Do you know a woman who been tricked or played out of her pussy

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Sure she is.
Hailey I have a friend who is the EXACT same way. She lives in ATL and every week she's met a new DJ, strip club owner, rapper, pro athlete or ninja with money and she's all excited thinking her financial woes have withered away. Then a week later (after she's sucked & fucked) she's back at square one with the dude not answering! I try and try with all my might to school her, but she's not trying to learn.

Worst part is, she's down with the hobby so she should know better! Originally Posted by exoticentyce
My friend lives in ATL too.....for a minute I thought we were talking about the same girl!! lol I guess it's something in the water out there
Yes...just on principle...none of us would condone a low-life scammer rip-off artist.!!

But in fact, Hobby2k11 hit it right on the head.
So she gave up some talk like she lost her lifes savings. HA!
Big deal, she got dreamy and did what she does everyday.
Shes fuckin someone else 2 hrs later anyway.
Her total loss...Not a damn thing...she could have been watchin Opra and the cable died before the end...thats about the same thing.

Now the guy who gives up a Benj for a CBJ and never gets off....
Well, lets not talk about that...
He's just stupid for working hard for 4-6 hrs for that 100... at a job where he has to appear everyday on time and properly attired with a good attitude, ready to make things happen.

She is clearly the one who was wronged and needs our support and donations to the SavAHo foundation.

Come on...give me a break.

Love how men who "trick" women into having sex with them are assholes
But it's ok for girls to lead guys on while they spend money on them with the illusion they'll eventually sleep with them..
Happens to both sides, and that's just how life is... Originally Posted by Hobby2k11
Closed at the request of the OP.