall Street meltdown in 2008.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
Fed chairmen are appointed by the president, flighty. During Odumbo's time in office -- the Fed's policies implemented by Odumbo's appointees -- have insured that the wealth gap between the 1%ers and the 47ers% grew wider, and that happened on Odumbo's watch, flighty; not Bush43's.

Question for you Iffy, does this mean that Whirly and IBH are failures because they blame Obama for the wealth gap between the 47% and the 1%? Originally Posted by flghtr65
Everyone, including Odumbo, has conceded that the wealth gap has increased on Odumbo's watch, flighty.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is that your response, Corpy? Deflect to the STRAWMAN?

farter65 & Shit Eater...

the Obama recovery started in June 2009, the average income of the top 1% grew 11.2% in real terms through 2011.

The bottom 99%, in contrast, saw their incomes shrink by 0.4%.

flghtr65's Avatar
Fed chairmen are appointed by the president, flighty. During Odumbo's time in office -- the Fed's policies implemented by Odumbo's appointees -- have insured that the wealth gap between the 1%ers and the 47ers% grew wider, and that happened on Odumbo's watch, flighty; not Bush43's.

Everyone, including Odumbo, has conceded that the wealth gap has increased on Odumbo's watch, flighty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Moron, Bernanke was appointed by Bush43 in 2006. Obama kept him on when Obama took over. Bernanke did the best he could to clean up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind. The DJIA has gained 10,000 points since Bush43 left office. If you didn't have a Roth IRA, 401K or mutual fund account set up, that is your fault not the fault of the president. You do not have to have a 6 figure income to open up a Roth IRA, you just need to be in the middle class.
flghtr65's Avatar
farter65 & Shit Eater...

the Obama recovery started in June 2009, the average income of the top 1% grew 11.2% in real terms through 2011.

The bottom 99%, in contrast, saw their incomes shrink by 0.4%.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Why would you want to have your savings in a pass book savings account at a local bank when the DJIA is gaining 10,000 points?. IFFY you got outsmarted by your post #45 you DUMB FUCK!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Things don't look good for Mitt or Jeb right now. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I am wondering about your motivation to post this. It seems pretty obvious (and I mean really, really obvious) that most of the conservative/GOP people on this site could give a shit about either Bush or Romney. So what did you hope to accomplish? Unanimous agreement? Or maybe you really think you're making a serious attack and then I wonder about your judgement.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The point is Mitt and Jeb are less popular than they were a year ago and not a lock to get the republican nomination. Bush43 ran the USA into a steep recession. Obama and Tim Geitner got the USA out of the recession. The DJIA has gained 10,000 points since Bush43 left office. If your 401k, Roth IRA or favorite mutual fund is not making any money, then fire the fund manager or get a new fund. FYI, institutional traders buy stocks of companies when profits go up now when they go down. Now that Wall Street has been saved companies are making money. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You and WE must share the same brain. He posted this same thing not more than 36 hours ago and he did it with pictures. Of course he was wrong as you are too. The collapse of the housing market along with bad banking practices caused the recession of 2008. That was caused by the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 and fired up by Clinton practices of the mid 1990s, followed up by the democrats refusing to allow Fannie and Freddie to be auditied in 2005. That recession was 90% democrat inspired. Tell me, when exactly did we get out of the recession. Date and year please. The stock market has gained by transferring the wealth of the middle class to the wealthy by spending $85 billion a month (QE II). If you feel richer than you must be one of the rich SOBs. Yes, my 401K has gone up but I know that it is like a sugar high. At some point it will fall off and I hope to have enough of a lead to break even. Of course, I'm hiding money in my mattress just in case.
RedLeg505's Avatar
You know what the top tax rate was 60 years ago? Between 85-90% depending on the year. 39 sounds pretty good doesn't it? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Yep, and when it was 85-90%, you could also WRITE OFF business lunches, credit card interest and TONS of things you can't write off today. Funny how you guys keep forgetting that part UC.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Moron, Bernanke was appointed by Bush43 in 2006. Obama kept him on when Obama took over. Bernanke did the best he could to clean up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind. The DJIA has gained 10,000 points since Bush43 left office. If you didn't have a Roth IRA, 401K or mutual fund account set up, that is your fault not the fault of the president. You do not have to have a 6 figure income to open up a Roth IRA, you just need to be in the middle class. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Here's what your wiki article says, flighty:

"Bernanke was confirmed for a second term as chairman on January 28, 2010, after being renominated by President Barack Odumbo."
The fact remains: the wealth gap between the 1%ers and the 47ers% grew wider, and that happened on Odumbo's watch, flighty; not Bush43's.

Is that your response, Corpy? Deflect to the STRAWMAN?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It was substantive fact, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, not that you could recognize a fact if it crawled up your rectum and gnawed on your brain.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
At one time the federal tax rate was 1% and that was for people who made their money from investments, stocks, bonds, and the like. The average person who worked for an hourly wage wasn't touched. Why can't we go back to those days? That is your history lesson for the day.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-15-2015, 02:06 PM
I'm just glad to see folks talking about the widening wealth gap...Some of us have been talking about this for a decade or two. I can't wait to see what the GOP plans doing about it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-15-2015, 02:10 PM
At one time the federal tax rate was 1% and that was for people who made their money from investments, stocks, bonds, and the like. The average person who worked for an hourly wage wasn't touched. Why can't we go back to those days? That is your history lesson for the day. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Please tell me the % of GDP spent on the military and how much we spent on the welfare state.
At one time the federal tax rate was 1% and that was for people who made their money from investments, stocks, bonds, and the like. The average person who worked for an hourly wage wasn't touched. Why can't we go back to those days? That is your history lesson for the day. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Government has never been small. Ever. I don't know what days you're talking about. Is it the Headright program in the early colonies, where the government gave away land and the tools to work it just for coming over? Maybe it was the Homestead Act of 1862, when again, the government basically gave away land to those willing to work it. Or maybe it was the FHA, the GI BILL or the like in the last century. All were instances of government creating wealth, especially with the FHA, etc., where they essentially created the white middle class in this country. At one time the black man couldn't vote. Women either. You want to go back to those days? As for your history lesson, you're full of shit, per usual. When the personal tax rate was 1%, like it was from 1913-15, the 1% rate was for people making between $0-$20K. You can check it out in the link provided below. Unlike most of you, I provide factual evidence to back up shit.

Why can't we go back to those days? Because we don't have a time machine, dumbass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Government has never been small. Ever. I don't know what days you're talking about. Is it the Headright program in the early colonies, where the government gave away land and the tools to work it just for coming over? Maybe it was the Homestead Act of 1862, when again, the government basically gave away land to those willing to work it. Or maybe it was the FHA, the GI BILL or the like in the last century. All were instances of government creating wealth, especially with the FHA, etc., where they essentially created the white middle class in this country. At one time the black man couldn't vote. Women either. You want to go back to those days? As for your history lesson, you're full of shit, per usual. When the personal tax rate was 1%, like it was from 1913-15, the 1% rate was for people making between $0-$20K. You can check it out in the link provided below. Unlike most of you, I provide factual evidence to back up shit.

Why can't we go back to those days? Because we don't have a time machine, dumbass. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

So after all that you're admitting that I was right about the federal income tax in 1913-1915 but you still want to complain. As for going to back to the good old days that was a facetious response to an earlier post. I'll try to remember that you need a sarcasm sign from now on.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I can't wait to see what the GOP plans doing about it. Originally Posted by WTF
And I STILL can't wait to see what the DEMS plan to do about it when they HAVE CONTROL OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE AND WHITE HOUSE.

Tell us again what they did to solve it WTF?