Will someone PLEASE think about the CO2 emissions? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Out of the thousands of flights made around the world we are supposed to track the carbon footprint of one itty bitty plane because?

And I thought the republicans didn't believe in manmade global warming so why worry about Co2 emissions?
Wordsmith's Avatar
Why not have Wordsmith provide a link so I can see the context of what Wordsmith says Obama said and what was actually said before we go proclaiming this some great post of fact. Originally Posted by WTF
Will this do? Simple search would have found it.
waverunner234's Avatar
There is one tiny little thing that everyone seems to forget.

If you calculate the costs of those trips maybe you should keep in mind that all those people travelling with the first lady will get paid, whether they travel or not.
The pilots of her plane, believe me they will get paid, with of without the first lady, so will members of the secret service and everyone else that is involved.
All kinds of other cost will go on, trip or not.

if you only count the marginal costs I bet those trips are much cheaper.
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  • 12-22-2011, 09:59 PM
Will this do? Simple search would have found it. Originally Posted by Wordsmith

Let us see, an article from 03 Feb 2010 (almost two years ago) is the basis for not want to have the First Lady return on a plane on vacation before her husband , who was not sure when he would make it back to Hawaii?

I thought that was your refrence point. I just wanted to make sure that was it.

We disagree as to how they should fly. Personally we elect them evey four years. I do not care how much they use Air Force One. That is wtf it is there for. But if you think they should book through Traveloicty....more power to ya.

You do realize times have changed for the better from two years ago? Like I said, context.
Out of the thousands of flights made around the world we are supposed to track the carbon footprint of one itty bitty plane because?

And I thought the republicans didn't believe in manmade global warming so why worry about Co2 emissions? Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Because it shows their contempt for the common person - that they want to raise their gas bill by passing cap n trade - especially when she could have waited a few days and accompanied hubby. Then the POSITOO throws away billions on the green agenda which is just cronyism in disguise. Whirl is correct, its "Princess Michelle."

I thought Democrats believed in manmade global warming so why NOT worry about CO2 emissions? Haven't you bought into the scam? Of course not. Not a single Greenie complained when the anointed one made 2 trips to Copenhagen in the course of a month for shit he could have phoned in. Simple hypocrisy. Why don't you buy some carbon credits Skylar for him? I see the opportunity/scam when I rent cars and trucks.
..if you only count the marginal costs I bet those trips are much cheaper. Originally Posted by waverunner234
True and I bet the marginal cost is still in the neighborhood of $100K or more. We'll never know because the WH doesn't release the figures.

Its the hypocrisy, contempt of the American people in hard times and a sense of entitlement from the Obamas especially Michelle to not to travel together. Doesn't have anything to do with taking a Christmas vacation.

Must be nice to be the 1%

Occupy Waikiki Hilton!
Wordsmith's Avatar
Let us see, an article from 03 Feb 2010 (almost two years ago) is the basis for not want to have the First Lady return on a plane on vacation before her husband , who was not sure when he would make it back to Hawaii?

I thought that was your refrence point. I just wanted to make sure that was it.

We disagree as to how they should fly. Personally we elect them evey four years. I do not care how much they use Air Force One. That is wtf it is there for. But if you think they should book through Traveloicty....more power to ya.

You do realize times have changed for the better from two years ago? Like I said, context. Originally Posted by WTF
My point was why go to Hawaii and have to rent a place to stay when he has a home in Chicago? Also when you ask citizens to not spend so much. Maybe he could set an example and not spend spend spend. I don't know but how many citizens can take over two weeks of vacation at a time?

Things are better? Really? What is the unemployment percentage currently? Is gas cheaper than when Bush left office? Th economy is in the tank unless you owned Solindra.
Wordsmith's Avatar
There is one tiny little thing that everyone seems to forget.

If you calculate the costs of those trips maybe you should keep in mind that all those people travelling with the first lady will get paid, whether they travel or not.
The pilots of her plane, believe me they will get paid, with of without the first lady, so will members of the secret service and everyone else that is involved.
All kinds of other cost will go on, trip or not.

if you only count the marginal costs I bet those trips are much cheaper. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Huh? So where do all those people stay during the vacation on Air Force One. How about the cost of housing, food, transportation and various other expenses.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2011, 08:05 AM
My point was why go to Hawaii and have to rent a place to stay when he has a home in Chicago? Also when you ask citizens to not spend so much. Maybe he could set an example and not spend spend spend. I don't know but how many citizens can take over two weeks of vacation at a time?

. Originally Posted by Wordsmith
He is the President of the United States of America....not a God Damn Hobo!

You sound like you have penis envy!

Things are better? Really? What is the unemployment percentage currently? Is gas cheaper than when Bush left office? Th economy is in the tank unless you owned Solindra. Originally Posted by Wordsmith do know gas is a world commodity. It was cheap when Bush left office because the world was in a recession.

I do not own Solindra and my world is pretty damn good here in Houston.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wordsmith's Avatar
He is the President of the United States of America....not a God Damn Hobo!

You sound like you have penis envy! Originally Posted by WTF
Hobo? Was Bush a hobo for going to his ranch in Crawford? Or Carter for going to his home in Georgia? Whats wrong with Camp David? As for Michelle going early she didn't leave early because they POTUS might be delayed. She left before the POTUS was scheduled to leave. She really couldn't have waited and left when he was schedule to go?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Can anyone really blame Michelle for wanting to get away from the Anointed One as soon and often as she can?
waverunner234's Avatar
Actually, WTF, try 16.6% Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Why do you so often come up with articles dated around the ice age?
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  • 12-23-2011, 09:04 AM
Hobo? Was Bush a hobo for going to his ranch in Crawford? Or Carter for going to his home in Georgia? Whats wrong with Camp David? As for Michelle going early she didn't leave early because they POTUS might be delayed. She left before the POTUS was scheduled to leave. She really couldn't have waited and left when he was schedule to go? Originally Posted by Wordsmith
He was born and raised in Hawaii....well the born part is up for debate on the nutty right!

I do not give a shit where they vacation. Any of them. Past , Present or Future.

It is a tough job and let them vacation where they may.

You are listening to to much Rush. He has penis envy too. But he gets paid a pile to be so. You make nothing for acting like this. So stop.