Mask Up - Where to get one?

boardman's Avatar
My employer was able to procure quite a few of the antibody tests and sent medical reps out to all their facilities to administer them to anyone who wanted one. Strictly voluntary.....I took it last week and tested negative for all antibodies. My understanding is this particular test checks for several types of antibodies that can determine an approximate timeframe when you may have contracted it if tested positive. We had one employee test positive for the type of antibody saying he’d already had it and recovered fully so he wasn’t required to quarantine....maybe it was a false positive but it’s a person we all work in close proximity to and everyone else tested negative and no one has been sick....including the person who tested positive for the antibodies.... Originally Posted by Russ38
That's interesting. hadn't heard of one that gave a time frame...until today.
So I talked to a friend today that I haven't talked to in a couple of months. He is an independent contractor. His clients have requested that he take the swab test so he's apparently been having it done every few days. He told me he had an antibody test last week. He tested positive. They told him it looked like he had it in November. I kind of thought he was bullshitting but that corroborated his story. He said he was sick in November with a low grade fever and flu-like symptoms but tested negative for flu at the time and hasn't been sick at all since.
Seems like there are still more questions than answers.
How much for a guaranteed positive result? Originally Posted by boardman
$749 because many employers will give you 4 weeks paid sick leave that you can treat as a paid vacation.
LexusLover's Avatar
Last couple of days FDA has put out a warning about the effectiveness of one of the recent tests "on the market"! I didn't pay attention enough to get the precise identity or purpose of the test. If one is "test" focused, then I would suggest checking it out. Personally, I do my own vitals.
Russ38's Avatar
Seems like there are still more questions than answers. Originally Posted by boardman
Without a doubt bm.....I believe we’ll find the answers in the coming months but right now it seems these so called “specialists” are just pulling shit out of their ass to bide the time until science catches up.....
Slitlikr's Avatar
That's interesting. hadn't heard of one that gave a time frame...until today.
So I talked to a friend today that I haven't talked to in a couple of months. He is an independent contractor. His clients have requested that he take the swab test so he's apparently been having it done every few days. He told me he had an antibody test last week. He tested positive. They told him it looked like he had it in November. I kind of thought he was bullshitting but that corroborated his story. He said he was sick in November with a low grade fever and flu-like symptoms but tested negative for flu at the time and hasn't been sick at all since.
Seems like there are still more questions than answers. Originally Posted by boardman

This is what I've always believed.
This covid crap moved through Houston a while ago.
I know too many people with the same story.
We have our herd immunity.
Russ38's Avatar
if California, New Jersey, New York and a few other states hadn't thrown infected people in among the old people....the numbers we see now would be dramatically reduced...... Originally Posted by tbone2u
Absolutely tbone......watching the news earlier, 41% of US fatalities are from nursing homes.....
USAsoldier's Avatar

So many medical science degrees in this thread dang, you smart.

Slitlikr's Avatar

So many medical science degrees in this thread dang, you smart.

Heh. Originally Posted by USAsoldier

Can you get us some MAGA masks from your Commander in Chief?

So many medical science degrees in this thread dang, you smart.

Heh. Originally Posted by USAsoldier
Politicians need to present the data. I find it very suspicious that the NYC metro area has over half the deaths in the country. There are many theories but Cuomo makes it sound like it's just "chance." I don't believe him. Science is skeptical and theories need to be "proven."
Cuomo has always been a jerk. It runs in his family.
To him it's ok to put people with the virus in old folks homes.
Most idiots wouldn't do that....but he's an exceptional idiot.