Favorite video game or series.

Resistance 1 & 2
Old School: Doom and the Zelda series

The thing that turned me off for a long time in video games is they incorporated jumping in a 3D type mode and when you messed up, you died. Stopped playing for almost 10 years.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I have been a gamer since way back in the Atari 2600 days so Im old school and new school!
Always loved Galaga, remember going to a local arcade and playing Galaga for hours, trying to keep high score as arcade gave prizes for high score of the month!
Play alot of Xbox 360 now and love FPS!
some favs
Bioshock 1 and 2
Left4Dead 1 and 2
Resident Evil 5
Dead Space 1 and 2
Dante's Inferno
Fear 1 and 2
Gears of War 1 and 2
No More Heroes (Wii) very fun game!

plus a few others....BTW May 2011 is going to be a big month for gamers, quite a few games lining up to release soon
Duke Nukem, Red Fraction, FEAR3, LA Noire, Shadows of the Damned...plus later on in the year Gears of War 3, RAGE, Dead Island, Mass Effect 3...cant wait!
Originally Posted by Cane64
For all us over 40 bunch who grew up with the 2600...Atari just released the entire catalog for the iPhone/iPad. Let the good times roll.

-> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/atari...422966028?mt=8
Tr0y's Avatar
  • Tr0y
  • 04-19-2011, 05:13 PM
I looking forward to Battlefield 3. PC version. Xbox is for pussies.
It has been long overdue but I know I'll buy Diablo 3 when and if it ever comes out.
Geez, I've had every American console sold and I was going north and looking in tree stumps since before the blue triangle versed the red triangle. Let's see, in no particular order:I think Lord Brittish set me up for RPG's later, especially the Final Fantasy series. My favourites were 7 and 12. X-2 was awful but ...yeah, I know. My avatar is Shiva from Final Fantasy X. Then Doom of course and I have a nostalgic spot for Myst.

Echo The Dolphin got me hooked on graphics and Sonic is still awsome! Mario solidified my addiction and I have Tetris on every game device I own. I think one of my favourite 360 games is still Crackdown. Some people hated the physics engine but I loved it. Leap tall buildings and blow up 50+gang members with one grenade? Hell yes, sign me up! Crackdown 2 was a disappointment but it was nice picking up a lead pipe and wailing on a guy with it. Oblivion and Fable kept me busy but after a while, meh. GOW, I love to talk trash and I spent way too much time in the Borderlands.

PS2; Okami, Shadow of the Collosus and the Katamari series were staples along with Ratchet and Clank (anything), God Of War series and of course all COD and Metal Gear Solid. I agree that the story line in 2 wasn't as engaging and my favourite NPC of all time is of course, the cardboard box. I like first person shooters and don't want to fly, drive or hover. Except for GTA. GTA 4 was my favourite in that line.

I think some of the best voice acting is in COD4 Modern Warfare 2 and FFX and XII. The absolute worst is anything with Star Ocean in the title.

I game more on PC and PS3. Portal and TF2 are so much better on PC along with almost every other multi-platform game. Crysis made me upgrade and Left 4 Dead was down right spooky. I loved it.

I don't play every day but I have a PS2 at work and when I do play at home, I play for hours and I don't mean an hour, make dinner, 2 hours and go to work. I've been known to buy a new game and take a day or two off. It's a perk of being a grown up. There are so many games, so little time *sigh*

I also have a DSXL, a PSP Go and I bought a color Nook off Craig's List for $75 (a week old, their kid wanted an iPod instead). I rooted it and now I get to complain about how much Angry Birds cheats.
Can't believe more people didn't say GTA, all time fav is san andreas there was so much to do in that game it was ridiculous. I do like tbogt though. I also enjoyed fallout series, oblivion, fable, and need for speed. Yeah i do love rpg's. P.s. Dharma I wish i could meet a s.o. Who enjoyed gaming that much
Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Hawt. You need to visit austin. I have a troll fetish.
Up up down down left right left right b a b a select start!LOL Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
The "Konami Code" - did you know that this code when typed in your keyboard on certain websites unlocks a hidden page or effect? Wikipedia it.
Dang, I can't believe I omitted Wolfenstein and Duke Nukem! (NOT the 3d) Does anyone else remember the original Leisure Suit Larry? See? So many games...
The new Duke Nukem comes out next month
Don't play games much but - tf2 is the last game I was passionate about (wave goodbye to ya head, wanka!). Loved FF1 up to FF7 but now it's a bit too androgynous for me. Portal 2 is giving me a boner, I can't wait. Diablo 3 will be awesome I'm sure (my first roll will be a rainbow-specced unicorn mage). Assassin's Creed 2 is amazing. And of course Angry Birds, PvZ, World of Goo.

it's the Mutha Fuckin' Legend Of Zelda

*Video with sound*

And I hope this isn't too off topic. This video could make me love MMO's but at the very least, Felicia Day makes my tongue hard:

It has been long overdue but I know I'll buy Diablo 3 when and if it ever comes out. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Played the demo at BlizzCon; the game is AWESOME. i can not wait.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-20-2011, 04:40 AM
Breaku321's Avatar
They are supposedly revamping asteroids here pretty soon if it hasn't been released yet on xbox live and ps network . It looked pretty cool from what I've seen. I spent many of quarters on that game lol! There are so many games now that are so good that I can't keep up! Back in the day it used to be maybe one or two titles per year that you would wait for. But now, and as a gamer, you wait for spring because that has become the the months when the much anticipated games come out. Only drawback is there are so many that flood the market. I've had to resort to GameFly to back track on games I have missed. I have to say it's the best thing I have done. And for mobile Bejeweled, angry birds, and cut the rope are a lot of fun. I totally forgot about God of War series!!! The whole thing was a blast to play. Resistance was really good. Resistance 2 not so much, but R3 looks like it will make up for R2's inadequacies. Currently playing Castlevania: Lord of Shadows and to say the least, the franchise has been given new life. I love reboots but some things should be left alone...Cough, cough...Sonic...cough! Lol I love the hedgehog, but when you can't run any further it's just time to stop! Forrest Gump figured out when to stop running why can't Sega?! Anyways I could go on and on but I will stop here! Happy 4/20!!!!