My life is over...

hobbyprojb's Avatar
I'm new here, but these forums are already taking over my life.


Anyone else meeting a similar fate? Originally Posted by sketchball82
I love Hobbyist Boards. As of now, I'm a member of 10 different Hobbyist Boards...Yes, I have no life..except for spending my hobby money on great looking women. Not a bad life to live if you ask me
Kandy, you have some amazing eyes.
With 15 cats you are able to feed 15 undeserving, lazy and very entitled animals. Rodents; I had a mouse that moved in last fall under the kitchen sink. It would never go into my live trap, but one of the cats had her hide out under the cabinets near the sink and the mouse and the cat got along just fine. The mouse lived out the winter unscathed. All of the cats that have moved in with me are pacifists. Originally Posted by buzzworm86
So your Cats get along good with mice. Thats a new one on me. Well you'll probably be stuck with the mice then. If you try to lay out traps, your cats are gonna warn the mice. I can just imagine it. "Hey, hey mouse, don't step in that it's a trap", lol.
So your Cats get along good with mice. Thats a new one on me. Well you'll probably be stuck with the mice then. If you try to lay out traps, your cats are gonna warn the mice. I can just imagine it. "Hey, hey mouse, don't step in that it's a trap", lol. Originally Posted by acp5762
They probably would warn the mice. I have bought $100.00 in toys over the years and they prfer to play with wire bread ties, ice cubes and destroy house plants. They are a strange breed.
pyramider's Avatar
Fucking newbies . . . .
Kandy, you have some amazing eyes. Originally Posted by bbell3
Aww thanks bell I decided to read through this thread because I'm soo bored and I saw your reply and it put a smile on my face thanks!